IHCDA COVID-19 update: A message from Jake
Federal Eviction Moratorium extended to June 30th
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced earlier this week that the federal eviction moratorium was extended through June 30, 2021. Under the CDC order:
- Renters cannot be evicted for nonpayment of rent if they sign and submit a declaration form (English I Spanish) to their landlord, property owner, or property manager
- Renters who previously signed a declaration and submitted it to their landlord should not be asked to resubmit one and will have continued protections until June 30, 2021
The CDC order does not relieve the renters’ obligation to pay rent. Further, renters must continue to comply with the terms of their lease. For more information, read the CDC's frequently asked questions.
Indiana renters in need of assistance are encouraged to visit: www.indianahousingnow.org. There they can find out more information about the Indiana Emergency Rental Assistance (IERA) program and other local emergency rental assistance programs that can help with paying past due and ongoing monthly rent and utility payments.
COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility
More than 1.1 million Hoosiers have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Starting yesterday, any Indiana resident age 16 and older is now eligible to schedule a vaccination appointment in Indiana. To schedule a vaccination, please visit ourshot.in.gov or call 2-1-1.
April is Fair Housing Month
Today marks the start of National Fair Housing Month. Fair Housing Month celebrates the passage of the Fair Housing Act of 1968, a national law that prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin.
At IHCDA we are committed to providing housing opportunities, promoting self-sufficiency, and strengthening communities. Central to our mission is the goal of removing fair housing obstacles that impede any Hoosier from accessing the housing of their choice. We continue to work with our federal, state, and local partners to advance the Fair Housing Act’s objectives and ensure the most effective implementation possible.
We are pleased to sponsor the 9th Annual Fair Housing Conference hosted by the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana (FHCCI) next week. The virtual conference takes place on Thursday, April 8th. Click here for more information and a link to register.
The Site Visit
 I was impressed with a correct response to last week’s Site Visit (pictured above). I'm not sure I could have explained it any better than Erika S. if I tried: “I believe it’s Valley House Flats in Brookville (Franklin County). As far as significance, it was originally a hotel, but in recent years has had George’s Pharmacy on the ground floor (and still does). And another unique item is that there are market rate units attached to it that was financed with Opportunity Zone funding.”
 You may not immediately think housing when you see this week’s Site Visit photo (pictured above). If you can identify the name of the site, the location, and any significance it is making to the community please email me at: jsipe@ihcda.in.gov. I look forward to sharing more details about this property next week. Hint: This development is located in the same city as the McAnally Center, one of 68 high school gyms currently being considered for the Best of Indiana. It's not to late for you to vote for the gym you think is the Best of Indiana. However, voting for the contest ends today.
Our office is closed tomorrow in observance of Good Friday. I hope you and your family have a safe and healthy holiday weekend. Please continue to reach out to me or anyone on the IHCDA team if we can do anything to help or support your organization. We are #INthistogether.
 J. Jacob Sipe Executive Director
