An Update From the Indiana Department of Education for July 19, 2024

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A Message from Dr. Katie Jenner

Katie Jenner Headshot

This week, ILEARN scores were released at the Indiana State Board of Education meeting. Each year, ILEARN scores are shared in July (required by statute) and IREAD scores are shared in August after the summer retest window closes. As an educator, I vividly remember the annual anticipation around the ILEARN public release date…mainly because throughout the year, we put so much effort and love into helping our students master the foundations (literacy and math).

Some years our local schools celebrated…and in all years (the successful ones and the tough ones), we reviewed the data and rolled up our sleeves to consider how we might improve. Often, this included reaching out to a neighboring school or district where students were excelling and humbly asking, “what are you doing to move the needle for students?” Undoubtedly, several people reading this (current teachers, principals, superintendents) have received calls from me over the past couple decades to soundboard this question or something similar. We are better when we learn and work together.

If you haven’t already reviewed your local data, I encourage you to do so. A few considerations…

  1. Celebrate what is working and the progress you’ve made, 
  2. Identify what may not be working or where more could be done, and 
  3. Be willing to learn from others and share what you’ve learned as well.  

Now let’s take a look at the statewide data. Overall, most grade levels saw a slight increase in English/language arts (ELA) proficiency and a slight decrease in math proficiency following significant growth in recent years. Statewide, 41.0% of Indiana’s students are at or above proficiency standards in ELA, and 40.7% of students are at or above proficiency standards in math. This is up 0.5 and 3.8 percentage points respectively since 2021. If you remember when we presented our 2021 ILEARN results, the first following pandemic learning disruptions, we shared that this would represent our new baseline. As we looked at our data for 2024, we looked not only at how these results compared to last year but also 2021. 

Below are some additional, key takeaways from this year’s data:

  • Since the 2021 baseline, ELA proficiency has increased across most grade levels. 
    • Third grade: 0.1 percentage point decrease* (Note: Many students in third grade in 2024 received instruction in either a fully or partially virtual setting during kindergarten due to the pandemic. Data show that in-person instruction is key to student success.)
    • Fourth grade: 2.2 percentage point increase
    • Fifth grade: 0.8 percentage point increase 
    • Sixth grade: 1.2 percentage point increase
    • Seventh grade: 0.7 percentage point increase 
    • Eighth grade: 1.3 percentage point decrease
  • Since last year, the 2024 statewide ILEARN results reflect a slight increase in ELA proficiency across most grade levels compared to 2023.
    • The highest year-to-year increases were in grade four (1.5 percentage points) and grade seven (2.3 percentage points). ELA proficiency in grades four and six is the highest it has been since the pandemic.
  • Since the 2021 baseline, math proficiency has increased across all grade levels. 
    • Third grade: 3.7 percentage point increase 
    • Fourth grade: 4.3 percentage point increase 
    • Fifth grade: 2.2 percentage point increase
    • Sixth grade: 5.1 percentage point increase 
    • Seventh grade: 3.4 percentage point increase
    • Eighth grade: 3.6 percentage point increase
  • Since last year, the 2024 statewide ILEARN results reflect a slight decrease in math proficiency across most grade levels compared to 2023, following significant growth in recent years. Proficiency rates in 2024 remained within one percentage point of last year’s results for all grade levels.
    • The greatest change was in grade seven (one percentage point increase).
  • Since last year, the 2024 statewide ILEARN results show that seventh grade students had increases in both ELA and math (2.3 and 1 percentage points respectively) compared to 2023.
  • Specific student populations are seeing improved growth.
    • Since the 2021 baseline, math proficiency rates are higher in 2024 for all student populations.
    • Since last year, Black students had the highest percentage point increase in ELA (1.2 percentage points) and also saw an increase in math proficiency. Since 2021, Black students have seen a 3.5 percentage point increase in ELA and a 5.4 percentage point increase in math.
    • Students in special education and students receiving free/reduced price meals also had modest gains in both ELA and math from 2023 to 2024.
    • English learners (EL) students were identified in 2023 as needing continued targeted support in ELA. Since then, EL students have had a 0.8 percentage point increase in ELA. Additional targeted support is still needed in math.  

While many grades have seen increases in both ELA and math proficiency over the past three years, we must continue to keep our foot on the gas pedal to ensure all students have a solid academic foundation in order to maximize their future opportunities. 

One way we are looking to maximize student opportunity is through redesigning the ILEARN ELA and math assessments, which many of you will pilot in the upcoming school year (over 70% of schools have opted in!). This redesign started back in January 2022 as a direct result of feedback from educators, as well as parents/families about the need for more real-time, actionable data to better support student learning throughout the year, rather than waiting until the end of the year for results. 

The redesigned assessment will have three Checkpoints and a shortened summative assessment at the end of the school year. These checkpoints are not punitive in any way and will be used to guide student learning. For example, if a Checkpoint shows that a student has not yet mastered a particular standard, the student can receive additional intervention and instruction and have an opportunity to retest prior to the summative assessment at the end of the year. 

The new ILEARN checkpoints are just one way we are continuing to work together to ensure we have timely, targeted support for students who need it most and ultimately, driving continuous improvement for all students.

As always, thank you for all that you do for students, and enjoy the final days of summer!

Important Legislative Guidance

REMINDER: Implementation Guidance for Newly Enacted Education Laws 

Following the close of each legislative session, IDOE immediately begins working to implement newly-enacted legislation impacting K-12 education, which includes compiling guidance for educators. Guidance is a product of robust cross-agency collaboration and partnership with countless stakeholders. Any future updates will be added to this comprehensive guidance document and shared via the weekly newsletter.

Office of Assessment

NEW: Indiana Assessments Policy Manual and Accessibility & Accommodations Information Now Available

IDOE has released updated policy and informational resources to prepare schools for 2024-2025 school year assessments. 

Corporation Test Coordinators (CTCs) must ensure that this guidance is reviewed and disseminated for staff assisting with testing in the upcoming school year. Refer to the 2024-2025 Assessment Windows and running assessment calendar for additional preparation. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Assessment with any questions.


NEW: Register Now - SAT Suite of Assessments Implementation & Orientation

College Board and IDOE will host in-person SAT Suite of Assessments Implementation and CTC Orientation workshops for the 2024-2025 PSAT and SAT administrations. CTCs, School Test Coordinators (STCs), Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Coordinators, and additional testing staff are encouraged to register. In-person workshops will occur Wednesday, August 7, through Thursday, August 15, from 9 to 11 a.m. local time. Register here for the following sessions:

  • Wednesday, August 7: Valparaiso
  • Thursday, August 8: Fort Wayne
  • Friday, August 9: Indianapolis
  • Wednesday, August 14: Sellersburg
  • Thursday, August 15: Evansville
  • Tuesday, August 20, from 10 to 11 a.m. ET: Virtual Workshop

Contact College Board with any questions.

Office of Educator Preparation

REMINDER: Annual Principal Survey Regarding Initial License Holders Closes Thursday, August 1

Indiana Code (IC) 20-28-11.5-9 requires a principal at each school corporation, including both charter and virtual schools, to complete an annual survey for any teacher employed in his/her building who was initially licensed in Indiana during the previous two years. The purpose of the survey is not to assess the individual teacher, but the quality of preparation provided by the Indiana educator preparation program completed for licensure. Principals who have not completed this survey should visit IDOE's Principal Survey webpage, select “Complete the Survey” and then enter the access code provided earlier this year. The survey will close on Thursday, August 1. Contact Scott Bogan with any questions.

Office of Educator Talent

NEW: Additional Opportunities to Recognize Indiana Educators

Throughout the year, numerous opportunities arise nationwide to acknowledge the incredible work of Indiana educators. IDOE’s Office of Educator Talent has developed this document which will be updated periodically with external opportunities to recognize educators. To submit an educator recognition opportunity not listed, contact the Office of Educator Talent.


REMINDER: Flexible Keys to Literacy Professional Development Options Available Now

Registration is now open for educators who hold an Indiana professional educator license to enroll in one of the new flexible professional development options outlined in this memo. Additional information can be found here and the registration form with all available options can be found here. Educators who previously registered are able to continue with their current enrollment and can use the registration form to confirm their plans to remain in the live cohort sessions or choose a different option. Please contact IDOE's Literacy Center with any additional questions.


REMINDER: Approval Process for 80 Hours of Professional Development to Support Early Literacy Endorsement Requirements and Praxis Voucher Request

Educators who plan to add Indiana’s Early Literacy Endorsement can follow the process outlined here to submit a request to verify completion of an approved 80 hours of professional development and request a Praxis Voucher. Contact IDOE's Literacy Center with any questions.


REMINDER: Early Literacy Endorsement Professional Development Verification

Verified programs that can be used to support the 80 hours of professional development needed for the early literacy endorsement can be found on this document. Training providers (including school districts) may request approval to certify which requirements are met through participation in the training by submitting this form with supporting evidence. The list of approved programs will be updated regularly. Contact IDOE's Literacy Center with any questions.


REMINDER: Staff Performance Evaluation Plan Submission

Senate Enrolled Act 486 (2023) requires each school corporation to develop or adopt a plan for annual performance evaluations for each certificate employee. Staff performance evaluation plans must be submitted via JotForm by Friday, September 13. For more information, click here. Contact IDOE’s Office of Educator Talent with any questions.


REMINDER: Teacher Appreciation Grant (TAG) Policy Submission Required

Information regarding the TAG Policy Submission can be found here. Local educational agencies (including charter and virtual charter schools) must submit the TAG policy for approval via JotForm by Friday, September 13, to be eligible to receive TAG funding. Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: Indiana Educator Talent Marketplace Webinar

Learn more about using the Indiana Educator Talent Marketplace to find great candidates for open roles. This webinar will walk through the marketplace offering, share tips about how to attract the best talent, and answer your questions. Register below:

Contact IDOE’s Office of Educator Talent with any questions.


REMINDER: Indiana STEM Educator Expansion Program (I-STEM) Registration 

IDOE is partnering with Educational Service Centers (ESCs) of Indiana to strengthen Indiana’s STEM educator pipeline. This is an excellent opportunity for Indiana classroom teachers to add a STEM subject area to their educator’s license via testing. Eligible STEM content areas are life science, chemistry, earth/space science, physics, physical science, computer science, technology education, and mathematics. Learn more and register here. Contact the Office of Educator Talent with any questions. 

Office of Information Technology

NEW: IDOE Offers Ransomware Resources

Several counties have recently fallen victim to ransomware attacks. There are several free resources that can help schools prepare recovery paths and tighten their defenses.  

Contact Brad Hagg with any questions.


REMINDER: Cybersecurity Information and Resources to Schools

IDOE’s School Cybersecurity Moodle is open to any new or existing school employee with cybersecurity, leadership, or technical responsibilities. This incredible resource provides updated vulnerability information, a discussion board for private cybersecurity discussions, the Indiana Cybersecurity Task Force resource repository, and an application form for KnowBe4 security awareness training licenses. Contact Brad Hagg to request the access code.

Office of School Finance

REMINDER: Form 9 Submission

Pursuant to IC 20-40-2-6, school corporations must submit their Form 9 financial data for January to June 2024 by Wednesday, July 31. To ensure that IDOE's Office of School Finance has adequate time to review your submission before finalizing the period, steps one through eight should be completed well before the deadline. The Form 9 application can be accessed via the Link Portal. Once in the portal, the financial administrator will navigate to the “Form 9 Financial Data” tile. Form 9 submission guidance can be found in Moodle including the Form 9 Overview. Contact with any questions.

Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities

REMINDER: Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 High Ability Cash Requests

Cash requests for the FY 2025 (2024-2025) High Ability Program Grant will be accepted until June 1, 2025. All relevant forms and deadlines may be found in the High Ability Grant Toolkit. Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: Alternative Education Summer Office Hours

Alternative Education Summer Office Hours are open to anyone with questions or concerns regarding the alternative education reporting and grant process, Indiana Code regarding alternative education, alternative education program requirements, and how to best serve students. Click below to join:

Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with any questions.


REMINDER: 3E Grant Reimbursement Requests 

All 3E Grantees should be regularly submitting reimbursement requests to IDOE. Reimbursement forms should be completed, signed by the preparer, and submitted to on the 1st and 15th of each month. Grantees must keep receipts, invoices, staff time and effort logs, and all other relevant documentation of your grant expenses on file locally, in the case of an audit. These documents do not have to be submitted to IDOE when seeking reimbursement. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with any questions.


REMINDER: American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund for Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY) Remaining Balance

The third anniversary of the $800M set-aside from ARP-HCY is approaching. Funds appropriated under the ARP-HCY I & II will be available for obligation until Monday, September 30. The deadline for drawdown of the obligated ARP-HCY I & II funds is 120 days, or January 30, 2025 (see 2 C.F.R. § 200.344(b)). Local educational agencies (LEAs) must report expenditures monthly in order for IDOE to maintain accurate reporting of dollars spent and dollars available. An amendment request must be submitted to IDOE for any modifications to the approved budget in order to expend funds. LEAs must receive approval of their amendment from IDOE before the implementation of any changes. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with any questions. 

Office of Student, School, and Family Engagement

REMINDER: Webinar - Create a Crisis Response Action Plan

Join IDOE’s Office of Student, School, and Family Engagement on Thursday, July 25, from 10 to 11 a.m. ET to learn the basics of what is needed in a crisis response action plan and walk away with resources to help you create one at your school or district. Register here and contact IDOE's Office of Student, School, and Family Engagement with any questions.


REMINDER: Free Sources of Strength (SoS) Curriculum for Kindergarten Through Sixth Grade 

Through funding provided by the Mental Health Awareness Training grant, IDOE has partnered with SoS to provide 20 kindergarten through sixth grade schools with the SoS curriculum. Each school that applies for the curriculum must have two staff members available for the virtual curriculum coach training on Thursday, September 12, and Friday, September 13, from 9:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. ET. Each coach must attend both days. Schools can complete the application for the curriculum here. Upon review of the completed application, both staff members will be sent a link to register for the curriculum training. Once both coaches are registered for the training, the curriculum will be sent to the school. Please allow three to five days for shipping. The application deadline is 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, August 23, and the training registration deadline is 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday, August 31. Contact Jason Murrey with any questions.

Office of Special Education, English Learning, and Migrant Education

NEW: Indicator 13 Reports - Data Correction

A calculation error on several Indicator 13 reports has been identified. The overall compliance scores and Individual Education Program (IEP) notes are correct; however, some percentages are not correctly calculated and indicate a lower score for questions. IDOE has identified the error and will generate new reports for each local educational agency (LEA) with correct data. Those new reports will be generated and sent out in the coming week. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions.


NEW: Special Education Excess Cost (SEEC) Fund Updates

Since Monday, July 1, several changes are in effect regarding the SEEC fund. 

  1. LEAs can apply for SEEC funds for applied behavioral analysis (ABA) services provided to students within their home schools, as well as private duty nurses. Additional information can be found in the SEEC Funding Manual in Moodle.
  2. Per Indiana Code 20-35-6-2, corporations are required to pay a minimum of $28,305.51, which is applied per IEP before IDOE will fund excess costs. The amount is calculated using three times the current state average per pupil amount of $9,435.17.
  3. The application template to request SEEC funding has been updated and posted in Moodle. All applications submitted after July 1, must be completed using this new template.

Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions.


NEW: English Learner (EL) Exit Criteria Changes Guidance and Training

The U.S. Department of Education has approved Indiana’s state Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan amendment to adjust Indiana’s criteria for students to exit EL status beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. The change is detailed in the Indiana EL Exit Criteria Change Memo and specific guidance for its implementation in the Indiana EL Exit Criteria Guidance. Both documents are found on IDOE’s English Learning & Migrant Education webpage. IDOE’s EL team will provide technical assistance will via virtual office hours on Thursday, July 25, and Thursday, August 1, at 3 p.m. ET. Details can be found on the EL PD Opportunities Calendar. Please contact IDOE’s Office of English Learning and Migrant Education with questions.


REMINDER: August EL Directors Meetings

The dates and times for the Annual EL Directors Meetings for the upcoming school year have been set, incorporating a different format than in previous years. Meetings for new EL directors will be held on Thursday, August 8, covering the basics of compliance, grants, and programming. Meetings for all directors, both new and returning, will be held the following week on Thursday, August 15, covering timely EL topics and updates for the upcoming school year. Both meetings will be held virtually. Visit the IDOE EL PD Opportunities Calendar for details on times and links to join. Contact IDOE’s Office of English Learning and Migrant Education with questions.


REMINDER: Special Education Technical Assistance (TA) Updates

IDOE’s Office of Special Education provides updates regarding support for areas of special education improvement as well as state partner changes for assistive technology and accessible educational materials via this memo. Special education directors, professionals, and providers are encouraged to review this guidance for updated TA support. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions. 


REMINDER: Registration Available: New Special Educator Director Training

The Indiana Council of Administrators of Special Education (ICASE) and IDOE will host the 2024-2025 New Special Education Director Training on Friday, July 19, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET at White Oak Professional Development Center in Avon. This training serves as an introduction to IDOE policies and resources for directors/administrators of special education in their first or second year, providing a unique networking and professional development opportunity for special education professionals. More information and registration can be found here. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions. 


REMINDER: Accommodations Toolkit from the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)

The National Center on Educational Outcome’s (NCEO’s) Accommodations Toolkit provides summaries of academic research literature and policy analyses on accommodations for students with disabilities. The toolkit is organized by accommodation (e.g., tactile graphics, braille, test breaks, extended time, etc.), with a research fact sheet for each. Although resources within the toolkit are designed to support state agencies, information may also be helpful to special education professionals and case conference committees (CCCs). Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions.


REMINDER: Paraprofessional Training Grant Reimbursements Due Wednesday, July 31

The deadline to submit the final reimbursement request for the 2023-2024 Paraprofessional Training Grant is Wednesday, July 31. Reimbursement requests should be submitted by email to with “FY23-24 Para Grant Reimbursement Form” in the subject line. Requests submitted after Wednesday, July 31, will not be accepted. IDOE’s Office of Special Education with additional questions. 


REMINDER: FY 2023 Part B Grant Proportionate Share Release (Waiver) Request Forms Available 

The FY 2023 Part B 611 & 619 grant proportionate share release request forms are available in the Office of Special Education Moodle Community. Completed requests with supporting documentation must be submitted to IDOE’s Office of Special Education Part B Grants team by Friday, August 30. Following the acceptance of the release form, a Part B grant budget modification request must be completed by Monday, September 16, to transfer funds across budget scopes. Download the release request form and instructions from the Office of Special Education Moodle Community. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with questions.


REMINDER: 2025 General Education Provision Act (GEPA) Forms Due Wednesday, July 31

To comply with Section 427 of GEPA, local educational agencies (LEAs) requesting Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B funds must submit an approved GEPA statement of compliance by Wednesday, July 31. View IDOE’s training video within the Office of Special Education Moodle Community for additional support. All questions must be answered on the GEPA form.  Once completed upload the form to the grant management system. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with additional questions. 

Offices of Teaching and Learning, Digital Learning, and Kindergarten Readiness

NEW: Letter of Intent Form Now Available - Providers of High-Quality Curricular Materials

Guidance is now available for prospective curriculum providers to apply for inclusion on IDOE’s advisory lists of high-quality curricular materials for Early Learning (Infant/Toddler, Preschool, and Mixed Age Groups) aligned with the Indiana Early Learning Standards, as well as core materials aligned with the Indiana Academic Standards for a variety of grade levels and content areas (i.e., K-12 Science, K-12 Technology [Computer Science], K-12 Engineering, K-12 Mathematics, and K-8 Literacy aligned with science of reading). 

Prospective vendors must submit the letter of intent form indicating intent to apply by 11:59 p.m. ET on Monday, August 12. The vendor submission guide, evaluation tools, and other key resources will be available on IDOE’s High-Quality Curricular Materials Advisory Lists webpage on Monday, July 22. Contact IDOE with any questions.


NEW: Social Studies Frameworks for Geography and History of the World and World History and Civilization Now Available

IDOE developed new frameworks in alignment with the streamlined 2023 Indiana Academic Standards for World History and Civilization and Geography and History of the World. Frameworks are designed to support educators in standards implementation, providing key areas of focus such as academic vocabulary, and instructional resources. Access these resources from the 2023 Social Studies Frameworks collection in the Indiana Learning Lab. Contact IDOE’s Office of Teaching and Learning with any questions.


NEW: Updates to 2023 Indiana Academic Standards (IAS) Frameworks

Resources and tools pertaining to universal supports for all learners and assessment considerations have been added to the 2023 IAS Frameworks in all content areas, accessible through the 2023 Frameworks Collection in the Indiana Learning Lab. Frameworks are iterative documents designed to support educators in standards implementation. Additional resources will continue to be added to the framework documents. Contact IDOE’s Office of Teaching and Learning with any questions.


NEW: Assessing Current Transition to Kindergarten Practices

Join Purdue University's Center for Early Learning and IDOE in the Indiana Learning Lab on Wednesday, July 31, at 1 p.m. ET to discuss the assessment of current transition to kindergarten practices. Learn about IDOE's new Kindergarten Transition Model and self-assessment tool developed to assist early learning programs and schools in measuring their current transition to kindergarten practices. These resources were built using kindergarten transition and input collected from families, educators, and communities. Register for this session here. Contact IDOE's Office of Kindergarten Readiness with questions.

Office of Title Grants and Support

NEW: Indiana’s ARP-ESSER Plan Amendment Posted for Public Comment

Indiana’s ARP-ESSER Plan Amendment has been posted on IDOE’s website for public comment. Comments will be accepted here through Monday, August 12. Contact Frank Chiki with any questions.


NEW: Indiana Program Administrator Leadership Institute (INPALI) Mentor and Mentee Applications Open

This no-cost program offers additional support in partnership with INPALI mentors and IDOE’s federal grants team. The program includes a one-day, in-person orientation, along with quarterly virtual check-in meetings and monthly communication with IDOE staff. Mentors are available for phone calls, e-mails, and video conferencing as needed. Mentors are provided a stipend to connect, support, and meet with new program administrators. Mentors must have a minimum of five years of experience working with Title I. Preferred experience in Title I and other federal grants. Mentees must be new program administrators, defined as having fewer than three years of experience working with Title I.


NEW: Year 3 ESSER Data Collection Revisions Due Wednesday, July 24

Year 3 ESSER Data Collection Revisions are due no later than Wednesday, July 24. Only the CrossAct and ESSER I-III datasheets must be revised. Please see the memo distributed on or about July 1, containing all necessary details. The CrossAct revisions should be submitted via this JotForm. ESSER I-III datasheet revisions should be submitted via this JotForm. Contact with any questions.


NEW: July Coffee Chat

Join IDOE’s Office of Title Grants and Support on Microsoft Teams to discuss Indirect Cost Rates (ICR) & Form 9 during July’s coffee chat on Thursday, July 25, at 10 a.m. ET. Contact with any questions or topic suggestions. 


REMINDER: FY 2025 Pre-Application Virtual Help Desk

IDOE’s Office of Title Grants and Support will host Pre-App Help Desk each Thursday through Thursday, August 22. Participants can ask any questions to IDOE’s Title I, II, III, and IV specialists and will be answered on a first come first serve basis. Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Cohort 12 Applications Due Friday, August 16

21st CCLC Cohort 12 applications must be submitted via Jotform by Friday, August 16. The 21st CCLC grant is a competitive grant that funds out of school time programs across the state of Indiana. Learn more here and contact IDOE’s Out of School Time (OST) team with any questions.   

News From Our Partners

NEW FROM INDIANA STEM ECOSYSTEM: Hands-On, Minds-On STEM Summit at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

Join the Indiana STEM Ecosystem and regional STEM hubs on on Wednesday, July 24, for the first annual Hands-On, Minds-On STEM Summit at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis for a day of experiential, real-world learning that will enrich, excite, and engage your love of STEM while sparking new ideas for developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills with the youth you serve. This single-day experiential convening is designed for formal and informal educators working to increase STEM literacy for youth of all ages. Learn more and register to attend here. Contact Amanda McCammon with any questions.



CELL at the University of Indianapolis has provided an opportunity for six instructional teams to join the first cohort of the Cognitive Science Academy launching fall 2024 at no cost (a $6,500 value). The Cognitive Science Academy, offered by CELL in partnership with InnerDrive, is a nine-month virtual masterclass series for instructional teams of up to four educators to apply cognitive science research to classroom practice. Participants will meet virtually one Thursday per month from 1 to 2:30 p.m. ET. To be considered, school or district teams must submit an application by Wednesday, July 31. 


NEW FROM WORK AND LEARN INDIANA: Participate in Indiana Intern Day 2024

Thursday, July 25, is Indiana Intern Day. Join Work and Learn Indiana and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education in celebrating Hoosier interns. Commit to recognizing interns on social media and offline as we acknowledge the value and impact of interns and internship programs. Make sure your organization pledges to participate in Indiana Intern Day by filling out the online pledge form. You’ll receive a digital content kit with sample social media posts, graphics, and ways to celebrate interns.


NEW FROM THE INDIANAPOLIS MOTOR SPEEDWAY: Field Trip Opportunity - Indy Autonomous Challenge

Educators are invited to bring their high school students to the Innovation Showcase at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Friday, September 6. This free event, held in conjunction with the Indy Autonomous Challenge, will provide students with the unique opportunity to learn more about STEM and the innovations behind autonomous vehicles up close, followed by a unique opportunity to watch these cars zoom around the famous oval track - without drivers! Click here to learn more about the Indy Autonomous Challenge. Click here to learn more and to register for free tickets. Contact IDOE’s Office of Educator Talent with any questions.


NEW FROM THE LILLY ENDOWMENT: Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program (TCFP) 2025

Lilly Endowment is pleased to announce its 2025 TCFP. This program supports educators throughout Indiana by providing resources for them to take time for meaningful renewal.  Endowment staff will host virtual informational sessions on Thursday, August 8, and Tuesday, August 13, to review the TCFP application process and answer questions from interested educators. Click here to learn more and register for one of the virtual informational sessions.  


NEW FROM SCHOOLHOUSE: Free SAT Bootcamps this Fall, a nonprofit founded by Sal Khan of Khan Academy, hosts free, virtual SAT prep for students to help them prepare for the digital SAT. Schoolhouse is continuing to offer SAT Bootcamps this fall (for the August, October, November, and December SATs) and want Indiana students have access to this free, high-quality SAT tutoring. SAT Bootcamps are a four-week tutoring series with initial studies showing 50 point gains on the SAT through just 10 hours of tutoring. The August SAT Bootcamp will run from Friday, July 26, to Thursday, August 22, in preparation for the Saturday, August 24, SAT. Registration for the August SAT Bootcamp is open and students should sign up at this link by Wednesday, July 24.



Elevate your teaching and ignite your creativity with TIE-IN, an initiative designed to bridge the classroom with the dynamic world of industry. This program, brought to life through a partnership with IDOE and Central Indiana Educational Service Center’s Keep Indiana Learning team, is open to all licensed Indiana educators, including prekindergarten through grade 12 classroom teachers, counselors, media specialists, and instructional coaches. Learn more and register here. Contact Dr.Christy Hilton with any questions.



A new program at Ball State University for early learning professionals seeking their teaching license is now available. All courses are available online and designed to prepare students to apply for the Indiana pre-K-3 educator license. The program takes four semesters, two courses per semester, and funding is available to assist qualifying individuals in paying for the coursework. Applications are due Wednesday, July 31.Contact Ball State University’s Christina VanOsdol with any questions. 

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The Weekly Update from the Indiana Department of Education is created by the Office of Communications, and is distributed every Friday morning.