On Jan. 16, Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch announced an exciting partnership between the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs and Indiana Humanities for a funding opportunity specifically created for Indiana Main Street organizations.This new program will prepare Main Street communities to discover, preserve and activate historic structures/locations to tell stories about Hoosier women's contributions. These projects will be creative collaborations resulting in communities becoming more knowledgeable of the historical impact women had in their own community or region. Each project will leave a legacy in the community for generations to come. More information will be released about this program over the coming months, so stay tuned!
Last month, we asked our IMS communities to apply to host this year's community exchanges. We were blown away by how many responses we received and thank each community for applying. Below are the dates, locations and topics for each Friday exchange: May 29: hosted by Mainstreet Shelbyville, Inc. Topic: EV & Bonus Funding
June 26: hosted by Destination Huntingburg Topic: Organization & Design
July 24: hosted by Culver Second City Main Street Topic: Design & Promotion
Nov. 20: hosted by Auburn Main Street Topic: Promotion & Bonus, Holidays
Dec. 11: hosted by Jeffersonville Main Street, Inc. Topic: Design & EV
Quick Impact Placebased Grant
This matching grant is designed to fund transformational projects that spark community-wide conversations and creativity. The project funding range is $2,500 to $5,000 and for every dollar in grant funds awarded, 50 cents must be matched, via cash or in-kind, by the applicant. All program information is now available including an informational video. Please contact your respective community liaison to discuss project eligibility and competitiveness.
Future of Shopping Small Grant Program
American Express is teaming up with Main Street America to give 10 small business owners $10,000 each to help their businesses innovate in this evolving retail landscape. The American Express Future of Shopping Small Grant Program will celebrate small businesses across the country that are a vital part of their community. The program is intended to support small businesses that have demonstrated new approaches to traditional business strategies and those businesses looking to try out creative techniques, while also helping to revitalize and strengthen older and historic commercial districts. Click here to review the program terms and here to apply! The application deadline is March 31, 2020, 11:59 p.m. CST or if 3,000 applications have been submitted.
Irvin Henderson Main Street Revitalization Fund
This fund provides up to two million in tax credit financing to support transformational historic rehabilitation projects in low-income Main Street communities. The fund's portfolio covers multiple asset classes including multifamily, mixed-use, community facility, hospitality, office, and industrial projects. To be eligible projects must possess six qualifications that are outlined here.
One thing that helps a Main Street hustle and bustle, is a thriving small business community. The U.S. Small Business Administration is like a resource that small business owners might not realize they have available. SBA is a cabinet-level federal agency fully dedicated to helping small businesses start, build and grow by providing counseling, capital, and contracting expertise through an extensive network of business advisors and lenders.
Recruitment is now underway for the 2020 Indiana Emerging Leaders Class, which is a free entrepreneurship education and training program for executives of small, poised-for-growth companies. This mini-MBA crash course teaches small business owners how to work on their business instead of in it. Why is this beneficial for a Main Street Program? Since its inception in 2008, the SBA’s Emerging Leaders Initiative has trained more than 5,000 small business owners nationwide, created more than 6,500 jobs, generated more than $300 million in new financing and secured more than $3.16 billion in government contracts. Indiana is one of only 55 sites offering Emerging Leaders this year so you don’t want to miss this opportunity. For more information and to register, visit www.sba.gov/emergingleaders.
Connect with them online, in your neighborhood or on Twitter at @SBA_Indiana.