2024 Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education (KACTE) Summer Conference Registration is Open
Conference Dates: July 8-11
Conference Location: Galt House Hotel, Louisville
A tentative conference program has been published on the KACTE website, with the final program available in June. Please be sure to bring your school laptop or device to maximize collaborations, resources sharing and networking!
A Law and Public Safety (LPS) one-pager KACTE schedule has been created for your reference as well, if helpful. You also can consult the Galt House Floor Map for planning.
Important Events
- July 8: Basic Life Support Instructor Training Pre-Conference. Pre-registration and completion of training part 1 and 2 required for attendance. See an email from Erica Settelen for details if signed-up.
- July 9: LPS State Consultant Program Updates
- July 9-10: LPS and General CTE Breakout Sessions and networking
- July 11: LPS breakfast and free prizes. (All who registered will be entered. Must be present to win.)
Visit the KACTE website to register for the conference.
Book your hotel accommodations at the Galt House online or call (800) 843-4258, use group code: 0710KAC. If the code does not work, email KDE's Erica Settelen for assistance. The Galt House will sell out. Do not wait to book. You can cancel your reservation if your travel request is denied.
Perkins funds are often used to fund your attendance. Discuss the idea with your administration today.
***NTI Teachers: Follow all schedules and directives provided by NTI facilitators and/or Jodi Adams and/or Lynda Jackson. They also will take care of your conference registration.
All LPS Teachers: Please Complete Teacher Survey
Please complete the survey to inform planning for the 2024-2025 school year and the KACTE conference.
 NEW!! Legislative Update on CTE Funding Calculation Process
House Bill 499 (2024) makes changes to the funding calculation process for state supplemental career and technical education (CTE) funding (formerly LAVEC funding). This will affect district allocations for the 2024-2025 school year.
The Kentucky Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education (OCTE) looks forward to supporting local districts in understanding the new calculation process and in increasing indicators of high-quality CTE in your programs.
New resources have been added to the OCTE resources page to support CTE supplemental funding recipients. These resources include a State Supplemental CTE Funding Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.
After reviewing these resources, please contact our office with any questions.
2024-2025 Pathway Best Practices, Industry Certifications and Course Deprecations
As the school year draws to a close, it is important to remind all LPS teachers and administrators to review the changes that take effect in the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years that were originally introduced at the 2023 Summer KACTE conference. A brief summary is below and the links to this information are in the far right panel of this newsletter.
- All standalone exam options for the Fire Science and Law Enforcement Services pathway deprecate on June 30, 2024.
- The new industry certification exam stack for both pathways have been published and effective since fall 2023.
- The Homeland Security and Corrections pathways phase out on June 30, 2025.
- A single course from both pathways have been integrated into the 2024-2025 Program of Studies for Law Enforcement Services.
- Pre-Law Studies pathway courses unutilized or minimally utilized have been removed for the 2024-2025 school year and the complete adoption of the new national pathway model will take effect in the 2025-2026 school year Program of Studies.
- The NOCTI Criminal Justice-Advanced exam will remain an industry certification option for the 2024-2025 school year. It will phase out on June 30, 2025.
- The National Association for Legal Support Professionals' Accredited Legal Professional (ALP) will be added to the 2024-2025 industry certification list for pre-law studies and will remain as the only exam option following the June 20, 2025 NOCTI phaseout. This will allow teachers of pre-law pathways to offer and count this exam in 2024-2025 to gather preliminary student performance data to inform instructional needs during this transition period.
- The ALP is currently being revised and modified by the Law and Public Safety Education Network for secondary-level alignment and a more reasonable exam length and time allotment.
 Teachers Breathe Life into CPR Skills at American Heart Association BLS Training
Thank you to all of the LPS and Health Science pathway instructors that joined us on April 25 at the Kentucky Department of Education to participate in part 1 of 3 training modules to earn basic life support instructor certification in preparation to instruct and certify students in the 2024-2025 school year.
A huge thanks to our course instructor, Susan Readnower, HOSA state advisor, for leading the training and to KDE's Office of Career and Technical Education for funding this opportunity for our CTE teachers!
We're already looking forward to seeing these instructors again at KACTE in July, where they will complete their final training module for their instructor credentials.
 Fairdale High School Fire Science Pathway Spotlight
Fairdale High School (Jefferson County) is the first high school pathway in the U.S. to become a licensed Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) exam site!
During a recent ceremony held at the school, Dan Shirley, an instructor at the school’s Fire and EMS Academy, announced the acquisition of the school’s new CPAT license, which allows students to undergo testing before graduation.
“The CPAT is crucial for students aspiring to pursue a career in the fire service,” said Shirley. “Having the opportunity to prepare for the test from the moment they enter the program until their senior year provides them with a significant advantage.”
More of this story can be viewed at the article published online by the Big Red Guide or by watching the YouTube video published by Jefferson County Public Schools.
LFD Donates Fire Truck to Fairdale High School's Fire and EMS Academy
Additionally, industry partnerships established by Fairdale High School's Fire Science instructors Dan Shirley and Rob Barrett also led to the donation of a fire truck by the Louisville Fire Department. You can read more on the WLKY article published on their website.
 Street Law Resource Library NEW and IMPROVED
Check out the new and improved Street Law Library of Instructional Resources.
- No more checkout process
- Simplified account creation
- Improved search functionality
- New filtering feature
- Heart your favorite resources
The same great Street Law resources you count on!
 Supplies Overseas
Supplies Overseas offers field trips, community service opportunities and free supplies for current health science teachers. They can work with you too!
The organization also will be at the 2024 KACTE Conference. If you're driving in to Louisville, it is a great time to check it out in person.
Educators can walk in, grab a basket and shop. Teachers also can order items online and have it delivered or pick them up the same day you have an arranged a field trip and/or community service day.
For more information, email education manager Chanda Fowler.
 2024 ACTE Vision Conference
ACTE's CareerTech VISION is the must-attend event for career and technical education (CTE) professionals. Happening Dec. 4-7 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas, VISION offers comprehensive programming covering high-quality CTE in secondary and postsecondary environments and emerging trends in the field to help career and technical educators thrive in their careers.
VISION provides attendees with a rich array of networking opportunities, an Expo, hundreds of concurrent program sessions and numerous networking opportunities.
Travel information, the conference program and exhibitor floor map can be found on the ACTE Vision website.
Updates for Fire Science Programs
Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) and KDE's Office of Career and Technical Education Release Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Agreement
Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, students with Fire Science Program of Studies (POS) course codes successfully transcripted will be eligible to request approval for credit for prior learning credits upon enrolling in a KCTCS campus offering the Fire Science Degree Program.
Learn more about the CPL agreements by visiting the KCTCS High School Articulation homepage and the KDE Articulated Credit webpage. The approved agreement for Fire Science will be published here before the 2024-2025 school year.
These credits can be pursued with or without prior participation in dual credit coursework.
For more information about Fire Science CPL opportunities, email Erica Settelen or Casey Hall
Kentucky Fire Commission and OCTE announce Apprentice I and II Industry Certification Opportunities
The Kentucky Fire Commission has established two firefighter certification levels for students enrolled in Kentucky Department of Education-sponsored Fire Science programs.
Students will engage in hands-on and lecture training in an environment that allows them to work toward certification as a Kentucky Apprentice I Firefighter (100 hours of training) and as a Kentucky Apprentice II Firefighter (200 hours of training). These programs enable students to acquire knowledge and aptitude of fire service administration and firefighting tasks while still in high school, as these credentials can be issued younger than the age of 18. This allows students to meet postsecondary readiness measures and accrue necessary skills toward service as a career or volunteer firefighter.
All apprentice I or II hours earned will carryover and count toward the earning of the higher-level certification with the Kentucky Fire Commission, Basic I (115 hour) and Basic II (300 hour) certifications. The Basic I and II certifications – even if all hours are earned – cannot be issued until the student is at least 18 years old.
These certifications are only available to students enrolled in a KDE-sponsored Fire Science pathway.
- Apprentices I and II are exclusive to approved CTE Fire Science Programs.
- Hours earned toward certification need to be logged in KyFires. Certification will be issued after students satisfy all training hours and instructors have submitted them for approval for certification in the KyFires portal.
- A copy of the student's certification should be provided to them, retained in the student's home high school cumulative folder and entered into the Technical Education Database System upon earning.
- For more information, email Mary Adams, KCTCS training records specialist.
A reminder for teachers participating in the Basic Life Support provider and instructor certification. Part 2 of instruction training is virtual and completed independently and a copy is due to Erica Settelen by no later than May 30. Part 3 will be offered in a 3-hour training block at the 2024 KACTE summer conference in July at the Galt House Hotel (a pre-registered event).
NOCTI Assessments
If you have selected the NOCTI-Criminal Justice-Advanced for your students' industry certification exam, please ensure you're administering the correct version.
The ONLY approved version is Assessment Blueprint Code 1890 for it to count for career readiness.
If your building assessment coordinator cannot see this option to order in the NOCTI online client services center, please contact Randi VanHemert.
This assessment is approved for law enforcement services or pre-law pathways only.
YouScience Exams for Law Enforcement Services Pathway Stack
Stop the Bleed for Law Enforcement Services and Fire Science
Upcoming Training Dates by LAPSEN
Instructor Training – NFPA 2400 @ NCDPI
Date: Monday, July 15, 8 a.m.-noon
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 2400 Standard for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Used for Public Safety Operations details the safe operation, deployment, and implementation of sUAS, including organization program criteria and considerations, professional qualifications for safety personnel and elements of a maintenance program.
July Instructor Certification Courses are being offered in North Carolina as a part of North Carolina DPI and NCACTE Summer Conference. The cost is included in the regular conference registration.
Educators outside North Carolina should email tom@lapsen.org to sign up.
Instructor Training – NECI 911
You can offer your students national 911 dispatch certification and certify students while getting certified yourself. You can get basic 911 certification through NECI online prior to the instructor course.
Instructor online course dates will be announced in the coming months for the 2024-2025 school year.
Learn more about instructor certification or LAPSEN industry-recognized student credentials on the LAPSEN website.
Register for the 911 dispatch certification training session online.
2024 State SkillsUSA State Leadership Conference
It was a great year at SkillsUSA State Leadership Conference in Louisville,!
A huge congratulations to all Law and Public Safety participants in the crime scene investigation and criminal justice competitive events. The following students and schools placed and some will have the opportunity to advance to nationals in Georgia this June.
- Parker Bowdy, Fern Creek High School (Jefferson County)
- Mia (Sash) Newton, Eastside Technical Center (Fayette County)
- Jacob Browning, Eastside Technical Center (Fayette County)
Criminal Justice
- Liam Clark, Breckinridge County Area Technology Center
- Ava Maguet, Corbin Area Technology Center
- Joshua Titus, Breckinridge County Area Technology Center
Crime Scene Investigation
- Team H: Breckinridge County Area Technology Center
- Team E: EC3: Early College and Career Center, Hardin County
- Team A: Eastside Technical Center (Fayette County)
Get Involved in your Professional Organizations Today
Why Join KACTE?
Consider these benefits of the Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education (KACTE) membership:
- Support from your colleagues and for your professional relationships.
- An opportunity to serve and gain perspective.
- Professional development, including a $60 reduction in the Summer Program registration fee.
- Legislative advocacy. KACTE is the only Kentucky association representing all career and technical education levels and disciplines before both the U.S. Congress and the Kentucky General Assembly.
- Information sharing at conferences, by e-mail blasts and through mailed communication to members.
- ACTE’s Techniques Magazine.
KACTE’s website, Facebook page and Twitter account.
- ACTE Career Tech Update SmartBrief, a daily summary of national educational news complied and e-mailed directly to your computer.
- Insurance, including optional professional liability insurance at $99/year for $1 million in coverage.
- Teaching resources and access to ACTE’s best practices database, podcasts and more.
KACTE members work in all instructional levels of career and technical education, including middle schools, high schools, secondary career and technology centers, technical and community colleges, and universities, as well as at the Kentucky Department of Education and the Kentucky Community and Technical College system offices.
Sign up using the KACTE new membership application.