Question of the Week
Q: Has the information been released on Accountability Indicators?
A: The Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) is proud to release the Accountability Indicator Trainings. This set of PowerPoint presentations and videos include an overview of Kentucky’s school accountability system, and in-depth explanations of each indicator.
The OAA has developed training materials for each indicator and overall performance.
Please visit the KDE Media Portal to view the training videos for 2023 Accountability Indicator Trainings
2023-2024 Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Training/Quiz Now Open
The 2023-2024 Transition Attainment Record (TAR) training and online quiz are now open. The Administration Guide is available to print or download currently. The TAR Quiz is scheduled to open the afternoon of Oct. 2 and will close Monday, March 25. The actual training will remain posted to the Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment site. TAR administration begins Monday, Oct. 2 and will end Friday, May 24.
Link to Training:
Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Training Video
Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Training PowerPoint
For any questions, please contact Krista Mullins by email or by phone at (502) 564-4394 ext. 4759.
ACT State Testing Office Hour - Oct. 11
OAA and ACT will be hosting an office hour session on Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 11 a.m. ET, which will focus on the activities associated with preparing to administer the ACT during Test Window #2. The session will be hosted via a Microsoft Teams meeting. While the content will be focused on those specific tasks, KDE and ACT encourage testing staff to attend and ask any questions they may have at this time. Please be sure to provide testing staff with this Microsoft Teams Link for the upcoming session.
ACT Fall 2023 State Senior (Optional) Administration: Test Window 2 - Additional Order Window Closing Soon
The window for testing staff to order additional materials, such as non-college reportable paper materials or additional resources to return materials that result from an online administration, will close on Friday, Oct. 6. With the initial materials having been delivered, testing staff should inventory their material to ensure they have what is needed to support the administration and return of materials. If additional material is needed, testing staff can view the Ordering Additional ACT Materials training tutorial to obtain information about placing an additional order in PearsonAccessnext. For questions or assistance, please contact Shara Savage.
Scott Trimble Assessment Workshop
Please join us for the 30th Anniversary of the Scott Trimble Assessment Workshop on October 26-27, 2023, at Crowne Plaza Louisville, KY. We will host 2 pre-conference sessions featuring Jana Beth Francis and KDE Staff/KAAC Board members on Thursday from 1:00-4:00 and from 4:00 -5:00 we will have a meet and mingle. We will begin on Friday morning with breakfast Keynote speakers Rhonda Sims, Associate Commissioner and Jennifer Stafford, Director in the Office of Assessment and Accountability. The day will be filled with quality workshop sessions, lunch, DAC and BAC of the Year Awards, and our Keynote Speaker Micki Ray, Chief Academic Officer in the Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL)! Check out our website for more information at You will not want to miss out on this fantastic opportunity!
Register Now
This is the last week to book your room for the upcoming Scott Trimble Workshop. If you haven't done so already
Crowne Room Hotel Reservations
Assessment Scores in Infinite Campus
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) strives to publish student results data in Infinite Campus (IC) as it becomes available. KDE will begin publishing Postsecondary Readiness and Alternate Postsecondary Readiness 2022-2023 scores to districts beginning on Wednesday, October 4th.
Please email KDE data services inbox with any questions on this matter.
2023 KSA Released Items Training Now Available
In an effort to support districts with the recent 2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) released items and associated data files, Pearson has developed a PowerPoint and accompanying training video.
The Kentucky Spring 2023 Released Items PowerPoint and Kentucky Spring 2023 Released Items Training Video explain the structure and contents of the files and how to access released test items that are connected to the data.
These KSA data provide evidence of student learning that helps to inform decision-making related to teaching and learning. Along with other data at the school level, these data can provide insight into student outcomes and provide a clearer picture of school performance.
For questions related to released items or data files, DACs may contact the Pearson Support Desk at (888) 437-1430 (Hours: 6 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. CT) or email
Additional Career Readiness Options – Kentucky Board of Education (KBE)- Approved Cooperative Education and Internships
Prior to SB 25 (2023), the option to achieve career readiness in the alternative high school diploma course of study was to complete all four Career Work Experience Certification (CWEC) courses and meet benchmark on the ESAR. Refer to the Working with Exceptional Children in CTE for more information.
Now, students in an alternative high school diploma course of study have additional options for career readiness. A student who successfully completes a KBE-approved cooperative (co-op) education or internship that is aligned with a credential or associate degree, and which provides a minimum of 300 hours of on-the-job work experience is an indicator of postsecondary readiness in Kentucky's Accountability System. The KBE has approved a list of work-based learning (WBL) courses to be used for this indicator. The following CWEC course codes are now available and may be utilized for students enrolled in the alternative high school diploma course of study:
- Developing Career Options: 600184
- Developing Leadership Skills: 600190
- Experience in Workplace Principles: 600189
- Individualized Career Work Experience: 600185
UPDATE: The CWEC courses are now available in Infinite Campus (IC) to track co-op and internship hours associated with a course. Schools and districts should identify a staff member to be responsible for reporting student co-op and internship data in the “Career Readiness Record” tab in Infinite Campus (IC). Instructions on how to enter WBL records for students is available on the KDE KSIS Data Standards webpage and can be found in the Career Readiness – Work-Based Learning Data Standard document. There is also a Career Readiness Report in IC that will help schools and districts validate WBL records.
For students whose work experiences are not associated with a co-op course code and have completed 300 on-the-job hours with an employer partner and the school or district aided with the student’s work experience, the school or district may apply to the KBE to earn accountability for school-sanctioned individual work experience that was not associated with a course code.
For more information, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Co-ops and Internships for State Accountability Document and Accountability and Postsecondary Readiness in CTE. For further assistance with alternative high school diploma course of study career readiness, please contact Sherri Craig, Office of Career and Technical Education.
Kindergarten ACCESS Pilot Test 2024 Recruitment
WIDA needs school sites to participate in the Kindergarten ACCESS Pilot Test 2024! The pilot test is set to take place February through April 2024 and is a key step in the process of redesigning Kindergarten ACCESS. During the pilot test, participating sites will administer a brand-new version of Kindergarten ACCESS to students.
To learn more about the pilot test, look over the Kindergarten ACCESS Pilot Test 2024 flyer. If Kindergarten educators in the schools are interested in participating in the pilot test, fill out the Kindergarten ACCESS Pilot Test participation survey. Participating school sites will receive $100 per school for a half day (four hours) of participation and up to $200 per school for a full day (more than four hours) of participation.
Deadline Extended: Participate in the WIDA Standards Implementation Study
WIDA is conducting a survey to better understand how educators make sense of and implement the WIDA ELD Standards Framework, 2020 Edition. The survey will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey, there is an optional extension opportunity for educators who wish to further engage with WIDA on this topic.
Participation in this study will provide the opportunity to lift educator voice and inform future development of resources and professional learning. WIDA encourages interested educators to complete the survey by Tuesday, Oct. 31
Reminder: Upcoming WIDA Technology Q&A Webinar
Please join WIDA and DRC to learn about the following topic:
Pre-Testing: Software Updates and Tech Readiness Checklist Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 1-2 p.m. CT
Learn more and add this upcoming webinar to the calendar on the Webinars page (login required).
Can’t make it? The recordings for WIDA Q&A Webinars are posted to the WIDA Secure Portal on the Webinars page within a week of the presentation.
Online Management System Screening Summary Report
The Office and Assessment and Accountability (OAA) and Curriculum Associates (CA) were recently made aware of two missing domain labels on the Screening Summary Report on the Online Management System (OMS). Curriculum Associates has corrected this issue, ensuring the two domain labels, Language Development and Social -Emotional Development, populate on the Screening Summary Report providing complete results for parents and guardians. Please contact Lisa Jett with any questions.