Join us for our #RepresentationMatters: Authentic Disability Representation Webinar!

 Representation Matters: Authentic Disability Representation

Join us for our #RepresentationMatters: Authentic Disability Representation Webinar on Tuesday, March 23 from noon - 1 EDT!

Jalyn Radziminski of Count US IN will moderate the panel; she will be joined by Ray Lay, Adreenah (Dreezy) Wynn, Lindsey Batteast, Keri Grey, and Danicia Monét

The hashtag #RepresentationMatters is used all over social media as a way to both call out lack of diversity and to recognize efforts and gains. The hashtag is used by communities of color to raise awareness and appreciation for creative work and meaningful representation of all types of people of color from varied backgrounds and experiences. It is used to celebrate LGBTQ accomplishments and to decry the use of cisgender actors to portray trans characters. AND it is used among disability rights and disability justice activists on social media to call out the continued misrepresentation of the disability experience by able-bodied individuals, to signal the lack of inclusion in diversity conversations, and to celebrate disability-related successes.

This webinar will offer a panel of individuals with disabilities with intersecting marginalized identities engaging in interactive discussion providing context about how disability is typically portrayed and seen (as white, male and cisgender) and how this reinforces stereotypes and perpetuates the stigma surrounding the disabled body and the lived experience of individuals with disabilities with multiple, marginalized identities. We’ll examine how this portrayal fits into the general #RepresentationMatters movement and discuss the significance and need to increase the meaningful inclusion/participation of multiply marginalized individuals with disabilities in the media, in policy making, etc. and what that representation means to the disability community and how it plays a role in disability pride/empowerment. To generate an even deeper level of understanding of #RepresentationMatters, the workshop panel will illustrate authentic inclusive concepts related to disability and will focus on the critical importance of sustaining and growing the trend of authentic disability representation by ensuring the inclusion of all types of disabilities, particularly as experienced by those who have multiple intersecting identities.

This is sure to be an amazing opportunity to hear from these disability leaders, so don't wait, sign up today!

If you're not able to join us for the webinar itself, don't worry; all of our webinars are available on-demand until the end of the month. Check out our previous offerings below:

Disability Advocates and Allies: Creating Inclusive Communities and Lasting Change with Xian Horn

Intersectionality and Disability Justice with Amy Allen Sekhar

Gatekeeping and the Power of Story with Dan Wilkins

Supporting Independence with Indiana Disability Rights

COVID-19 & the Disability Community: Let's Talk About Vaccination