Question of the Week
Q: How do DACs and BACs transfer students between districts within the PearsonAccessnext (PAN) system?
A: District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) and Building Assessment Coordinators (BACs) should create a Work Request in PAN when a new student transfers to the district. Please refer to directions for Creating/Approving/Deleting a Work Request located on page 27 in the 2023 Spring KSA Test Administration Manual. Directions are also available for transferring a student between schools within the same district. Pearson is encouraging DACs and BACs to look for Work Requests within PAN upon each login. Work requests are indicated by a red bell in the black page toolbar. There are currently over 70 work requests for student transfers within PAN that need to be addressed.
If you have any questions, please contact Pearson Kentucky Customer Service at 888-437-1430.
2023 New DAC Informational Seminar
The New District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) Seminar helps set the stage for DACs. As a DAC you play a critical role in impacting student learning in the district. Join Kentucky Association for Assessment Coordinators (KAAC) for a day where the stage is set for DACs of all levels of experience. This newly designed workshop features an in-depth time to focus on the role of assessment and accountability in schools and districts, the organization every DAC needs to know and time to develop your understanding of accountability in Kentucky. The workshop will be facilitated by KAAC board members focused on making sure each new DAC has a smooth transition into this essential job. The workshop features networking time to meet other DACs and KDE staff. DACs of any experience level are invited to attend the New DAC Seminar on August 2 at 9 a.m.-3 p.m. ET at the KDE Building- 300 Sower Frankfort.
DRC Technical Enhancement Q&A Webinar
Join the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) and Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) for the DRC Technical Enhancement for 2023-2024 Q&A webinar on upcoming changes and enhancements to DRC INSIGHT and the WIDA AMS platform arriving in July 2023. This webinar will be presented on Thursday, May 18 from 1 p.m.-2 p.m. CT and will include discussion of the following:
- Changes to Student Management and Test Management applications in WIDA AMS
- New Import Management Reporting Services Applications
- Some Enhancements to DRC INSIGHT
Go to the Webinars page in the WIDA Secure Portal to learn more. If unable to attend the Q&A webinar the recording will be posted on the Webinars page within a week of the presentation.
Advancing ALTELLA Pilot Study: Looking for Families, Educators of ELs
This spring, the Advancing ALTELLA team is conducting a pilot study to learn more about the in-development Tell Us About Your Child Survey, which is a questionnaire for families/caregivers of students who are potential English Learners (ELs) with significant cognitive disabilities and who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). In the future, this questionnaire can be used by educators to inform screening and assessment decisions for students. The pilot study involves a one-hour remote interview with parents/guardians and a one-hour interview with their child’s educator.
For more information and how the district and schools can participate in the pilot study, please check out the Tell Us About Your Child Survey Pilot Study Flyer.
ACT Spring 2023 Junior Administration – Reporting Timeline and Training Opportunity
With the ACT spring administration now complete, KDE and ACT want to ensure school and district staff have access to data and reports. As is detailed in the 2023 Score Report Schedule, scores will be released as processed by ACT, which will be completed approximately 3 to 8 weeks after the test is administered. The scores will be available within ACT’s Online Reporting System, which is housed at ACT Success for Organizations Website and students can access an electronic copy of their results in the MyACT account. Final data and reports will be available no later than May 22. Please note that the results that are available within the online reporting system and MyACT accounts prior to May 22 are not embargoed. If there are questions about accessing data within the online reporting system, please complete this ACT Contact Webform
Please also be aware that ACT is hosting a webinar designed to help testing staff better understand the Online Reporting System. This webinar will offer school and district staff the opportunity to ask questions and obtain answers in real-time. The session will take place on April 19 at 1 p.m. ET, and staff are encouraged to register for Online Reporting Webinar. Alternatively, staff can view an on-demand version of the webinar content, which is available within step 7 of the ACT-hosted website.
2022-2023 EOP Assessment Results and Certificates Are Now Available in E-SESS
The 2022-2023 CTE End-of-Program (EOP) Assessment performance results and certificates are now available in E-SESS, April 17. District Assessment Coordinators (DACs), CTE EOP Assessment Coordinators and Additional E-SESS Report Users may use the same E-SESS account information previously provided by E-SESS to log into the KYEOP organization to access 2022-2023 CTE EOP Assessment performance results. Please refer to the instructions provided to assessment coordinators for more details.
CTE EOP Assessment Coordinators and DACs now have access to print the CTE EOP Assessment certificates from E-SESS. Please ensure that students receive their certificates and the recognition they deserve for passing the assessments. All 2022-2023 CTE EOP Assessments are associated with statewide articulation agreements. Please refer to the KDE Statewide Articulation Agreements web page for more information.
For questions, please contact Sherri Craig, Office of Career and Technical Education, or by phone (502) 564-4286 Ext. 4226.
April Monthly DAC Webcast
The Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA), Division of Assessment and Accountability Support (DAAS) hosted its live monthly DAC Webcast virtually, Thursday, April 13, from 11 a.m. – 12 noon ET.
The meeting was hosted by Jennifer Stafford, Director, in the Division of Assessment and Accountability Support. She was joined by Lisa Jett, Helen Jones, Ben Riley, and Shara Savage who provided important assessment and accountability topics. The agenda topics included:
- K-Screen Training
- AKSA Window 2
- Consultant Position
- ACT Reporting and Spring 2024 Junior Testing Dates
- Site Visits - In Person and Virtual
The April 2023 DAC Webcast PowerPoint and the DAC Webcast Video are available on the right-hand side of the KDE Meetings and Trainings webpage. The recorded session is posted on the KDE Media Portal. The May DAC Webcast is cancelled due to state assessments.