Indiana ArcGIS Training Classes

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Because of the overwhelming interest in our ArcGIS classes, we have just added new dates:   

Fundamentals of ArcGIS

2 day class, cost $120.00
May 14-15, 2014
  •8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Training Room 30 - IGCS
ArcGIS is a powerful and complex tool for viewing and analyzing data. With so much functionality available in the software, it can be difficult to get started. This 2-day class teaches essential skills for being efficient with ArcGIS. Explore GIS data through ArcMap and create maps to illustrate relationships in the data. Learn methods of displaying data with symbols and text. See how to ask questions of the data and get answers.  

Intermediate GIS Concepts 
3 day class, cost $175.00
June 25-27, 2014
  •8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Training Room 30 - IGCS
ArcGIS has much more functionality than simple map display and navigation. It has many tools for collecting, creating and analyzing data. This 3-day class teaches finer skills for using ArcGIS. See how to connect information between tables and mark locations on the map. Practice managing data files, creating new data, and putting the data to work to generate answers to questions.
Advanced GIS Operations
2 day class, cost $120.00
July 17-18, 2014
  •8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Training Room 30 - IGCS
For many GIS projects, there is a simplified way to accomplish a task, as well as a more advanced approach to complete the same task. These advanced operations are often overlooked, but can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of GIS.  Advanced GIS knowledge is required for this course. 

Questions about the Course?
Amanda O'Daniel


Classes are filing up!  We have a maximum of 12 students per class. 
If you would like to attend, please send Diana Halstead your budget information to bill the class to your agency.  At a minimum the required information is BU / FUND / DEPT / PROG.
Diana Halstead