Question of the Week
Q: Will high school seniors have the option to take the ACT in the fall of 2023?
A: Yes. KDE and ACT have worked to modify the 2023-2024 school year ACT contract. The contract includes the specific details of the fall administration, which has been finalized, and all dates are confirmed. The Fall 2023 Senior (Optional) Administration is an optional opportunity for all public-school grade 12 students. This is an optional opportunity for all of Kentucky’s Public high school seniors; therefore, it is not mandatory. However, it is the expectation that every district/school offers this ACT fall senior administration opportunity to its students.
The ACT Online Standard & ACT- Authorized Accommodations Testing Window (Online only)
October 3-5 & October 10-12
The ACT-Authorized Accommodations Testing Window (Paper)
The ACT Online Standard & ACT- Authorized Accommodations Testing Window (Online only)
October 17-19 & October 24-26
The ACT-Authorized Accommodations Testing Window (Paper)
Please Note: ACT and OAA have worked to secure an Emergency Test Window 3. OAA will work with districts should a statewide emergency arise.
Training Dates and Registrations
As a reminder, the modified contract limits are placed on the sale of the ACT college admissions exam for grade 11 and 12 students through the ACT District Testing program. ACT’s District Testing program is separate and unique from KDE’s state testing program and, at this time, may only be used to administer the ACT to grades 9 and 10 students. Districts and schools will see that the option to enroll grades 11 and 12 students has been eliminated from the district enrollment form for ACT college entrance exam testing, and districts and schools will continue to be responsible for all funding for their participation in the ACT District Testing program in the fall of 2023 and/or spring of 2024.
ACT Fall 2023 Senior (Optional) Administration: Test Accessibility and Accommodations Portal Open Now!
ACT’s Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) portal, accessed via the Success Site, is open for Fall 2023 Senior (Optional) Administration for accommodations and supports initial requests or associations. ACT and KDE encourage testing staff to request new accommodations and supports or associate students who were previously approved for accommodations and supports to meet key deadline dates in preparation for the start of the fall 2023 senior administration. Step 3 of the ACT-hosted State Testing Website contains comprehensive information about requesting new or associating previously approved accommodations and supports. This includes helpful resources such as the TAA User Guide and Retesting with Accommodations.
Please ensure that testing staff involved with requesting new or associating previously approved accommodations and supports are aware that TAA is open. For questions and assistance, please contact ACT at 800.553.6244, ext. 1788 or email ACTStateAccoms@act.org. Additionally, you may contact Shara Savage with any questions, concerns or assistance.
Celebrating 20 Years of WIDA
WIDA turns 20 years old this year! To celebrate and show appreciation for teachers, WIDA is giving away a hundred $50 Amazon gift cards for teacher supplies and three 2023 WIDA Annual Conference packages. Enter the giveaway by August 11.
Look back at how the organization came to be and grew into what it is today. It all started with a grant from No Child Left Behind and just 3 states involved. Today, WIDA is a large-scale consortium with over 41 member states, territories, and federal agencies. Read more about how WIDA got here and where WIDA is hoping to go in the next 20 years.
Reminder: Upcoming WIDA Screener for Kindergarten Q&A Webinar
Please join WIDA and Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) to learn about the following assessment topic:
WIDA Screener for Kindergarten Tuesday, July 25 at 1-2 p.m. CT
Learn more and add this upcoming webinar to calendar on the Webinars page (login required).
Can’t make it? The recordings for WIDA Q&A Webinars are posted to the WIDA Secure Portal on the Webinars page within a week of the presentation.
Reminder: Know Where to Find Reports in WIDA AMS
Find WIDA Screener Online Individual Student Reports and data export under Batch Download.
After ACCESS materials have been shipped to the district, find the Secure Material Testing Report in Published Reports (Note: this section of Reporting Services will be available in the fall.)
Beginning in spring 2024, find translated 2023-2024 ACCESS individual student reports under Batch Download, and other ACCESS score reports under Published Reports.
In This Issue
ACT Fall 2023 ACT Senior Administration Dates
ACT Fall 2023 Senior (Optional) Administration: Test Accessibility and Accommodations Portal Open Now!
Celebrating 20 Years of WIDA
Reminder: Know Where to Find Reports in WIDA AMS
Reminder: Upcoming WIDA Screener for Kindergarten Q&A Webinar
Previous Topics
2023 Fall Reporting Data Review
2023 WIDA Annual Conference
ACT Fall 2023 ACT Senior Administration Dates (Tentative)
Assessment Scores in Infinite Campus
Deadline for G-Codes to be Entered into IC for 2022-2023 School Year (Reminder)
July Monthly DAC Webcast
K Screen Training of Trainers for New Staff
KSA and AKSA Early Release Data
New Video Resource for WIDA AMS
Reminder: ACCESS Training Courses Unavailable for Summer 2023
Reminder: WIDA Customer Service Hours
Important Dates
July 25: WIDA Screener for Kindergarten Q&A Webinar 1-2 p.m. CT
July 31: Deadline for G-Code End Status and Graduation Tab Completion in IC for all Summer Graduates
August 1: WIDA Screener Online Q&A Webinar 1-2 p.m. CT
August 2: 2023 New DAC Informational Seminar
August 2-10: Fall Reporting Data Review Window in SDRR
August 11: Deadline for Entering the WIDA Giveaways
August 31: Deadline for Completing the 2023-2024 WIDA Self-Paced Workshops
September 1: 2023-2024 ACCESS Training Courses Available in the WIDA Secure Portal
October 17-20: 2023 WIDA Annual Conference
October 26-27: 2023 Scott Trimble Workshop
November 2: 2023 Ohio River Valley ACT Conference
SDRR Secure Web App SRD
PearsonAccessnext ACT KSA
ACCESS for ELLs ACT KSA Alternate KSA Kindergarten Screen DAC Emails School Report Card Open House
Helpful Links
ACT Admin Code Training Registration KAAC NAEP Pearson
Office of Assessment and Accountability Division of Assessment and Accountability Support (502) 564-4394
KDE DAC Information