Welcome Back
I would like to personally welcome everyone back this year. Once again, Kentuckians are being asked to show their resilience in the face of a natural disaster; to unite as one community standing Kentucky Strong. In this time, the Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) and the University of Kentucky (UK) send our deepest sympathy to those who have been affected by the recent flooding in eastern Kentucky. Additionally, our gratitude extends to the education community, emergency responders and volunteers who are providing assistance to our fellow Kentuckians during this time.
Gov. Andy Beshear has established the Team Eastern Kentucky Flood Relief Fund to assist those impacted by floods and the severe weather that began on July 26. All donations to the Team Eastern Kentucky Flood Relief Fund are tax-deductible, and donors will receive a receipt for tax purposes.
The Kentucky Department of Education and the University of Kentucky will work with the impacted districts and superintendents in the coming days and months to assist in the recovery effort. OAA and UK are focused on the needs of those impacted and stand ready to assist.
As for the Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment (AKSA) itself, the AKSA remains largely unchanged. We are sticking with the two windows and the dates for this year line up as closely as possible with last year. The information systems like the Online Training System (OTS), Student Registration Database (SRD) and Career Readiness Database (CRD) all remain the same.
Due to the success of the new format for the makeup window and other policy implementations last year, those all remain unchanged as well.
In the coming weeks there will be many trainings and updates to follow. If you need any assistance in the meantime do not hesitate to e-mail Jason Howard with questions surrounding the AKSA or Sherri Craig with questions surrounding the ESAR or CWEC.
We hope you have a great start to your school year and if you need any assistance please reach out.
Global Alternate Program Calendar Released
The Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment Calendar has been renamed to the Alternate Program Calendar. This change came about this summer to better serve teachers and district level staff. In previous years there had been two calendars serving each wing of the Alternate Program. This year the calendars were combined to encompass important dates for all aspects of the Alternate Program. All dates for the following items are included:
- Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment (AKSA)
- Transition Attainment Record (TAR)
- Career Work Experience Certification (CWEC)
- Employability Skills Attainment Record (ESAR)
- Infinite Campus Data Pulls
If a date is important to know for any of those areas of the Alternate Program it was included in this new global calendar. We welcome feedback as we continue to improve this and many other areas of the Alternate Program and the communication that you receive surrounding it.
Alternate Program Calendar
Back to School Training Released (AKSA Included)
The Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) is proud to release the Back-to-School training series. This set of PowerPoint presentations and videos include an overview of Kentucky’s school accountability system, in-depth explanations of each indicator, and details of upcoming assessments.
The OAA has developed training materials for each indicator and overall performance.
Please visit the KDE Media Portal to view the training videos for 2022-2023 Back to School Trainings .
Additionally, training materials are available for the following assessment programs: