An Update From the Indiana Department of Education for August 16, 2024

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A Message from Dr. Katie Jenner

Katie Jenner Headshot

What a week?! On Wednesday we had the opportunity to share some good news about our 2023-2024 IREAD scores, plus after months of listening to Hoosiers across the state, we presented the second draft of the high school diploma rule. Because each of these topics are massive, collective efforts, I will split them in two parts. Next week, I will thoroughly detail the IREAD improvements (e.g., largest year-over-year increase EVER, plus early indicators showing good return on investment for our students). This week, I will focus on our shared efforts to make the four years of high school as valuable as possible for Indiana students. 

Very humbly, it has been a challenging few months. We are entrusted with our state’s greatest asset – our students – and the pressure is on all of us to ensure every child has access to the knowledge and skills they need to prepare them for college…to land that dream job after high school…or to follow their passion to serve in our nation’s military. This matters deeply to all of us, and while even positive change can be tough, it is absolutely essential to getting the best end result for Indiana students. 

The level of care for and commitment to this work has been remarkable–thousands have weighed in…students, families, educators, colleges and universities, as well as industry and community leaders across Indiana…and…many of you have joined a focus group or invited us out to see what you’re doing locally for students. The process worked, and the second draft is absolutely in a better place today because of your feedback and collaboration. THANK YOU!

The second draft of the high school diploma rule incorporates significant updates and places a focus on flexibility for students to personalize their high school experience according to their own unique goals and dreams.

While the first draft proposal included two diploma options, the revised proposal has been streamlined and simplified to include one base diploma with minimum and flexible requirements for every student, as well as the opportunity for students to earn readiness seals in enrollment, employment, and/or enlistment. These new seal options will provide students and parents with a blueprint for success in whatever path a student might choose. And while these seals are optional for students, they are strongly encouraged in order to maximize the student’s readiness for their next step.

As you can see below, each of the seals have two levels…the honors and the honors plus. The proposed honors seals are similar to the opportunities many Hoosier students have today, such as the current academic honors designation, and are designed to be even more intentional, elevating what truly impacts future success. The honors plus seals reflect the opportunities that exist for some Indiana students today, and that we must help more students to access. The honors plus seals are designed to increase skill development, work-based learning experiences, and opportunities for students to increase their educational attainment by earning a credential of value. 

The second draft below has garnered support from a variety of K-12, higher education, and business and industry leaders, and with each day, more and more are raising their hand to be a part of the solution. With all of the positive momentum we have built together, I am really encouraged by the difference I know we will make for students. 

Some of you may have watched the SBOE meeting, and for those who want the “cheat sheet version” (I don’t blame you!), there are a couple resources below that are intended to help as you learn and communicate about the most recent updates with your community.

  1. Current and future diploma comparison and requirements sheet:
Diploma 2 pager

On the front side of this two-pager, you will find a side-by-side of the current Core 40 diploma requirements and where we want to go in the future with the base diploma. On the back is additional information about the new readiness seals.

            2.  Video resources:

Video #1

Video #2

Video #3

After meeting with a focus group of superintendents recently, one of those superintendents reached out with an idea for how we could help explain this to parents and other community stakeholders. While the voices of our local superintendents, principals, and teachers will be MOST important in sharing this update, I do hope these short videos will help! These videos are meant to be shared with school- and community-level stakeholders so they have a better understanding of our why, our shared goals, and exactly how we are moving forward to achieve those goals, so please, share widely!

Thank you to the thousands of educators, parents, families, community members, business leaders, and everyone who provided thoughtful feedback and solutions that allowed us to construct this second draft. We look forward to engaging with you again as we work toward a final draft. And thank you, as always, for all you do to support Indiana students.

Important Legislative Guidance

REMINDER: Implementation Guidance for Newly Enacted Education Laws 

Following the close of each legislative session, IDOE immediately begins working to implement newly-enacted legislation impacting K-12 education, which includes compiling guidance for educators. Guidance is a product of robust cross-agency collaboration and partnership with countless stakeholders. Any future updates will be added to this comprehensive guidance document and shared via the weekly newsletter.

Office of Assessment

NEW: 2024-2025 Formative (Interim) Assessment Grant Distributions

The Indiana State Board of Education (SBOE) approved 2024-2025 Formative (Interim) Assessment Grant distributions. Review this memo for details. Access this spreadsheet to confirm your corporation’s approved distribution. 

IDOE will distribute funds to schools by Monday, September 30. IDOE provides funds to schools via electronic deposit into Fund 3028. Funds are tagged with the memo line “FY25 Remediation Testing 3028-3199” to reflect current Indiana Code naming conventions. Schools do not need to take any additional action to receive funds. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Assessment with additional questions.


NEW: ILEARN Science Cut Scores Approved

Following the summer 2024 ILEARN Science Standards Setting, SBOE approved the new cut scores for ILEARN Science assessments. Find cut scores and more information here. 2024 ILEARN Science results are expected to be posted in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) by Monday, September 30. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Assessment with additional questions.


NEW: ILEARN Science Content & Fairness Committee Application Now Available

IDOE is seeking science teachers for grades four and six, computer science teachers for grades four and six, and biology teachers and instructional coaches to participate in the ILEARN Science Content and Fairness Committee. This committee will review new items that have been prepared for field testing and confirm if they are appropriate or if edits are needed. 

  • The committee will meet virtually (synchronously), and training will be included during the workshop.
  • The committee will occur from Tuesday, October 1, through Thursday, October 3, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET.
  • Participants will receive an honorarium of $480 upon completion.
  • Participants must be located in a secure environment where others cannot view their screen for the entirety of the committee due to test security requirements.

The application deadline is Friday, September 13. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Assessment with any questions regarding this opportunity.

Office of Communications and External Affairs

REMINDER: Indiana Purple Star School Application Now Available

The Indiana Purple Star School Designation honors schools that have displayed a significant commitment to service members, veterans, and students and families connected to our nation’s military. The 2024 application is open through Monday, September 2. Learn about the requirements and apply here. Contact IDOE's Communications team with any questions.

Office of Educator Talent and the Literacy Center

NEW: Universal Screener and Dyslexia Programming Guidance 

Schools are encouraged to review the Universal Screener and Dyslexia Programming guidance document for the 2025-2026 school year. Indiana Code (IC) 20-35.5 requires schools to administer a universal screener to all kindergarten, first, and second grade students annually to identify students who may be “at some risk” or “at risk” for learning characteristics of dyslexia. This early identification of students who are not on track to be proficient readers allows early implementation of targeted support. More information can be found on IDOE's Dyslexia webpage. Contact IDOE's Literacy Center with any additional questions.


REMINDER: Nominations Open for the 2025 Recognizing Inspiring School Employees (RISE) Classified Staff Award 

Public and non-public schools across the state are encouraged to nominate up to two classified school employees for the RISE Award. The RISE Award honors and promotes the excellence exhibited by classified school employees who provide exemplary service to students in pre-kindergarten through high school. The deadline to submit nominations is Friday, September 13, at 5 p.m. ET. Nominations can be submitted via JotForm. Contact IDOE’s Office of Educator Talent with any questions.


REMINDER: Flexible Keys to Literacy Professional Development Options Available Now

Registration is now open for educators who hold an Indiana professional educator license to enroll in one of the new flexible professional development options outlined in this memo. Additional information can be found here and the registration form with all available options can be found here. Educators who previously registered are able to continue with their current enrollment and can use the registration form to confirm their plans to remain in the live cohort sessions or choose a different option. Contact IDOE's Literacy Center with any additional questions.


REMINDER: Approval Process for 80 Hours of Professional Development to Support Early Literacy Endorsement Requirements and Praxis Voucher Request

Educators who plan to add Indiana’s Early Literacy Endorsement can follow the process outlined here to submit a request to verify completion of an approved 80 hours of professional development and request a Praxis Voucher. Contact IDOE's Literacy Center with any questions.


REMINDER: Early Literacy Endorsement Professional Development Verification

Verified programs that can be used to support the 80 hours of professional development needed for the Early Literacy Endorsement can be found on this document. Training providers (including school districts) may request approval to certify which requirements are met through participation in the training by submitting this form with supporting evidence. The list of approved programs will be updated regularly. Contact IDOE's Literacy Center with any questions.


REMINDER: Staff Performance Evaluation Plan Submission

Senate Enrolled Act 486 (2023) requires each school corporation to develop or adopt a plan for annual performance evaluations for each certificate employee. Staff performance evaluation plans must be submitted via JotForm by Friday, September 13. For more information, click here. Contact IDOE’s Office of Educator Talent with any questions.


REMINDER: Teacher Appreciation Grant (TAG) Policy Submission Required

Information regarding the TAG Policy Submission can be found here. Local educational agencies (LEAs) (including charter and virtual charter schools) must submit the TAG policy for approval via JotForm by Friday, September 13, to be eligible to receive TAG funding. Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: Indiana STEM Educator Expansion Program (I-STEM) Registration 

IDOE is partnering with Educational Service Centers (ESCs) of Indiana to strengthen Indiana’s STEM educator pipeline. This is an excellent opportunity for Indiana classroom teachers to add a STEM subject area to their educator’s license via testing. Eligible STEM content areas Include life science, chemistry, earth/space science, physics, physical science, computer science, technology education, and mathematics. Learn more and register here. Contact IDOE's Office of Educator Talent with any questions. 

Office of Information Technology

NEW: Data Exchange (DEX) Office Hours for 2024-2025

Weekly DEX office hours sessions will be available throughout August on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. Beginning in September, weekly DEX office hours sessions will return to a Tuesday-only schedule. Links to submit questions, responses, and to join the office hours sessions can be found in Knowledge Hub > Communications Hub > Upcoming Events.

  • Tuesday, August 13, 10:30 a.m to noon ET
  • Thursday, August 15, 1 to 2:30 p.m. ET
  • Tuesday, August 20, 10:30 a.m to noon ET
  • Thursday,  August 22, 1 to 2:30 p.m. ET
  • Tuesday. August 27, 10:30 a.m to noon ET
  • Thursday, August 29, 2 to 3:30 p.m. ET, Topic: Multilingual Learners 
  • Tuesday, September 3, 1 to 2:30 p.m. ET, Topic: Membership 
  • Tuesday, September 10, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET, Topic: DEX Training for New Users
  • Tuesday, September 17, 1 to 2:30 p,m, ET, Topics: Calendar, Attendance, and Pupil Enrollment
  • Tuesday, September 24, 10:30 a.m to noon ET, Topic: Alternative Education


NEW: Attendance Insights Dashboard Launches on Friday, August 23

A new Attendance Insights dashboard will soon be available to school leaders on the EdData platform providing insights into school attendance, broken down by school year, week, corporation, school, and grade, but will not filter to an individual student level. The attendance summary will update weekly to show the current week's attendance separated into attendance events, and will highlight year over year numbers to gauge attendance event trends. For the first time on a dashboard, habitually truant and chronic absenteeism rates will be calculated weekly. This dashboard can be utilized to look at attendance events by specific dates and grade level, comparisons of attendance events within school corporations, and metrics on timely submissions of attendance data. A public version of this dashboard is also in the works.


NEW: Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) Valuable Cybersecurity Resource for Indiana Schools

MS-ISAC memberships are free for all public schools/school corporations in Indiana. Services include a 24/7 Security Operations Center, incident response and digital forensics services, monitoring of your public IP ranges and domains for possible compromises, access to a Malicious Code Analysis Platform (MCAP), weekly top-malicious domains and IPs report, free blocking of ransomware with Malicious Domain Blocking and Reporting (MDBR), access to cybersecurity table-top exercises, CIS SecureSuite Membership including access to CIS Benchmarks, CIS-CAT Pro, CIS WorkBench, remediation content, and more. Contact Brad Hagg with any questions.


NEW: Free Indiana Cybersecurity Resources

The Indiana Office of Technology (IOT) provides tools and resources to schools on their Local Government Services website. IOT also hosts a monthly virtual town hall on a cybersecurity topic on the second Tuesday of the month from 1 to 2 p.m. ET, and the sign-up for invitations is at the top of the page. House Enrolled Act 1169 requires all schools to designate a cybersecurity incident reporter. This requirement is fulfilled when schools complete the annual technology plan survey, but adding additional incident reporters as well as cyber incident reporting, as required in the law, may be completed. The Indiana Cybersecurity Hub has an abundance of resources including the Indiana Cyber Hub Blog, Cybersecurity for Education Toolkit 2.0, and the Cyber Insurance Toolkit. Contact Brad Hagg with any questions


REMINDER: LINK Portal Setup Requirements

The LINK Portal is able to recognize all public, charter, and accredited non-public schools’ local Google G-Suite or Microsoft 365 accounts. IDOE configures the organization’s leader as the first account, and the organization leader must log in to designate up to two security coordinators responsible for overseeing the setup of roles for others in the organization. All superintendents and leaders of non-public schools must log in to the LINK Portal and review/update their security coordinators. Failure to do so will result in access issues to IDOE systems. 

  • Instructions for organization leaders on how to review/designate the security coordinators can be found here.
  • The registration process for the LINK Portal for new public and Choice schools can be found here
  • New superintendents or organization leaders of non-public schools who need an initial account configured should email


REMINDER: Designation of Key Contacts

Security coordinators for all traditional public, charter, and accredited non-public schools are responsible for ensuring their organization’s key contacts for the 2024-2025 school year are set. Key contacts including the roles of Superintendent, Financial Contact, Special Education Director, Principal, Data Exchange Contact, etc. are needed for the 2024-2025 school year even if those contacts were provided last school year. 

For school corporations that have an Ed-fi student information system (SIS), key contacts and other staff role assignments should be entered and managed in the local SIS, and then provided to DEX/LINK for the new school year. However, all three options below are available:

  1. Provide staff classifications in the local SIS per the vendor’s instructions,
  2. Add a staff type manually for the 2024-2025 school year via the Security Portal, or
  3. Upload templates 008_StaffAssociation_StaffEdOrgAssignmentAssociation and 009_StaffOrganizationContactAssociation into DEX. 

Schools utilizing options two and three may cause overriding or loss of data. Schools should connect with their SIS vendor to better understand how to avoid data loss when providing data via multiple methods. 

IDOE will recognize active staff assignments/roles during the summer months from both the previous and upcoming school years and will begin recognizing only the 2024-2025 school year assignments beginning Sunday, September 1. Security coordinator instructions can be found here. Contact IDOE’s Data Exchange Team with any questions.


REMINDER: SIS Vendor Changes

IDOE-issued Data Exchange credentials (key and secret) are tied to the supporting SIS vendor. If your corporation will be changing or adding an SIS vendor for the upcoming school year, please email with these changes. Your organization will receive a new set of credentials for the new vendor. A SIS vendor certification status list can be found here. Additional information on the implementation of Data Exchange can be found on IDOE's Data Exchange webpage. Contact IDOE’s Data Exchange Team with any questions.


REMINDER: STN Application Center Retirement

IDOE will be retiring the STN Application Center in the second quarter of 2025. This system is being replaced by newer systems including Data Exchange, Ed-ID, a new Choice Voucher Application, and an EdData report called Student Data Backpack. Local data administrators should login to the STN Application Center and download any certified roster data that your school requires under Administration > Retrieve Data, as historic data will not be available in the future. IDOE’s Data Exchange Team is also compiling feedback on which current-year reports are still being utilized by Data Administrators for state reporting purposes, other than the STN Lookup. Please submit this information here. Contact IDOE's Data Exchange Team with any questions.

Office of School Finance

REMINDER: Public School Summer School Reimbursement

The window to submit final 2024 summer school costs is now open through Sunday, September 15. Instructions for submitting summer school costs can be found in this memo. Contact IDOE's Office of School Finance with any questions.


REMINDER: Non-Public School Summer School Reimbursement

The window to submit final 2024 summer school costs is now open through Sunday, September 15. Instructions for submitting summer school costs can be found in this memo. Contact IDOE's Office of School Finance with any questions.

Office of School Support and Transformation

REMINDER: School Improvement Plan (SIP) Submissions Due Friday, October 4

IDOE’s Office of School Support and Transformation is accepting Comprehensive Need Assessment (CNA) and SIP submissions through Friday, October 4, on this JotForm. In accordance with IC 20-31-5-1, public and state-accredited non-public schools must develop a strategic and continuous three-year SIP, and review these plans annually. All schools identified as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI), or Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) are required to submit SIPs and CNAs annually. All other schools must submit SIPs during the 2025-2026 school year. Use of IDOE’s ESSA-aligned SIP template is recommended, however, schools may use any template as long as all required portions are included. This memo provides additional information. Contact IDOE’s Office of School Support and Transformation with any questions.

Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities

REMINDER: Graduation Pathways Eligible Certifications

The 2023-2024 list of Graduation Pathways Eligible Certifications will remain in effect for the 2024-2025 school year with no changes. In order to be used to meet the Postsecondary Readiness Competency requirement, a certification must be included in this list. An updated credentials of value list for future years is forthcoming and will be shared during the 2024-2025 school year. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with any questions.


REMINDER: 2024-2025 School Year Graduation Pathways Office Hours

Graduation Pathways office hours for the 2024-2025 school year begin in August. Use this document for dates, times, and links. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with any questions.


REMINDER: Advanced Placement (AP)/Cambridge International Exam Funding

Indiana’s biennial budget provides funding to cover the fees for AP and Cambridge International exams taken by Indiana students in grades nine through 12 who are enrolled in an accredited public or non-public school. A maximum of three exams per student, per year may be funded. Additional information can be found in this memo. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with any questions.

Office of Student, School, and Family Engagement

NEW: Student, School, and Family Engagement Webinar- Teacher Well-being

Join IDOE’s Office of Student, School, and Family Engagement on Thursday, August 29, from 11 a.m. to noon ET to learn about the connection between your own wellness and the wellness of the educators you lead. Register here and contact IDOE's Office of Student, School, and Family Engagement with any questions.


NEW: Family Friendly Schools 2025-2026

The 2025-2026 Family Friendly Schools Designation process is now open.

Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: IDOE Crisis Action Response Plan

IDOE’s Crisis Response Action Plan serves as a vital resource for administrators, teachers, and support staff, outlining procedures, protocols, and resources necessary to respond swiftly and effectively to varying crisis situations in an effort to minimize potential physical and psychological safety impacts on students. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student, School, and Family Engagement with any questions.

Office of Special Education, English Learning, and Migrant Education

NEW: September Indiana IEP (IIEP) Virtual Office Hours

Join IIEP virtual office hours sessions hosted by Public Consulting Group (PCG) on the third Wednesday of each month from 11 a.m. to noon ET via Microsoft Teams. Sessions will also be recorded and available in IIEP under the Training tab. Register for September’s session to learn more about recent system updates and upcoming changes, followed by a question and answer session. Contact PCG with questions regarding these office hours. 


NEW: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Excess Cost Calculator

The Excess Cost Calculator and instructions are available in the Office of Special Education Moodle Community. LEAs are expected to complete the Excess Cost Calculator; this will not be submitted to IDOE, but should be kept on file locally for audit purposes. As part of the annual IDEA Part B application, LEAs must sign and submit assurances to IDOE stating that the excess cost requirement has been met. Download the calculator and instructions from the Office of Special Education Moodle Community. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with questions.


NEW: WIDA ACCESS Results Available in EdData

WIDA ACCESS 2024 results can now be accessed in EdData. By navigating to EdData and then viewing the WIDA ACCESS Enrollment Report, users will have access to scale scores and proficiency level data for students who are currently enrolled in a corporation or school. WIDA ACCESS 2024 results can also be accessed through WIDA AMS Reporting Services or Indiana ILP. Contact IDOE’s Office of English Learning and Migrant Education with questions.


NEW: English Learner (EL) Directors Meetings Recap & Program Companion Resource

Meeting materials for the recent EL directors meetings are available in the Indiana English Learners Moodle Community for reference. Save the dates for the New EL Directors’ Professional Learning Community (PLC) this fall where the EL Program Leader Companion Guide will be highlighted. Visit the IDOE’s EL PD Opportunities Calendar for details on times and links to join. Contact IDOE’s Office of English Learning and Migrant Education with questions.


REMINDER: Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Part B Grant Proportionate Share Release (Waiver) Request Forms Available 

The FY 2023 Part B 611 and 619 grant proportionate share release request forms are available in the Office of Special Education Moodle Community. Completed requests with supporting documentation must be submitted to IDOE’s Office of Special Education Part B Grants team by Friday, August 30. Following the acceptance of the release form, a Part B grant budget modification request must be completed by Monday, September 16, to transfer funds across budget scopes. Download the release request form and instructions from the Office of Special Education Moodle Community. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with questions.

Offices of Teaching and Learning, Digital Learning, and Kindergarten Readiness

NEW: Dr. Katie Jenner Reads "Old Whiskers" to Students

Join Dr. Katie Jenner on Tuesday, August 20, as she reads "Old Whiskers Escapes!" in celebration of President Benjamin Harrison's Birthday! A video presentation will be available to teachers and students to view on-demand on the Indiana Learning Lab beginning at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions. 


NEW: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Technology Coach Cohort Now Open

IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning is partnering with Novak Education to provide those in educational technology coaching roles with an opportunity to earn a UDL Associate Level 1 Credential. This opportunity will support participants in the why, what, and how of UDL principles while developing coaching techniques to empower and support teachers in integrating UDL effectively. Those registering must be able to attend two in-person workshops, six virtual sessions, and complete an online course. Register to participate via this form. Registration will close on Friday, September 27, or when registration reaches 90 participants who meet the requirements. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions. 


REMINDER: 2024-2025 Digital Learning Parent and Family Support Grant

Applications for the 2024-2025 Digital Learning Parent and Family Support Grant are now open through Friday, September 6. This grant allows school corporations to design a plan to support parents with topics related to educational technology and blended/virtual learning environments. See this memo for additional information and to apply. View the Grant Support Session or Success Stories for more support. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions.


REMINDER: 2024-2025 STEM Certification Guidelines Now Available 

IDOE’s Office of Teaching and Learning has released updated guidance for the 2024-2025 STEM certification application process for schools seeking STEM certification for the first time or that wish to recertify. View guidance for kindergarten through grade eight and secondary school STEM certification here. The Intent to Apply form is due Friday, October 25. Schools interested in applying for STEM certification are encouraged to review information regarding schools who have achieved STEM certification. Contact IDOE’s STEM Certification Team with any questions.


REMINDER: Bridging the Gap Professional Development Session in the Indiana Learning Lab

Join IDOE’s Office of Teaching and Learning for Bridging the Gap: Shifting from the 2020 to the 2023 K-8 Indiana Academic Standards on Wednesday, August 21, from 4 to 4:30 p.m. ET. During this session, attendees will receive an overview of updated resources related to the streamlined 2023 Indiana Academic Standards in English/language arts and mathematics, and they will be provided with a new analysis tool intended to help with identifying learning gaps. To register, please visit the workshop description in the Learning Lab. Contact IDOE’s Office of Teaching and Learning with any questions.


REMINDER: K-12 Robotics Competition Grant Application Open

The 2024-2025 K-12 Robotics Competition Grant is designed to support state-accredited schools and other eligible organizations in establishing or maintaining robotics competition programs to expand opportunities to increase interest and improve skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through participation in competitive robotics programs. Eligible schools and organizations must submit the official grant application by 11:45 p.m. ET on Friday, August 23. Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: August Professional Development (PD) with IDOE

August PD with IDOE continues on Wednesday, August 21, Bridging the Gap: Shifting from the 2020 to 2023 Indiana Academic Standards in ELA and Math To register for workshops, or view on-demand sessions, create a free Indiana Learning Lab account by visiting the LINK Portal or the Indiana Learning Lab directly and use your school email address to log in. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions.

Office of Title Grants and Support

NEW: August Coffee Chat

Join IDOE’s Office of Title Grants and Support on Microsoft Teams to discuss charter schools during August’s coffee chat on Thursday, August 29, at 10 a.m. ET. Contact with any questions or topic suggestions.


REMINDER: Quarterly Meeting Schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year                                                         

IDOE’s Office of Title Grants and Support will continue hosting a meeting each quarter to provide updates regarding federal grants. The quarterly meetings will be hosted on Thursdays at 10 a.m. ET on the following dates:

The Microsoft Teams links for each meeting are embedded in the dates above. Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024 Budget Applications 

FFY24 Title II and FFY24 Title IV budget applications are due by Monday, September 30. The budget applications are being finalized and will be distributed when available. Contact or with any questions.


REMINDER: Alternative Household Application for Free and Reduced Eligibility

The new Alternative Household Application for Free and Reduced Eligibility form has been released (replacing the former Textbook Rental Assistance form). LEAs may use this alternative form in determining poverty for a Community Eligibility Program (CEP). Charter schools are encouraged to use this form for reporting poverty counts used in calculating Federal Title Funding through Data Exchange. Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: ESSER III American Rescue Plan (ARP) Fiscal Waiver-Consolidated Admin

IDOE will apply for a fiscal waiver to consolidate ESSER III ARP Administrative Funds to provide funding for activities related to closing out ESF ESSER grants until March 2026. This waiver will also allow IDOE and LEAs to more effectively encumber federal financial year (FFY) 2022 federal funds. Specifically, IDOE is requesting the following requirement be waived: 

Section 421(b) of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) to extend the period of availability of FFY22 funds for programs in which your SEA participates under its approved consolidated state plan until September 30, 2025 (GEPA waiver is not applicable to ESSER III SEA reserve or mandatory subgrant funds). 

Feedback will be accepted through this Jotform until 11:45 p.m. ET on Saturday, August 24. Contact Frank Chiki with any questions.

News From Our Partners

NEW FROM KEEP INDIANA LEARNING: Enhancing Teacher Evaluation of K-5 Literacy Instruction Workshop 

This event is tailored for evaluators to explore what quality reading instruction looks and sounds like in the classroom. Participants will explore evidence-based strategies, instructional methodologies, and assessment tools aiming to equip evaluators with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess and support teachers in fostering literacy skills among students. Learn more and register here. Please contact Keep Indiana Learning with questions.



Registration is now available for the Indiana Connected Educators Conference this fall, which will be held on Wednesday, October 9, and Thursday, October 10, at Franklin Central Junior High School. More information and registration can be found here. Contact Nadine Gilkison or Jenna Eastham with questions regarding the conference.



This year, AP-TIP at the University of Notre Dame is pleased to extend a wider invitation to its annual fall conference—all teachers of AP, dual credit, or early college courses in math, science, and English are encouraged to register for this event. 

  • Teachers can expect both opportunities to learn from recognized practitioners in a discipline and an emphasis on highly-effective instructional practices that support and challenge all students at the advanced level. 
  • Teachers are encouraged to invite colleagues across programs with an eye to equivalent courses (e.g. AP Precalculus = College Algebra and Trigonometry).
  • The conference is entirely online, and many subjects feature a combination of plenary and collaborative sessions. 

The fall conference runs from Tuesday, September 10, through Thursday, September 12, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET. To see which subjects are offered each day, check the current list of session topics, and register now, visit us online.


NEW FROM BUTLER UNIVERSITY: Applications Now Open for the Founder's College

Butler University introduces an exciting new pathway for Indiana high school students who have high potential for postsecondary success, but because of financial barriers feel college is out of reach.  Founder’s College at Butler University offers a new, affordable, high-quality two-year degree option right here in Indiana. Applications are now open. The first cohort of students will begin August 2025. 

Contact Founders Admissions Director Donneisha Baker with any questions.


NEW FROM TEACH INDY: Back-to-School Night with Indy Eleven

Teach Indy is partnering with Indy Eleven Soccer to host Back-to-School Night on Saturday, August 31. With discounted tickets for educators and free tickets for students, we want to pack the house to celebrate the start of another great school year. Click here to learn more. Contact for more information.


REMINDER FROM THE INDIANA SUPREME COURT: Judges Speakers Bureau and Constitution Day

The Indiana Supreme Court has a Judges Speakers Bureau with contact information of over 300 judicial officers. These volunteer judges are willing to speak to kindergarten through grade 12 classrooms in their respective counties about courts and the law, including for Constitution Day. They can assist in promoting an understanding of the purpose and structure of Indiana’s judicial system. Feel free to contact a judicial officer on the list and ask them about speaking to your group for Constitution Day!



Educators are invited to the Northwest Indiana 2024, Warren Arts & Education Foundation, and Project Rebuild Foundation Homeless, Attendance, and Student Pathways conference, entitled "Indiana: Finding Solutions for the Future” on Wednesday, September 11, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT at the Hard Rock Casino in Gary. More information and registration details can be found here.



IDDC wants to help you get out and explore this great state! With schools back in session it’s a great time to explore places closer to home. Visit IDDC’s website to find fun new places to enjoy a weekend getaway with family and friends. Picture yourself IN Indiana and follow @visitIndiana to see the beauty IN Indiana!


REMINDER FROM THE INDIANAPOLIS MOTOR SPEEDWAY: Field Trip Opportunity - Indy Autonomous Challenge

Educators are invited to bring their high school students to the Innovation Showcase at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Friday, September 6. This free event, held in conjunction with the Indy Autonomous Challenge, will provide students with the unique opportunity to learn more about STEM and the innovations behind autonomous vehicles up close, followed by a unique opportunity to watch these cars zoom around the famous oval track - without drivers! Click here to learn more about the Indy Autonomous Challenge. Click here to learn more and to register for free tickets. Contact IDOE’s Office of Educator Talent with any questions.



Elevate your teaching and ignite your creativity with TIE-IN, an initiative designed to bridge the classroom with the dynamic world of industry. This program, brought to life through a partnership with IDOE and Central Indiana Educational Service Center’s Keep Indiana Learning team, is open to all licensed Indiana educators, including prekindergarten through grade 12 classroom teachers, counselors, media specialists, and instructional coaches. Learn more and register here. Contact Dr. Christy Hilton with any questions.

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The Weekly Update from the Indiana Department of Education is created by the Office of Communications, and is distributed every Friday morning.