An Update From the Indiana Department of Education for September 20, 2024

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A Message from Dr. Katie Jenner

Katie Jenner Headshot

This week I’ve been on the road, zigzagging the state. It has been excellent to connect with so many teachers, counselors, as well as school and district leaders to hear your thoughts and how we can, and must, continue working together to move the needle for students. Nearly everywhere I go, educators want to talk about the ongoing work to increase literacy (science of reading), improve chronic absenteeism, and rethink high school to make it as valuable as possible for students. If you aren’t familiar with the extensive work happening in these areas or simply want to learn more, I encourage you to check out those links.

Today, I’d like to share a bit about the exciting work our schools are leading to help more students gain real-world experience (college and career) prior to graduation. In order to break down the silos, a group of some of our state’s top industry leaders, higher education leaders, legislative leaders, and K-12 leaders – known as iLab Indiana – have come together to try to think through how to remove barriers to set up more students for a successful work-based learning experience and also a more seamless transition to what’s ahead.

When we think about work-based learning, any number of examples come up……and the crème de la crème: an apprenticeship. This is a year-round, three-year experience, beginning in a student’s 11th grade year. At the end, they receive a credential recognizing their knowledge, skills, and work-based learning experience. This complements the ongoing effort to make high school as relevant as possible, providing accessible and rigorous pathways for students, whether they plan to go to college or straight into a career.

This week, iLab Indiana (sponsored by the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation) released a comprehensive plan to increase the number of apprenticeship opportunities, and ultimately, ensure more Indiana students have access to a pathway that meets their needs. Today, fewer Indiana students are enrolling in higher education, and even fewer are graduating. Yet we know that the vast majority of jobs today and in the future require some level of education beyond high school (additional educational attainment!). We also know that every student has unique goals and dreams. Some want to go to a four-year college, some want to kick start their career right after high school, and some want to serve our country by enlisting in one of our nation’s military branches.

As educators, we are called to the profession because of a desire to change lives, and to help every student to see – and achieve – their full potential. The level of collaboration occurring today between education and industry leaders will ensure that our work in K-12 is setting students up for the maximum possible success. Thank you to the many people who are working to provide more students with opportunities ahead, including those who have served on the iLab team. In addition to higher education and business leaders, I also want to give a big shout out to the iLab Indiana K-12 team that is helping to lead this work. This includes co-chairs Superintendent Dan Funston of Concord Community Schools and Kent Kramer, President & CEO, Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana, as well as: 

  • Principal Andy Allen, Batesville High School
  • Principal Adam Barton, Eastern Hancock High School
  • Superintendent Tara Bishop, Perry Central Community Schools
  • Superintendent Dr. Jeff Butts, MSD Wayne Township
  • Rebecca Daugherty-Saunders, District Director of College and Career Readiness, MSD Wayne Township
  • Betsy Delgado, Senior Vice President and Chief Mission and Education Officer, Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana
  • Superintendent of Catholic Schools Dr. Brian Disney, Catholic Schools Archdiocese of Indianapolis
  • Principal Jody French, Perry Central Jr./Sr. High School
  • Superintendent Dr. David Hoffert, Warsaw Community Schools
  • Superintendent Andrea Huff, Barr-Reeve Community Schools
  • Superintendent Dr. Aleesia Johnson, Indianapolis Public Schools
  • Assistant Superintendent Dr. Lisa Kendall, Concord Community Schools
  • Superintendent Paul Ketcham, Batesville Community School Corporation
  • Melissa Kissling, College and Connections Career Manager, Warsaw Community Schools
  • Assistant Superintendent Robert McDermott, Duneland School Corporation
  • Superintendent Chip Pettit, Duneland School Corporation
  • Superintendent Dr. George Philhower, Eastern Hancock Community School Corporation
  • Principal Tim Pletcher, Jimtown High School
  • Superintendent Byron Sanders, Baugo Community Schools
  • Superintendent Emily Tracy, Brown County Schools
  • Dr. Keanna Warren, CEO, Purdue Polytechnic High Schools
  • B.J. Watts, OptIN Executive Director, Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation

Because of these leaders and many others throughout the state, more students across Indiana will have the opportunity to earn a credential of value and complete a work-based learning experience - regardless of where they live or their demographic.

Happy first day of fall (on Sunday), and as always, thank you for all that you do for Indiana students!

Important Legislative Guidance

REMINDER: Implementation Guidance for Newly Enacted Education Laws 

Following the close of each legislative session, IDOE immediately begins working to implement newly-enacted legislation impacting K-12 education, which includes compiling guidance for educators. Guidance is a product of robust cross-agency collaboration and partnership with countless stakeholders. Any future updates will be added to this comprehensive guidance document and shared via the weekly newsletter.

Office of Accountability

REMINDER: Mandatory and Voluntary Graduation Rate Audit

All schools that are subject to the mandatory graduation rate audit of the 2024 cohort have been notified by email. If you did not receive an email and/or are unsure if your school was selected, please check the list of mandatory audit schools (enrollment key: “AccountabilityCommunity”). Every high school should review their 2024 cohort. If there are students in the 2024 cohort with an incorrect (non-graduate) cohort status, please submit those students on the voluntary graduation rate audit. All schools are welcome to participate in the voluntary graduation rate audit, and it is the final opportunity to request a change to the 2024 cohort. The mandatory and voluntary graduation rate audits will be open from Wednesday, October 2, through Friday, October 25. Contact IDOE’s Office of Accountability with any questions.

Office of Student Assesment

NEW: Updated IREAD Guidance - 2024-2025 School Year

Beginning this school year, all second grade students will participate in the spring administration of IREAD. New Indiana legislation updated guidance schools must use when making decisions about grade-level promotion, instructional plans, and Good Cause Exemption (GCE) eligibility. The purpose of a GCE has significantly changed from past years. Beginning with the 2024-2025 IREAD test administration, a GCE now serves to exempt an eligible student from retention if the student does not pass IREAD in third grade. New resources for IREAD can be found here and on IDOE’s IREAD webpage.

Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Assessment with any questions.

Office of Educator Preparation

NEW: Elementary Math Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Guidelines

Pursuant to House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1243, IDOE has published elementary math EPP guidelines for the successful incorporation of best practices within these programs. Access this new guidance here. Contact IDOE’s Director of Higher Education and EPPs Scott Bogan with additional questions.

Office of Educator Talent and the Literacy Center

NEW: Recommendations Open for Distinguished Educators Recognition

IDOE is looking for confidential recommendations of teachers representing the very best educators in Indiana. These emerging leaders must have between five and 15 years of experience, demonstrate leadership beyond the classroom, and positively impact school culture and student achievement. Superintendents and principals may submit recommendations here. Recommendations must be submitted by Saturday, November 30. Contact IDOE’s Office of Educator Talent with any questions.


REMINDER: Preferred Universal Screener Approval Committee Interest Survey

IDOE partners with Indiana educators to review universal screeners in alignment with Indiana Code (IC) 20-35.5 and Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 1 (2024) and now seeks qualified educators and other stakeholders to review assessment program documentation. Interested individuals must complete the 2024-2025 Preferred Universal Screener Approval Committee educator or community member interest survey by Friday, October 4. Completion of the interest survey is not an indication of commitment and is non-binding. Additional information regarding universal screener assessments can be found on IDOE’s Dyslexia webpage. Contact IDOE’s Literacy Center with questions.

Office of Information Technology

NEW: Difficult to Fill Teacher Positions

IDOE is collecting information as a result of requirements regarding teacher statistics in IC 20-19-3-20. The purpose of this survey is to identify positions which are "critical shortage areas, as determined by unfilled vacancies." This survey collects information about the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years and should be completed by each school corporation and charter school. Please submit this survey by Friday, October 11. It is important this survey be completed even if your school corporation did not have vacancies which meet the “difficult to fill” definition used in the survey. Contact IDOE with any questions.


REMINDER: Data Exchange (DEX) Office Hours for 2024-2025

Weekly DEX Office Hours sessions are currently available on Tuesdays, and session times will alternate between morning and afternoon sessions. The next session will be held on Tuesday, September 24, from 10:30 a.m. to noon ET with a focus on alternative education. Submit questions and access the sessions via the Upcoming Events section of the Knowledge Hub. Contact IDOE’s Office of Information Technology with additional questions.


REMINDER: INView Integrated with Indiana GPS Dashboard

INview has now been integrated into the Indiana GPS Dashboard. This integration combines the data Hoosiers interact with the most on INView with the user-friendly functionality of Indiana GPS. Bringing this education data together in one location will make it easier for educators, parents, and other stakeholders to find the answers they need. Complete this JotForm with any questions or suggestions.


REMINDER: K12 Six Offers Free Cybersecurity Resources

K12 Six offers free cybersecurity resources that do not require a membership to access. These are included in the K12SIX Essentials Series including the K12 SIX Essential Cyber Incident Response Runbook v1.1.  All of these resources are being updated for the 2024-2025 school year, so check back for the updated versions releasing soon. K12 Six also maintains a map of attacks against schools throughout the country. Contact Brad Hagg with any questions.


REMINDER: Designation of Key Contacts

Security coordinators for all traditional public, charter, and accredited non-public schools are responsible for ensuring their organization’s key contacts for the 2024-2025 school year are set. Key contacts, including the roles of Superintendent, Financial Contact, Special Education Director, Principal, Data Exchange Contact, etc., are needed for the 2024-2025 school year even if those contacts were provided last school year. 

For school corporations that have an Ed-Fi student information system (SIS), key contacts and other staff role assignments should be entered and managed in the local SIS, and then provided to DEX/LINK for the new school year. However, all three options below are available:

  1. Provide staff classifications in the local SIS per the vendor’s instructions,
  2. Add a staff type manually for the 2024-2025 school year via the Security Portal, or
  3. Upload templates 008_StaffAssociation_StaffEdOrgAssignmentAssociation and 009_StaffOrganizationContactAssociation into DEX. 

Schools utilizing options two and three may cause overriding or loss of data. Schools should connect with their SIS vendor to better understand how to avoid data loss when providing data via multiple methods. IDOE is now recognizing only the 2024-2025 school year assignments. Security coordinator instructions can be found here. Contact IDOE’s Data Exchange Team with any questions.

Office of School Finance

NEW: Mandatory Public School Corporation Fee Survey

HEA 1243 requires public school corporations to annually report all fees charged to families, including the total collected under each fee, to IDOE. IDOE will then post the results of each corporation’s survey online for the public. Fees included in this submission must include any charges for activities, events, or supplies that are used during the school day; this does not include fees charged for students to participate in extracurricular activities. See this memo for detailed instructions and a link to access step-by-step instructions. All public school corporations must submit this survey to IDOE by Thursday, October 31. Contact IDOE’s Office of School Finance curricular materials team with additional questions. 


NEW: Fall Count Day is Tuesday, October 1

School corporations are strongly encouraged to verify their data validations in the DEX Validation Portal to ensure their October certification data is accurate. The October certification includes membership and multilingual learner counts that generate funding in the state tuition support formula. Please work with your SIS vendor and/or data reporting staff if you need assistance. Contact IDOE’s Office of School Finance with additional questions.

Office of School Support and Transformation

REMINDER: School Improvement Plan (SIP) Submissions Due Friday, October 4

In accordance with IC 20-31-5-1, public and state-accredited non-public schools must develop a strategic and continuous three-year SIP, and review these plans on a regular basis. All Indiana schools must submit SIPs during the 2025-2026 school year. Use of IDOE’s ESSA-aligned SIP template is recommended, however, schools may use any template as long as all required portions are included. This memo provides additional information regarding SIPs. Schools that are identified under the federal accountability model as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI), or Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) are required to submit SIPs and comprehensive needs assessments (CNAs) annually. Submissions for CSI, ATSI, and TSI schools only are due Friday, October 4, using this JotForm. Contact IDOE’s Office of School Support and Transformation with any questions.

Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities

REMINDER: 3E Grant Encumbrance Deadline and Reimbursement Requests

The 3E Grant encumbrance deadline is Monday, September 30. All 3E grantees must encumber all funds by the deadline and regularly submit reimbursement requests to IDOE. Reimbursement forms should be completed, signed by the preparer, and submitted to on the first and 15th of each month. Grantees must keep receipts, invoices, staff time and effort logs and all other relevant documentation of your grant expenses on file locally, in the case of an audit. These documents do not have to be submitted to IDOE when seeking reimbursement. Contact IDOE's Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with any questions.


REMINDER: September 2024 Graduation Pathways Webinar

The next Graduation Pathways webinar will take place on Thursday, September 26, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET. This webinar will focus on the Indiana Career Explorer with guest presenters from the Department of Workforce Development. Access this document for all 2024-2025 school year webinar dates, times, and links. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with any questions.

Office of Special Education, English Learning, and Migrant Education

NEW: Request Parent Survey Data from Previous School Years

To assist special education directors in meeting the statewide goal of 100% participation for the 2024-2025 Indiana Parent Survey, directors and school administrators may request the last three school years of survey data using this form. Data can only be released if 10 or more responses are received per school year. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education monitoring team with any questions. 


NEW: 2024-2025 Parent Survey Link Available in Indiana IEP (IIEP)

The 2024-2025 Indiana Parent Survey is available in IIEP (IDOE tab, Documents widget at the bottom of the home page). After Monday, September 30, the link will be available when completing case conference committee meetings within IIEP. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education monitoring team with any questions. 


REMINDER: IIEP Virtual Office Hours

Join IIEP virtual office hours sessions hosted by Public Consulting Group (PCG) on the third Wednesday of each month from 11 a.m to noon E.T. via Microsoft Teams. The sessions will also be recorded and available in the IIEP Documents widget under the Training tab. Register for October’s session to learn more about recent system updates and upcoming changes, followed by a question and answer session. Contact PCG with questions.  


REMINDER: Special Education Directors Symposium

The Special Education Directors Symposium was formed so special education directors and administrators can learn about relevant policies and resources available to their local educational agency (LEA). The symposium intends to support directors by providing timely and relevant information that guides them toward increased confidence in their roles and compliance with their corporation’s reporting. Complete the interest form to indicate availability and receive updates, which will begin meeting virtually in October. Join the first session on Friday, October 4 at 1 p.m. ET to learn more about completing the fiscal year (FY) 2025 611 and 619 Part B grant applications. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions. 


REMINDER: Special Education Teacher Office Hours

IDOE’s Office of Special Education will hold office hours for new special education teachers from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on Thursdays once a month. These meetings will support teachers new to special education in navigating various topics with October’s session sharing information for teachers of record to remember when creating compliant Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). The office hours will be a formal presentation on a relevant topic, leaving time for questions at the end. Registration is not required; join the session here. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions.


REMINDER: Obligate All FY 2023 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B Grant Funds by Monday, September 30

To ensure sufficient time for budget modification review and approval, submit all FY 2023 IDEA Part B grant budget modification requests by Friday, September 20. All FY 2023 Part B funds must be obligated by Monday, September 30. All FY 2023 Part B grant reimbursement requests must be submitted to IDOE’s Part B grants team by Friday, December 13. IDOE’s Office of Special Education Community in Moodle has all forms and related guidance. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education’s Part B Grants team with any questions.


REMINDER: FY 2025 IDEA Part B Applications & Office Hours

Allocations for FY 2025 IDEA, Part B have been posted to IDOE’s Office of Special Education Community in Moodle in the Allocations file of the FY 2025 Grant Information folder. There are three columns of allocations on the spreadsheet: 611, 619, and Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS). 

  • For LEAs mandated to use Part B funding for CCEIS, the required 15% has been removed from the calculated 611 allocation. The amount in the 611 column is the remaining funding to be budgeted on special education. 
  • For LEAs not mandated to use CCEIS funds, there will be no amount listed in the third column. 

Applications for 611 and 619 are due to the grant management system by the following dates:

  • 619 Application: Friday, October 11       
  • 611 Application: Friday, October 18                    
  • Mandatory CCEIS: Friday, October 25       

LEAs can also join office hours sessions for support with application submissions:

Questions should be directed to your LEA’s assigned fiscal specialist to ensure the most effective support; these individuals can be found in Moodle. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education’s Part B Grants team with any questions.

Offices of Teaching and Learning, Digital Learning, and Kindergarten Readiness

NEW: New Indiana Learning Lab Collection - Literacy for Special Populations

Access the new Science of Reading for Students with Disabilities resource in the Indiana Learning Lab, which compiles various tools to support educators as they align their instruction with science of reading. This resource is available in the Literacy for Special Populations Collection, which contains a variety of new and existing resources intended to support the unique reading needs of all students in the school community. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education or Office of Teaching and Learning with any questions.


NEW: Supporting Multilingual Learners in Early Learning

IDOE provides early learning educators and administrators with guidance and resources highlighting instructional best practices and support of multilingual children and their families in the Indiana Learning Lab. Learn more on Thursday October 24, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET. Contact IDOE’s Office of Kindergarten Readiness with questions.


NEW: Indiana STEM Cadre Professional Development (PD) Materials Now Available

Indiana STEM Cadre PD materials are now available in the Indiana Learning Lab. These resources were a key component of a two-year, statewide program designed to grow integrated STEM best practices in Indiana schools. The materials have been modified for a wider audience and can be used for independent or group learning by instructional coaches, teachers, or school/corporation administrators. This collection can help a school/corporation adopt an integrated approach to STEM instruction across various subjects. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions. 


REMINDER: 2025 Summer of Learning Grant Applications Now Open

IDOE’s 2025 Summer of Learning Grant application is open through Friday, October 11. In summer 2024, this grant supported 11 conferences throughout the state, providing opportunities for over 3,000 Indiana educators to learn about teaching and learning in technology-rich environments. Public school corporations and public charter schools may apply to host one of these conference opportunities. School corporations must have completed the 2024 School Tech Plan Survey to be eligible to apply. More information about the grant application can be found in this memo. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions. 


REMINDER: September PD with IDOE

September PD with IDOE continues Wednesday, September 25, at 4 p.m. EST with Supporting English Learners with Significant Disabilities Part 1, presented by members of Hoosier Educational Computer Coordinators and Indiana Connected Educators. View a full list of September sessions here. To register for workshops, or view on-demand sessions, create a free account by visiting the LINK Portal or the Indiana Learning Lab directly and use your school email address to log in. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions. 


REMINDER: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platforms in Indiana Series

Are you interested in seeing the AI platforms teachers and students are using in Indiana? As part of three grant opportunities, corporations across the state adopted AI platforms that met vendor requirements set forth by IDOE. Join us in the Indiana Learning Lab Monday, September 30, through Friday, October 4, for sessions that highlight the capabilities and features of these platforms. Register for these workshops in the Indiana Learning Lab. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions. 


REMINDER: Taking a Deeper Dive: Unpacking the 2023 Mathematics Frameworks

The new Taking a Deeper Dive: Unpacking the 2023 Mathematics Frameworks is now available on-demand in the Indiana Learning Lab. This session discusses how the 2023 Mathematics Frameworks can be used to go beyond the wording of the standard to provide content and pedagogical knowledge, explore assessment insights, and examine ways to provide universal supports for all students. Contact IDOE’s Office of Teaching and Learning with any questions.


Office of Title Grants and Support

NEW: Family Engagement Coffee Chat on Thursday, September 26

Join IDOE’s Office of Title Grants and Support on Microsoft Teams to discuss family engagement during September’s coffee chat on Thursday, September 26, at 10 a.m. ET. Contact IDOE’s Office of Title Grants and Support with additional questions or topic suggestions for future meetings.


REMINDER: Fall 2024 Microcredential Program

IDOE's Office of Title Grants and Support will continue to offer a microcredential program for experienced program administrators in fall 2024. The microcredential program is a no-cost program that allows program administrators to develop their current practices and participate in ongoing learning and reflection by dedicating between four and six hours of work per microcredential skill. Two optional checkpoints will be provided by IDOE staff for any needed support. Participants will be provided five professional growth plan (PGP) points for each skill, as well as a bonus point on the risk assessment. Interested in participating in the fall informational session on Friday, September 27, at 11 a.m. ET. Please complete the Microcredential Interest Survey. Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: Quarterly Meeting Schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year                                                         

IDOE’s Office of Title Grants and Support will continue hosting a meeting each quarter to provide updates regarding federal grants. The quarterly meetings will be hosted on Thursdays at 10 a.m. ET on the following dates:

Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024 Budget Applications 

FFY24 Title II and FFY24 Title IV budget applications are due by Monday, September 30. The budget applications are being finalized and will be distributed when available. Contact or with any questions.


REMINDER: Alternative Household Application for Free and Reduced Eligibility

The new Alternative Household Application for Free and Reduced Eligibility form has been released (replacing the former Textbook Rental Assistance form). LEAs may use this alternative form in determining poverty for a Community Eligibility Program (CEP). Charter schools are encouraged to use this form for reporting poverty counts used in calculating Federal Title Funding through Data Exchange. Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: CSP Quality Counts II Cohort 2 Application

CSP Quality Counts II Cohort 2 application is now live. Learn more here. Contact with any questions.

News From Our Partners


AI is the hottest topic in education right now. The AI in Education Symposium is meant to provide the time and space for interested parties to engage in productive discourse to set the course for Indiana as we move into this new frontier. Learn more and register here. Contact Keep Indiana Learning with questions.



AP-TIP at the University of Notre Dame will host the school year’s first round of Remote Teacher Collaboratives on Tuesday, October 1. 

  • Remote Teacher Collaboratives are live, discussion-based professional workshops. Here, participants delve into high-impact practices that facilitate the instruction of subject-specific content and empower all students. 
  • We are pleased to extend our professional network this year: all teachers of advanced coursework (e.g. AP, Dual Credit) are invited to attend the 2024-2025 Remote Teacher Collaboratives for their subject area.
  • Registration for these sessions is open and free for all participants. Registered teachers can opt to earn PGP Certificates for their participation (1 PGP per session offered).

Learn more about Remote Teacher Collaboratives, review the dates and topics by subject, and register online here.



The IEP TA Center has a variety of upcoming, no-cost workshops for Indiana educators in Indianapolis. Review upcoming opportunities in the training catalog. Contact the IEP TA Center with additional questions.



Indiana Supreme Court oral arguments are open to the public, streamed live, and archived for later viewing. Arguments are typically held in the historic courtroom at the statehouse. For most arguments, each side has 20 minutes, and the justices ask questions during that time. See a visitor’s guide for attending OAs for more information including a calendar of upcoming arguments and a form to submit requesting attendance.


REMINDER FROM THE INDIANA STATE LIBRARY: Learning IN Indiana Fourth Grade Essay Contest

Indiana is a great place to learn. Fourth graders! Write an essay, and you could be honored at a Statehood Day celebration. Four winners will be selected. Each winner will receive an Indiana529 Deposit of $529 made possible by the Indiana Education Savings Authority! Entry forms and contest rules can be found here. Winners of the essay contest will be honored on Wednesday, December 11, at an in-person ceremony at the Indiana Statehouse or the Indiana State Museum. Submission deadline is Friday, October 25. Contact with any questions.



This summer, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education shared resources to support schools in the implementation of Career Discovery Meetings. These resources are linked below:

Contact the Indiana Commission for Higher Education’s Career Discover Meeting team with additional questions.



Young Hoosiers are invited to participate in the I Voted Sticker Contest, an opportunity for children across the state to get involved in the election process. This contest encourages creativity and civic engagement by challenging students to design “I Voted” stickers that will be handed out to voters at polls in November. The contest is open to all Indiana students. Participants must agree to the official rules and submit their design via email or on a printed official entry form sent in by mail. Submissions for the contest are due by Monday, September 30. The competition is divided into three groups based on grade level: Kindergarten through third grade, fourth through eighth grade, and ninth through twelfth grade. The first place winning design from each grade level will be featured on stickers distributed to voters on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5. First place winners will be invited to meet with Secretary of State Diego Morales in the Statehouse. Second and third place winners from each grade level will receive social media recognition and be featured on the Indiana Secretary of State’s website. All winners will receive a certificate. Competition entry form and rules can be found here. Contact Lindsey Eaton with any questions.


REMINDER FROM PURDUE UNIVERSITY: International Conference on Literacy, Culture, & Language Education (ICLCE)

Purdue University’s Center for Literacy and Language Education and Research (CL2EAR) is hosting ICLCLE from October 25 through 27 at the Stewart Center at Purdue’s West Lafayette campus. This conference brings together language and literacy scholars with Pre-K-12 educators to discuss a wide range of topics such as the science of reading, early literacy, and teaching multilingual learners. Educators can earn 11 PGP points by attending. More information on how to register can be found on the ICLCLE 2024 website. Use the code “EDUCATOR” for a $30 discount on registration! Contact ICLCLE with questions.


REMINDER FROM THE READING LEAGUE INDIANA: Science of Reading Experts Explain Series

In partnership with IDOE, The Reading League Indiana is proud to present the Science of Reading: Experts Explain Series. Featuring national reading science experts, this live, virtual series showcases critical research and resources for coaches and school leaders shifting their practice towards evidence-aligned reading and writing instruction. See registration details here. Contact IDOE’s Literacy Center with any questions.


REMINDER FROM KEEP INDIANA LEARNING: Counselor Connect Professional Development 

Check out the professional learning planned so far for this fall! We have many virtual workshops and two in-person workshops this month including Data Day and Engage & Renew. Contact Keep Indiana Learning with questions.



Registration is now available for the Indiana Connected Educators Conference this fall, which will be held on Wednesday, October 9, and Thursday, October 10, at Franklin Central Junior High School. More information and registration can be found here. Contact Nadine Gilkison or Jenna Eastham with questions regarding the conference.


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View previous weekly updates from Dr. Katie Jenner here.

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The Weekly Update from the Indiana Department of Education is created by the Office of Communications, and is distributed every Friday morning.