CTE Advisory Committee discusses future funding models, Kentucky Tech

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News Release

Media Contact: Toni Konz Tatman

Chief Communications Officer

Office: (502) 564-2000, ext. 4602

Advisory 22-176


June 1, 2022

Graphic for CTE State Advisory Committee

CTE Advisory Committee discusses future funding models, Kentucky Tech

(FRANKFORT, KY) – The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee discussed future funding models and KY Tech during their May 31 meeting.

Leslie Slaughter, the executive adviser for KDE’s Office of Career and Technical Education (OCTE), joined the meeting to provide updates on CTE funding and considerations for future CTE funding models.

Slaughter said local area vocational education centers (LAVECs) received over $70 million from the state budget bill, House Bill (HB) 1, to be used for all local programs. Area technology center (ATC) requests also are included in the budget for additional operational funds, as well as step and rank increases for ATC employees. $155 million was also allocated to the School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) for facility upgrades within 23 districts. Additionally, $14 million was allocated for a new Millard ATC building in Pike County.

Slaughter also shared a framework from the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) that may help to inform discussions regarding future funding models for secondary CTE. The framework consists of the 12 Elements of a High-Quality CTE Program of Study, including:

  • Standards-aligned and integrated curriculum;
  • Sequencing and articulation;
  • Student assessment;
  • Prepared and effective program staff;
  • Engaging instruction;
  • Access and equity;
  • Facilities, equipment, technology and materials;
  • Business and community partnerships;
  • Student career development;
  • Career and technical student organizations;
  • Work-based learning; and
  • Data and program improvement.

“These are 12 indicators we feel like, moving forward, have got to be focused on, incentivized, and recognized as part of whatever this future formula ends up looking like,” Slaughter said.

OCTE Director Beth Hargis shared updates on Kentucky Tech and what is happening in the state-operated ATCs. She said with many ATCs transitioning to local district operation instead of state, there are now 50 state-operated centers. Knox County ATC transitioned to local operation in July 2021 and Madison County ATC will be transitioning to local operation on July 1, 2022.

Hargis also said Logan County ATC will be hosting the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) meeting on Oct. 12.

She said OCTE is partnering with KDE’s Office of Special Education (OSEEL) to hire a special education liaison.

“We know that special education students often do quite well in CTE, but we want to make sure we are providing that education and accommodation the best way we can,” said Hargis.

In addition, Hargis said the Kentucky Tech salary schedule for teachers and administrators will be updated in fall 2022 and will be retroactive to July 1, once signed by Gov. Andy Beshear.

The committee also:

  • Heard updates from Leslie Slaughter on the new Statewide Comprehensive College and Career Advising Platform. In partnership with KDE, the Council on Postsecondary Education, and KYSTATS, the platform is targeted for all learners and will be a one-stop shop for career exploration tools, insightful reports, secondary/postsecondary/adult education program information, postsecondary affordability resources and virtual employer engagement opportunities. Slaughter said a project manager and programmer have been hired, and work has begun to prepare for development;
  • Heard from Beth Hargis on some of the achievements of students in ATCs, including Greenup County’s new ATC Marketplace and the completion of tiny homes throughout ATCs in eastern Kentucky; and
  • Received information about the new Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) strategic plan from Harmony Little, executive director of credentialing strategies for KCTCS. The plan will be rolled out July 1 and has three broad goals, which are to increase learner success, increase employment success and increase organizational success.