The Kentucky School for the Deaf Advisory Board will meet Feb. 13

Meeting notice graphic featuring the Kentucky Department of Education and United We Learn logos

Meeting Advisory

Media Contact: Jennifer Ginn

Director of Communications

Office: (502) 564-2000 ext. 4601

Advisory 24-38


Feb. 5, 2024

The Kentucky School for the Deaf Advisory Board will meet Feb. 13

(FRANKFORT, KY) –The Kentucky School for the Deaf (KSD) Advisory Board will meet at 6 p.m. ET on Nov. 16.

Advisory meetings occur on a quarterly basis: August, November, February and May.

Per KRS 167.037, this board is to be composed of nine members appointed by the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) upon the recommendation of the commissioner of education.

The purpose of the board is to act in an advisory capacity to assist school leadership and make recommendations related to: (1) school goals and objectives; (2) budget requests; (3) student services; (4) public relations; (5) construction and maintenance; and (6) program evaluation.

Membership on the board is statewide and consists of two parents of deaf children, one professional in education of the deaf, one former student of the Kentucky School for the Deaf, one member of the Kentucky Association for the Deaf (KAD), two members who represent school districts, and two members at large. A majority of the board's membership is persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Advisory Board Members
Hailey Brock, Kentucky Association for the Deaf
Robin Bush, District Representative
Anita Groenwoldt, District Representative
Scott Haun, Professional in the education of the Deaf
Jeff Kassinger, Member at Large
Kela Parton, Member at Large
Erin Rhoden, Parent of deaf children
Cathy White, Parent of deaf children
Bethany Yance, Former Student

A full agenda follows:

Kentucky School for the Deaf Advisory Board Meeting
Feb. 13, 2024, 6 - 8 p.m. ET
Kerr Hall Open Area at KSD, 303 S. Second St., Danville, KY 40422
Watch Live on the KSD YouTube Channel


  • Chair, Jeff Kassinger

    • Welcome and call to order

    • Approve Nov. 16, 2023, meeting minutes

    • Welcome new KSD Advisory board members

  • Robin Kinney, Interim Commissioner

    • Update on principal search

  • Lynn Petrey, Interim Principal

    • Principal Updates

      • New staff

      • Non-voting student member discussion

      • Outdoor table rededication

      • Robotics and mathematics trip, Quanchen Warmack and Lee Alan Roher, KSD Educators

      • Media update, Jarod Mills, Director of Technology

      • Student life update, Justin Padgett, Director of Student Life

      • Campus update, Rick Westerfield, Operations Manager/Transportation Director

  • Shannon Sparkman, Director of State Schools

    • Kentucky Department of Education Update

  • Tony Peavler, Director of Outreach

    • KSD Outreach Program Overview

  • Jeff Kassinger, Chair

    • Discussions, goals, objectives and recommendations of the KSD Advisory Board

    • Public comments

    • Next meeting date

    • Adjournment