New IDA Program Guidance

IDA Notice


Veronica Watson
Community Programs Manager
Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority

Click here for more information about the IDA program.

New IDA Guidance

New policy guidance has been posted to IHCDA's website for the IDA program. A summary of the program updates described within the guidance is as follows:

  • There is no longer a limit to the number of IDAs an Administrator can set up for vehicle purchases.
  • Outcome Tracker is no longer required for IDA018, IDA019 or IDA020. Older awards (including IDA016FT) must still use the system through June 2021.
  • Foster kids can be considered head of their own household when determining their income eligibility as an applicant, rather than including the income of their foster parents.
  • If a foster kid participant moves out of Indiana, their Administrator can choose to keep their account open for up to six months in case they return in that timeframe.
  • If an IDA applicant lives with a dependent that is a full-time student, that dependent’s income does not need to be included in the applicant’s household income.

Administrators are encouraged to review the guidance in full here, and direct all questions to The guidance will also be discussed at the next IDA Office Hour call on Friday, November 6 at 1pm ET. 

IDA Marketing Materials

IHCDA is making available three new pieces of marketing materials that Administrators may use to advertise the IDA program to potential applicants, and to use with current participants. Those materials are provided under "Other IDA Resources" at the bottom of the IDA web page.

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