"Routines are normal, natural, healthy things. But once routines become routine, you need to change your routine."
― Rick Warren
By the fall, we tend to hit our stride and easily start falling into daily routines. Routines provide a solid foundation for success, but it's crucial to remember that there's a fine line to walk when those routines risk becoming stagnant.
Let innovation propel your journey toward even greater achievements. As the educational landscape evolves, so should your methods. By challenging the status quo, you pave the way for fresh insights and dynamic solutions, ensuring that the students we serve receive the best opportunities possible.
Kentucky's ESSA Waiver Request Approved by USED
An announcement was included in the Sept. 18, 2023, Commissioner’s Monday Message regarding the U.S. Department of Education’s (USED) approval of the Kentucky Department of Education’s (KDE’s) request to waive several program requirements under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. The full announcement is available in the Sept. 18, 2023, Commissioner’s Monday Message.
The following is a summary of the requirements that have been waived for the Title I, Part A program:
- Carryover limitation in section 1127(b) of the ESEA for school year 2022-2023 Title I, Part A funds that will become carryover funds on Oct. 1, 2023. This waives the requirement that limits KDE’s ability to grant to its local education agencies (LEAs) a waiver of the 15% Title I, Part A carryover limitation in section 1127(a) to once every three years. Districts that have received a carryover waiver in the last three years may request another for Project 310J if needed. Please note that districts must still follow the carryover waiver request process outlined in the September Title I newsletter in order to be granted a carryover waiver.
- Period of availability of funds in section 421(b) of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA). This will allow KDE to extend the period of availability of school year 2021-2022 (Project 310I) funds in which Kentucky participates under its approved consolidated ESEA state plan. The period of availability will be extended until June 30, 2024. School and district staff who work with these programs must continue to provide assistance to the same populations served by the respective programs.
Please contact your Title I, Part A consultant with any questions regarding the waiver of these requirements.
Supporting Gifted and Talented with Title I Funds
Many applications this year have included unallowable uses of Title I funds in support of gifted and talented (GT) services. Refer to the Help for Current Page of the Introduction Page in the FY24 application for clarification on allowable uses of Title I funds for GT programming.
Title I, Part A funds may be used to support certain initiatives related to GT students, provided the expenditure is aligned with the intent and purpose of the Title I, Part A program. In general, the purpose of Title I, Part A is to serve the lowest-achieving students.
Funds may be used to prepare students who are at risk of failing to enroll in more advanced coursework that can prepare them for potential identification and participation in the GT program. Additionally, funds may be used to provide professional development for instructional staff about how to identify and better support gifted students within the mainstream classroom. For example, classroom teachers may attend a training focused on how to effectively differentiate instruction for gifted students.
Since GT students overall would not be considered at-risk of failing to meet state standards, the funds could not be used for activities for this group as a whole (for example: testing to identify students for GT services, providing services/materials for the GT program).
If your district wishes to support GT students with Title I funds, coordinate with your district GT coordinator to share the parameters of allowability. Please contact your Title I consultant with any questions.
Coming Soon: Statewide Consolidated Monitoring
The Title I, Part A program participates in the Kentucky Department of Education’s (KDE’s) statewide consolidated monitoring process each year, along with other state and federal programs.
Districts are selected for monitoring using a risk assessment tool developed in accordance with the Uniform Grant Guidance regulations regarding monitoring, including 2 CFR 200.332 and 2 CFR 200.519. Program monitors note effective practices identified during the monitoring visit, provide recommendations for improvement and issue corrective actions that must be addressed, as applicable.
Monitoring for the 2023-2024 school year will begin in January and the selected districts will be notified this month. Additional information on the monitoring process, as well as a list of participating programs, is available on KDE's Statewide Consolidated Monitoring Process webpage.
In Case You Missed It: Activities for Children Boost District's Family Engagement Efforts
ESEA Now (formerly Title I Admin) published an article on Aug. 16 entitled, “Activities for children boost district's family engagement efforts.”
As mentioned in the August Title I Webinar, one great way to boost parent attendance at parent and family engagement events is to provide activities for students alongside parent programming. For example, a school may elect to pay stipends for teachers to host children’s sessions on cyber safety in one part of the school, while also hosting a workshop for parents run by the local police department or an outside consultant in another part of the school. Students receive age-appropriate instruction at the same time that parents receive more in-depth information about keeping kids safe online.
Check out the article for some additional ideas on hosting children’s activities at your parent and family engagement events. Providing stimulating activities to occupy students may be your biggest draw for attendance!
Resources for Allowability
With each new school year comes questions surrounding allowability and new questions surrounding possible purchases. As a reminder, 2 CFR 200.302(b)(7) requires districts to maintain written allowability procedures as part of their financial systems.
The Kentucky Department of Education’s Allowable Cost Checklist and Procedures for Title I, Part A Funds contains additional information on these procedures, as well as tips and guiding questions that will assist you in developing this document for your district. Aspects of allowability also have been discussed in newsletters and webinars over the course of this year. Please refer to the following list to review this information: