KICCS Provider Portal Logon URL Change and System Unavailability Notice

Hello Child Care Provider! 


A non-KICCS application, Security Portal, will be down beginning 5:30pm EST on Wednesday, December 19th to complete a mandated server migration. The estimated down time is a few hours, but could be longer if any issues occur.

 You are receiving this notification as this affects the KICCS Provider Portal.  The Security Portal application is the gateway to log onto the KICCS Provider Portal and to update your account information.

 If you try to access the KICCS Provider Portal during this down time, you will see the “Service Unavailable” message.

Due to the Security Portal server migration, changes in the URL properties may require you to update any shortcuts saved to your desktop for the KICCS Portal logon page. 

The next time you attempt to log onto the KICCS Provider Portal, please verify the correct shortcut URL is saved.

The correct shortcut URL is:  https://PROVIDERPORTAL.CHFS.KY.GOV

 Should you have any difficulty accessing the KICCS Provider Portal from the link provided above, please contact the KICCS HelpDesk by email at or by phone:

  • (502) 564-0104, option 6 (Frankfort area local calls)
  • (866) 231-0003, option 6 (toll free)

Best Regards,

The KICCS Team