Congratulations to the Marshall County Crossroads regional team for receiving the 2019 Stellar Communities designation. Our team enjoyed getting to celebrate with everyone involved in the process this past week in Plymouth and Argos. We look forward to working with you over the next four years! From all of us at OCRA, we wish you a fantastic holiday season.
Host a community exchange in 2020
Are you interesting in hosting a Main Street Community Exchange in 2020? The Community Exchanges are designed to bring Main Street communities from across the state to various locations to learn about best practices, new initiatives, and gain insight into other communities' unique approach to implementing Main Street. The exchanges feature learning opportunities, lunches, networking, and tours. Each exchange is held on a Friday and is an all-day event. Sign up to host an exchange on five of the six possible dates below:
- May 29
- June 26
- July 24
- August 21
- November 20
- December 11
Each exchange must have topics relevant to one of the following National Main Street’s Four Point Approach, plus one bonus topic as it relates to Main Street.
If you are interested in hosting, please complete this survey by December 31, 2019. Please contact Jackie Swihart to discuss further or ask any questions.
On Dec. 6, Main Street leaders came from across the state to meet at the beautiful Gallery 119 in Pendleton, Indiana, for a Community Exchange. The group gathered to discuss all things historic preservation and disaster preparedness. Here are the three main takeaways with which we walked away:
You can never plan enough for disaster preparation
Preparation is key! This is the lesson we heard loud and clear from town officials in Pendleton after a tornado ripped through their downtown in May 2019. It was echoed by Laura Schafnitz, the Small Business Administration representative, who outlined what benefits downtown business owners could receive if a plan is prepared ahead of time. If you're interested in learning what is needed for a disaster preparedness plan, please reach out to OCRA.
Document lessons learned
Pendleton noted what worked, what didn't work, things that surprised them, and what they could have changed for better results with their downtown revitalization project. Remember to track lessons learned in all different types of situations your community may experience. You will be able to share them with others and utilize them in the future.
Tell your story within your rebuild
If you have an emergency disaster in your community, find a way to tell that story as you begin your rebuild or repair. Pendleton shared how they communicated with the residents, business owners and other involved constituents as they began to repair their downtown. This not only opens lines of communication, but also allows your Main Street organization, or other community development organizations, to tell the story of resilience.
It was a great networking day in Pendleton that not only included conversations on disaster preparedness, but also historic preservation and updating historic facades. If you would like to know more, please contact Abby Crump or Jackie Swihart to receive PowerPoints or other resources.
Quick Impact Placebased Grant
This matching grant is designed to fund transformational projects that spark community-wide conversations and creativity. The project funding range is $2,500 to $5,000 and for every dollar in grant funds awarded, 50 cents must be matched, via cash or in-kind, by the applicant. All program information will be released on January 13, but we encourage you to start preparing your application early! Please contact your respective community liaison to discuss project eligibility and competitiveness.
Future of Shopping Small Grant Program
American Express is teaming up with Main Street America to give 10 small business owners $10,000 each to help their businesses innovate in this evolving retail landscape. The American Express Future of Shopping Small Grant Program will celebrate small businesses across the country that are a vital part of their community. The program is intended to support small businesses that have demonstrated new approaches to traditional business strategies and those businesses looking to try out creative techniques, while also helping to revitalize and strengthen older and historic commercial districts. Click here to review the program terms and here to apply! The application deadline is March 31, 2020 11:59 p.m. CST if 3,000 applications have been submitted.
Community Impact Grants
The Home Depot Foundation Community Impact Grants provide funding for nonprofit organizations and public agencies in the United States that are using the power of volunteers to improve communities. Apply quickly before December 31, 2019. Click here to learn more.