Community Programs Weekly

Community Programs Weekly

IHCDA continues to monitor the situation with COVID-19 in Indiana as circumstances change and additional information becomes available. To provide transparency and customer service, IHCDA will update this list with any new policies/procedures as they become available. These updates will be provided on a weekly basis for the foreseeable future.

IHCDA Updates

IHCDA has developed a new page on our website to keep you informed of our actions, and other important information during this critical time. This is your one-stop-shop for all the resources, guidance and information that we issue related to COVID-19.

The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) announced today new housing resources available to Hoosiers struggling to pay their rent and mortgage payments. In addition to re-instituting the mortgage payment assistance program through Indiana’s Hardest Hit Fund (HHF) for homeowners, IHCDA has developed a new resource guide to help homeowners and renters avoid future eviction and foreclosure. 

New Resources

  • Weatherization Online Training Resource - Saturn Resource Management is offering free training videos on their YouTube page during the Corona virus production shutdown. The YouTube site has 300 videos organized in 39 playlists, all relevant to weatherization.
  • Weatherization Strategies & Tips for Continuing Operations During Suspended Production
  • Applications open for limited funds: Paycheck Protection (PPP) loans for nonprofits The PPP will be administered through the Small Business Administration (SBA) and implemented by banks around the country that are already approved as SBA lenders as well as other banks and credit unions who opt in to the program. The money will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. The window opened April 3. Learn more 

Reminders for Subgrantees

  • Weatherization Updates
    • DOE closeouts due May 15.
  • CSBG Updates
    • NEW: Webinar discussion on CARES Act Funds
      • IHCDA staff are hosting a discussion via webinar about the CSBG funding that will be provided by the CARES Act. LSP Executive Directors and CSBG Managers are encouraged to attend.
      • The webinar will be on Tuesday, April 21 at 10am. Registration can be found here.
    • Annual Report
      • IHCDA forwarded LSP comments to OCS about 2018 Annual Report updates to Modules 2 & 4. OCS needs to open the Modules in the federal reporting system before the updates can be made and the 2018 Annual Report Finalized. 2019 Smartforms will only be available with the 2018 Report is finalized.
      • Initial comments on 2019 Module 3 submission were shared with LSPs, and any required responses are due by April 27.
      • IHCDA has NOT provided comments on 2019 Modules 2 & 4, but LSPs should be prepared to address any of the same issues that OCS identified in the 2018 submissions before IHCDA submits the 2019 Modules.  

Information from State and National Partners

The Office of Community Services (OCS) released CSBG IM 2020-157 Immediate Guidance on COVID-19 Response.

Additional Resources

  • LUNA COVID-19 Response Center webpage provides links to stay-at-home FAQs, governor’s addresses re: COVID-19, and infographic Public Health Department PSAs in a number of languages for use in your programs. Click here for more. 

COVID-19 and Census 2020

Agencies are encouraged to continue outreach to ensure their clients are counted in the 2020 Census. Given the impact that COVID-19 is having on in-person interactions, agencies should direct their clients to the online questionnaire here: Additional resources related to the Census can be found below:

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