KSA Office Hour
The Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) in collaboration with Pearson is hosting our 2nd office hour session today, Friday, April 28 at 10 a.m. ET. Pearson will provide a tutorial to assist District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) and Building Assessment Coordinators (BACs) with tasks to be completed in PearsonAccessnext (PAN) including transferring students, attending to Work Requests and exiting and resuming sessions. DACs, BACs and all test administrators will be able to ask questions and receive assistance during this time. Questions can be submitted prior to the office hour using the KSA Office Hour Form. Please use the link below to join the Teams meeting. DACs, please share this link with any BACs or test administrators that may find this session helpful.
KSA Office Hour Session 2 – Friday, April 28, 10-11 a.m. ET
Office Hour sessions will not be recorded. However, an additional office hour is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17 at 10 a.m. ET. A link to this session will be available closer to date.
Please note that the questions asked during the office hour sessions should be specific to the KSA administration and not include personal identifying information. For questions, please contact Melissa Chandler or call (502) 564-4394 Ext. 4756.
Office of Assessment and Accountability Division of Assessment and Accountability Support (502) 564-4394
KDE DAC Information