Question of the Week
Q: When does the Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) Portal open for the ACT Spring 2024 Junior Administration?
A: ACT’s TAA portal, accessed via, opens today (Nov. 13, 2023) and closes on Jan. 19, 2024, for the Spring 2024 Junior Administration for accommodations and supports initial requests or associations. ACT and KDE encourage testing staff to request new accommodations and supports or associate students who were previously approved for accommodations and supports before leaving for Christmas break, in order to meet key deadline dates in preparation for the start of the spring 2024 junior administration. Step 3 of the ACT-hosted website contains comprehensive information about requesting new or associating previously approved accommodations and supports. This includes helpful resources such as the TAA User Guide and Retesting with Accommodations.
Please ensure testing staff involved with requesting new or associating previously approved accommodations and supports are aware that TAA is open. For questions and assistance, please contact ACT at 800.553.6244, ext. 1788 or email Additionally, you may contact Shara Savage with any questions, concerns or assistance.
Important Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment (AKSA) Update
The Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) has been made aware of an issue identified with Grade 8 Reading AKSA. For all students completing the Grade 8 Reading AKSA, please enter “C” as the correct response for Grade 8 Reading, Task A, number 3.
During test administration, after reading the passage, students should skip Reading question 3 and complete all other questions associated with the passage. Question 3 will not impact the student's score. For questions please email Jaci Norman at UK or call (859) 218-0254.
Reminder: AKSA Window 1 Administration to Begin Nov. 13
Test administration for Window 1 will begin on Nov. 13 and close on Dec. 15. All scores MUST be entered into the Student Registration Database (SRD) by Dec. 22.
The AKSA test administrator must pass the qualification quiz prior to administering the AT and a copy of the quiz certificate must be given to the District Assessment Coordinator (DAC). Although the AKSA Overview and Attainment Tasks (AT) Combined Training closed on Nov. 10, DACs must contact KDE if test administrators need to be trained. Test administrators will receive testing materials from the DAC to administer the AT.
For questions, please email Krista Mullins or call (502) 564-4394 ext. 4759.
As staff prepare for the 2023-2024 ACCESS for ELLs testing season, it’s a good time to get reacquainted with all things ACCESS for ELLs. New or experienced testing staff need to browse the Everything you’ve ever wanted to know: ACCESS for ELLs 2023-2024 news article for a quick refresher on training, preparing students, staying connected with families, state-specific guidance, and who to contact for more assistance.
Please share with all testing staff in the schools and districts.
New WIDA Focus Bulletin Explores Accessibility Features for Online Assessments
ACCESS for ELLs Online and WIDA Screener Online have built-in accessibility features to help ensure that all students have a fair and equitable test-taking experience. WIDA recently conducted two studies to gain a better understanding of educators’ and students’ perceptions of the universal tools available for these online assessments. In WIDA’s new focus bulletin, Using Embedded Universal Tools to Support Students’ Test-taking Experience, the authors provide an overview of research surrounding accessibility features on WIDA online assessments and share insights from educators and students on which universal tools are recommended, and which tools are used.
Please share this information with all educators in the schools and districts.
Tell WIDA About ACCESS Accommodations Decision-Making
WIDA is interested in learning more about how districts and schools determine accommodations on ACCESS for ELLs, Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, and WIDA Alternate ACCESS. If you have experience working with multilingual learners with disabilities and have been a part of this decision-making process, please respond to the survey. The input could allow WIDA to create additional resources to help student support teams make accommodations decisions. The survey should take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete and closes on Dec. 15 at 11:59 p.m. CT.
Spread the word: WIDA knows determining accommodations is a team decision. Share the survey link with classroom teachers, special education educators, speech and language specialists, and administrators who are also key players in this process.
Reminder: Upcoming WIDA Q&A Webinars
Please join WIDA and DRC to learn about the following topics:
Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs for New Test Administrators Tuesday, Nov.14 at 1-2 p.m. CT.
During Testing: Managing Students in WIDA AMS for ACCESS Online Thursday, Nov. 16 at 1-2 p.m. CT.
Learn more and add these upcoming webinars to the calendar on the Webinars page (login required).
Can’t make it? The recordings for WIDA Q&A Webinars are posted to the WIDA Secure Portal on the Webinars page within a week of the presentation.