KDE seeks feedback, recommendations on Kentucky School Report Card

Meeting notice graphic featuring the Kentucky Department of Education and United We Learn logos

News Release

Media Contact: Toni Konz Tatman

Chief Communications Officer

Office: (502) 564-2000, ext. 4602

Advisory 23-401


Nov. 14, 2023

Seeking Feedback

KDE seeks feedback, recommendations on Kentucky School Report Card

(FRANKFORT, KY) – To help ensure the Kentucky School Report Card is providing valuable information about Kentucky's public schools, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) is seeking input from administrators, educators, families and the community at large through a new survey.

KDE is in the process of seeking a vendor to create Kentucky’s new School Report Card website beginning with the 2023-2024 report card, scheduled for release in late fall 2024. The current Kentucky School Report Card site has been in place for five years, and the 2022-2023 release is the final release for this website.

The initial focus in year one of the new Kentucky School Report Card website will be meeting all federal and state requirements, but KDE wants your input to help ensure the Kentucky School Report Card provides a valuable resource for families, educators and local communities. The input received will help with defining priorities and shaping future report cards. 

To fill out the survey, visit the Kentucky School Report Care Feedback Survey Google form.