Kentucky Alternate Assessment – CWEC Training / Quiz Opens today, Sept. 9
The Career Work Experience Certification (CWEC) qualified CWEC administrator training and quiz opens in the Online Training System (OTS) today, Sept. 9. Please visit the Kentucky Alternate Assessment Program (KAAP) website for access to the CWEC training and quiz.
Districts and schools should continue to maintain supporting evidence for the Employability Skills Attainment Record (ESAR) and CWEC in the Career Ready Alternate Assessment Folder (CRAAF). Refer to the Working with Exceptional Children in CTE web page on the KDE website for additional resources, including the CWEC Administration Guide and District CWEC Checklist. Refer to the 2022-2023 Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment Calendar for a complete list of CWEC and ESAR dates.
For questions related to career readiness opportunities for students in an alternate high school diploma course of study or alternate assessment, please contact Sherri Craig, Office of Career and Technical Education, or Bill Bates, Exceptional Child Educational Consultant for CTE in the Office of Special Education and Early Learning. For assistance with the Online Training System (OTS) or Career Ready Database (CRD), contact Darrell Mattingly, Kentucky Alternate Assessment Program (KAAP) at UK-HDI.
Alternate Assessment Students Marked Blind/Visually Impaired (VI) On Individualized Education Program (IEP): Deadline Extension
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) will provide tactically enhanced supplemental materials (e.g., maps, graphs) for some grades on the Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment Attainment Tasks (AT) to students who have visual impairments. A small and final extension for ordering materials has been obtained from the vendor. KDE must verify that the student has VI marked on their IEP. If a student qualifies for these materials, please complete the following tasks:
- Verify a visual impairment has been clearly marked in the current IEP and the student is identified as participating in Kentucky’s Alternate Assessment. Once completed move to the next step.
- Download your District Spreadsheet using this link: Window 1 VI Orders
- Open the Google Sheet
- Select File>Download>Microsoft Excel
- Edit the spreadsheet with your District’s data.
- Once you have completed this spreadsheet, please save it as “DistrictName_Window1.XLSX and submit a copy to the Google Form.
- This needs to be completed by close of business September 13, 2022
- Only one list containing all students who qualify for this accommodation should be provided per district.
All submissions must be made no later than Tuesday, September 13, to receive these VI materials for the first Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment Attainment Task window. No further extensions for the first window ordering can be granted. Districts who submit late information or do not follow the above instructions may not receive these materials for Test Window 1 (November 14 – December 16) on time. For any additional questions or concerns please contact Jason Howard or by phone at (502) 564-4394.