Special DAC Email for August 7, 2020

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Special DAC Email


August 7, 2020

Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR) Application Now Open

The Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR) application is now open for data review. This is the last opportunity to double-check tracking for individual 100-day students for ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS, reporting location for Cohort Graduation Rate, request non-participations and mark accommodations for Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for English Learner (EL) students before public reporting.

To assist with the data review, District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) may download files with student information. In the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) Secure Web application, zipped files for each district can be found under the Student Data Detail- example of the file name

"SD20_ddd_QC DR_2020_DistrictName_20200803.zip”.

The “ddd” is the district number. The zipped files contain two folders, Graduation Rates and Student Listings. The folders contain spreadsheets for each school and district on ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS and Cohort Graduation Rate. The data in these files provide information that can be referenced for the work in SDRR.

To assist districts and schools in this process, resources that include Cohort PowerPoint and video, Data Review PowerPoint and video have been released.

All new tickets need to be submitted in SDRR by 12 noon, Friday, Aug. 21.


Office Assessment and Accountability

Division of Assessment and Accountability Support

(502) 564-4394

KDE DAC Information