An Update From the Indiana Department of Education for April 19, 2024

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A Message from Dr. Katie Jenner

Dr. Jenner

A couple of weeks ago (after a very long, non-stop week), I walked in the door late on a Friday evening and found two pieces of paper on the kitchen counter. As I started picking up and putting away the random assortment of items that often collect on the kitchen counter during the week, I was about to throw away what appeared to be just blank pages. However, when I turned the papers over, I discovered something very special…something that I absolutely needed to see at that moment…a reminder of why our work as educators matters so much. 

One of my middle school daughters had written two separate notes (totally unprompted and as surprises for two of her favorite people) – one to her English teacher and one to her science teacher. She forgot to give the notes to them that day, which is why they happened to be on the kitchen counter…but honestly, I think it was probably meant to be. 

In that moment I needed to read those. I needed to see from the eyes of a student just how much she loved these two people—her teachers. And, by the way, these words were coming from a middle schooler who is full of opinions, a lack of patience (her words, not mine!)…as well as someone full of hopes, doubts, and everything in between. But, she wanted her teachers to know the difference they make.

As educators, we often don’t completely realize the positive impact we have made on our students until years later. Please know, you matter…to your community, to our state, and most importantly, to our students. All that you do to teach, support, and love our students is often not communicated enough…whether the letters are left on the kitchen counter or the student just doesn’t have a chance to tell you in person, please know that you are making a difference.

With my daughter’s permission, I have shared the notes she wrote below, and while I hope you forgive her spelling errors here and there, I also hope this will be a reminder to you of the importance of your work. Thank you for loving our Indiana children—including the ones who voice their appreciation either verbally or written, as well as the ones who you may never hear from but for whom you are actively impacting.

Teacher Notes

To Mrs. McGarry, Mrs. Galliher, and the thousands of educators across Indiana…you matter. I appreciate you. And, I thank you.

Reminders for the Class of 2024

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Graduation Pathway Requirements

Pursuant to Indiana Code (IC) 20-32-4-1.5, the Indiana State Board of Education (SBOE) established the use of the ASVAB to meet graduation pathway requirements. Beginning with the 2025 graduation cohort, HEA 1635 requires students electing to use the ASVAB as a means for meeting graduation pathway requirements to also fill out the Military Enlistment Intent Form. Students graduating in the 2023 and 2024 cohorts who have earned a qualifying ASVAB score, as determined by SBOE, prior to July 1, 2023, will be able to utilize previously earned ASVAB scores without a signed Military Enlistment Intent Form to fulfill their graduation pathway requirements. Learn more here. Contact IDOE's Student Pathways team with any questions.


Graduation Waiver Caps

As outlined in Indiana Code (IC) 20-26-13-10, for purposes of calculating the 2024 graduation rate, Indiana schools may not count more than 9% of their graduation cohort as graduating if utilizing postsecondary ready competency waivers. Schools exceeding the 9% cap will receive an adjusted state graduation rate. Postsecondary ready competency graduation waivers will be capped at 6% for the 2025 cohort and 3% for the 2026 cohort and beyond. In December, schools received a letter with their 2023 graduation rates along their post-secondary competency waiver rates. The letter provided a breakdown of how the 9% cap would impact their graduation rate, which should be considered when helping the class of 2024 meet their graduation requirements. Contact IDOE's Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with questions regarding postsecondary ready competency qualifications, or Office of Accountability with questions regarding the calculation of the graduation rate or the cohort report.

Office of Accountability

REMINDER: 2024-2025 Corporation Amendments

The 2024-2025 school year corporation amendment window is open through Friday, August 30. Corporations and schools with school profile changes should submit a corporation amendment request with supporting documentation via Jotform. Information regarding submission can be found here. Corporations and schools without any school profile changes do not need to submit a request. Contact IDOE’s Office of Accountability with any questions.

Office of Student Assessment

REMINDER: ILEARN Biology & U.S. Government End-of-Course Assessment (ECA) Testing Windows Now Open

The ILEARN Biology and U.S. Government ECA Spring 2024 online testing window is open through Friday, May 17. The paper-and-pencil testing window for the ILEARN Biology ECA is open through Friday, May 10. As a reminder, participation in the ILEARN U.S. Government ECA is optional for students who have completed the high school U.S. government course and is offered solely online. Students are required to participate in the ILEARN Biology ECA once upon completion of the high school biology course. View participation guidance here. Refer to the ILEARN 2023-2024 Milestones, ILEARN Biology ECA Test Window Checklist, and testing window contact overview for additional support. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Assessment with any questions. 


REMINDER: ILEARN Spring 2024 Monitoring 

IDOE’s Office of Student Assessment will conduct virtual and onsite monitoring visits during the ILEARN 3-8 and ILEARN Biology ECA testing windows to ensure fidelity of test administration and test security requirements. 

  • ILEARN 3-8: Monday, April 15, through Friday, May 10
  • ILEARN Biology ECA: Monday, April 15, through Friday, May 17

Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Assessment with any questions.

Office of Educator Licensing

NEW: LVIS360 Planned Maintenance

The LIVS360 licensing system will be unavailable from 4 p.m. on Friday, April 19, through 7 a.m. on Monday, April 22, for planned system maintenance and installation of software updates.



Educators applying for initial licenses or renewals in the next few months should log in to the updated LVIS360 system soon to link their LVIS legacy licensure data to their LVIS360 account. The new system requires users to create an Access Indiana account prior to accessing LVIS360. The Office of Educator Licensing recommends getting acquainted with the new login process and linking your new LVIS360 login to your legacy account now before the busy season for licensing starts in May. Administrators, please encourage your teachers to log in soon. Access the user portal here. Contact IDOE's Office of Educator Licensing with any questions.

Office of Educator Preparation

REMINDER: Annual Principal Survey Regarding Initial Educator License Holders 

Indiana Code (IC) 20-28-11.5-9 requires principals at each school corporation, charter school, and virtual school, to complete an annual survey that provides information regarding the principal's assessment of the quality of instruction by each particular teacher preparation program located in Indiana for teachers employed at the school who initially received their teaching license in Indiana in the previous two years. A survey is not required for those who completed an out-of-state program for initial licensure. The 2024 survey can be accessed here, select “Complete the Survey,” and then enter the access code provided earlier this week. Summary results will be shared with educator preparation programs for program improvement, and summary data without names will be posted here. Contact Scott Bogan with any questions.

Office of Educator Talent

NEW: Webinar Recording - Understanding Indiana’s New Early Literacy Endorsement and Educator Supports

Today, in Indiana, one in five third grade students cannot read. This is a crisis that has persisted for over a decade, however it is one that we can solve, together. Thank you to those who were able to join the Thursday, April 18, webinar to learn more about the requirements for Indiana’s new early literacy endorsement. We wanted to make sure the information shared is available for everyone, so copies of both the presentation, as well as the recording can be accessed at your convenience. These links are also available on IDOE’s Literacy Development webpage. Thank you to the teachers who have already registered for the Keys to Literacy course, including the over 9,300 teachers who have registered over the past four days alone! Please continue to contact IDOE’s Literacy Center with any questions.


REMINDER: Teacher Nominations Open – 2024 Education Excellence Awards

Award nominations are open for the third annual Educational Excellence Awards Gala on Friday, September 6. Nominate an excellent educator here by Sunday, May 12, at 9 p.m. ET. All certified Indiana teachers are eligible. Contact the Office of Educator Talent with any questions.


REMINDER: Support for Schools Below 70% Passing on IREAD-3

As outlined in IC 20-32-8.5-2, public schools where fewer than 70% of students achieved a passing score on IREAD-3 must provide curriculum based on science of reading, employ an instructional coach trained in science of reading, administer IREAD-3 in grade two, and use IDOE-approved formative assessments the 2024-2025 school year. Schools and districts that would like additional support should register for the Indiana Literacy Cadre by Wednesday, May 1. Please see this memo for more details. Contact IDOE’s Literacy Center with questions.


REMINDER: Nominations Open for Distinguished Educators Recognition

IDOE’s Office of Educator Talent is looking for confidential recommendations of teachers representing the very best educators in Indiana. These emerging leaders must have between five and 15 years of experience, demonstrate leadership beyond the classroom, and positively impact school culture and student achievement. Superintendents and principals may submit recommendations here by Friday, May 24. Contact Anne Marie Milligan with any questions. 


REMINDER: Nominate an Educator for Teacher of the Year

The Indiana Teacher of the Year Program works to inspire, rejuvenate, and celebrate the teaching profession by recognizing outstanding teachers from across the state. Local schools are encouraged to participate in an annual selection process and local Teacher(s) of the Year are encouraged to complete the state application process by Friday, July 5. Find more information on the 2025 Indiana Teacher of the Year selection process here. Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: Applications for Spanish Visiting Teacher Program

Find details for the 2024-2025 school year Spanish Visiting Teacher Program here and learn more about the responsibilities of being a host school here. Districts can express interest by completing the application form here. Contact Anne Marie Milligan with any questions.


REMINDER: Nominations Open for the Indiana History Teacher of the Year Award

In partnership with IDOE, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History awards the Indiana History Teacher of the Year title each year in its effort to promote the study and love of American history. State winners are then considered for the National History Teacher of the Year award. For more information about the nomination process and to nominate an Indiana history teacher, click here. Nominations must be submitted by Tuesday, April 30. Contact Anne Marie Milligan with any questions.


REMINDER: Indiana STEM Educator Expansion Program (I-STEM) Registration Now Available

IDOE is partnering with Educational Service Centers (ESCs) of Indiana to strengthen Indiana’s STEM educator pipeline. The I-STEM partnership provides support for both currently licensed teachers in non-STEM areas and prospective teachers who are not licensed but hold a bachelor’s degree, to become licensed to teach in a STEM content area. Eligible STEM content areas are life science, chemistry, earth/space science, physics, physical science, computer science, technology education, and mathematics. Learn more and register here. Contact the Office of Educator Talent with any questions. 

Office of School Building Physical Security and Safety

NEW: National School Nurse Day is Wednesday, May 8

Wednesday, May 8, is National School Nurse Day – a day to honor school nurses as they consistently make a difference in the lives of students. As this school year comes to a close, please recognize and honor your school nurses for the extraordinary work they have done to care for your school community.

School Celebration Ideas:

  1. Recognize the school nurse with mementos of appreciation (i.e. - gift card, flowers, lunch).
  2. Have students make cards for the school nurse.
  3. Include information about School Nurse Day in school communications.
  4. Have the school principal present the school nurse with a certificate of appreciation.
  5. Provide year-round support to the school nurse for accessing professional development opportunities.

Office of School Finance

REMINDER: Common School Advancements

IDOE’s Office of School Finance is now accepting applications for construction and technology loans from school corporations and school corporation career and technical education schools. To be considered, applications must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. ET today, Friday, April 19. Applications can be found in the Public School Finance Community in Moodle under Common School Funds > Spring. Contact with any questions.

Office of School Support & Transformation

REMINDER: Next Generation School Improvement Grant (Next Gen SIG) 

Applications for the Next Gen SIG are open through Friday, May 24. This is a competitive multi-year, multi-million dollar grant, and must include a well-developed vision and intentional strategic plan to innovate or transform the educational experience for your students and their community. Eligibility for this grant extends to all schools currently identified for comprehensive support and improvements (CSI) and targeted support and improvements (TSI) under Indiana’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan. Interested school officials can read more about the grant program in this memo. A list of eligible schools can be found here. A PDF version of the application can be found here for your review prior to filling out the JotForm. Please review the scoring rubric that will be used to evaluate the application before filling out the application. Contact IDOE's Office of School Support and Transformation with any questions.

Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities

NEW: Benefits and Considerations of Purchasing a Vehicle with American Rescue Plan - Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY) Funds

High rates of mobility and lack of reliable transportation contribute to academic challenges and extremely high chronic absenteeism rates. While the McKinney-Vento Act provides educational protections for students experiencing homelessness, including specific transportation requirements, transportation remains one of the biggest unmet needs for students experiencing homelessness. ARP-HCY provides an opportunity to meet transportation needs through more flexible uses of funding, including vehicle purchases. Please see this two-pager from SchoolHouse Connection for some key considerations for local educational agencies (LEAs). Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with questions.


REMINDER: ARP-HCY Remaining Balance

Funds appropriated under ARP-HCY I & II are available for obligation until Monday, September 30. The drawdown window of obligated ARP-HCY I & II funds is 120 days, or January 30, 2025 (see 2 C.F.R. § 200.344(b)). Indiana school districts must report expenditures monthly in order for IDOE to maintain accurate reporting of dollars spent and dollars available. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with questions.


REMINDER: Crossing the Finish Line 2024

For the fourth consecutive year, high schools across the state are partnering with IDOE, the Commission for Higher Education (CHE), and higher education institutions to help more students earn a credential of value. Research shows that increased levels of educational attainment positively impact students’ future quality of life, health, living wage, employment, and sustained earning. Through Crossing the Finish Line, eligible students can receive free tuition and books at Ivy Tech or Vincennes University. Many eligible students have already begun spring 2024 courses so that they can earn a credential prior to graduation. Guidance from IDOE regarding how to sign your students up for summer 2024 courses with Ivy Tech and Vincennes University will be shared directly with schools in the coming weeks. Contact the Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with questions.


REMINDER: High Ability Grant Application

The High Ability Program Grant Application is open to all public and public charter LEAs until the end of the day on Wednesday, May 1. Superintendents and high ability coordinators received their LEA’s allocation letter and application JotForm link via email on Monday, April 15. Contact IDOE’s High Ability team with any questions.


REMINDER: 3E Grant Amendments

The 3E Grant amendments deadline is Friday, May 31. Any grantee seeking to amend their approved budget must submit an amendment form to IDOE prior to this deadline. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities to receive a copy of your amendment form or with any questions.


REMINDER: 2024-2025 McKinney-Vento Subgrant Application Open

The 2024-2025 McKinney-Vento Subgrant Application is open through Friday, April 26. The McKinney-Vento subgrant provides funding to local educational agencies (LEAs) to support the unique needs and challenges that homeless children and youth face when enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. The McKinney-Vento subgrant contract runs from October 1 through September 30 each year. Please contact IDOE's McKinney-Vento team for support.


REMINDER: 2024-2025 Locally Created Pathway (LCP) Application Open

The application for new LCPs is open for any LEAs who seek approval for a new LCP beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. Additional information about LCPs can be found on the Graduation Pathways webpage. Contact IDOE's Student Pathways team with any questions.

Office of Special Education, English Learning, and Migrant Education

NEW: Dual Language (DL) Office Hours - Effective Practices in Bridging Across Languages

IDOE’s Office of English Learning and Migrant Education will be hosting DL Office Hours on Thursday, May 2, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. ET. Join to learn more about effective practices in developing students’ metalinguistic awareness, planning for translanguaging, and bridging content across both program languages. Visit the Indiana EL Professional Development Opportunities Calendar for more information and the meeting link. No registration is required. Contact IDOE’s Office of English Learning and Migrant Education with any questions.


NEW: RoboKind Grant Opportunity School Year 2024-2025

IDOE is offering the RoboKind Grant opportunity for selected corporations or schools to purchase robotic technology and provide professional development endorsed by the Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) to improve the social and behavioral skills for students with autism. Successful applicants will receive the curriculum, humanoid robot, applicable training, and infrastructure support at no charge to the district. Information, applications, and the budget form can be found here. Please email the signed application and budget to Contact with additional questions.


REMINDER: Required Part B Proportionate Share Office Hours

IDOE’s Office of Special Education Part B fiscal team will be hosting another mandatory office hour to assist LEAs with proportionate share balances or who are planning to complete a Proportionate Share Release (Waiver). The fiscal year (FY) 2023 611 and 619 grants will close on Monday, September 30. This forum will answer questions and provide support for LEAs to expend funds for students with disabilities who are parentally placed in a non-public or homeschool setting. 

Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions.   


REMINDER: Paraprofessional Training Grant Application & Office Hours

IDOE is offering a grant opportunity to school corporations, charter schools, and state schools to guarantee that paraprofessionals, as defined in 511 Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) 7-32-69, receive training to assist students with disabilities. The grant application closes Friday, May 3. IDOE will host two open office hours to assist the field in completing these grant applications. Join the sessions below for assistance:

Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with additional questions. 

Offices of Teaching and Learning, Digital Learning, and Kindergarten Readiness

NEW: Future-Focused Indiana Academic Standards (IAS) for Mathematics Course Now Available

Pursuant to House Enrolled Act 1243, IDOE developed the new 2023 Future-Focused Indiana Academic Standards for Mathematics Course. This self-paced, asynchronous course focuses on unpacking the elementary and secondary 2023 IAS for Mathematics, and provides educator and administrator support for standards implementation, the application of effective mathematics teaching strategies, and methods for emphasizing contextual problem solving. High-quality resources are included to assist educators in providing support to a diverse range of learners while fostering a collaborative learning environment. This free course is available in the Indiana Learning Lab and Professional Growth Plan (PGP) points are available upon completion. Contact IDOE’s Office of Teaching and Learning with any questions.


NEW: April PD with IDOE Continues Wednesday, April 24

April PD with IDOE sessions continue on Wednesday, April 24, with Pull Up A Seat: A Fireside Chat with the 2024 Indiana Teacher of the Year  led by IDOE’s Director of Recruitment and Retention, Anne Marie Milligan and 2024 Indiana Teacher of the Year, Eric Jenkins. View a full list of April sessions here. To register for workshops, or view on demand sessions, create a free Learning Lab account by visiting the LINK Portal or the Indiana Learning Lab directly and use your school email address to log in. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions.


NEW: High-Quality Curricular Materials Review Committee Applications Now Open

IDOE seeks qualified educators and other stakeholders to serve on high-quality curricular materials review committees for Early Learning Integrated (infant/toddler, preschool, and mixed age groups) and Early Learning Supplemental (student wellbeing, mathematics, science, literacy, handwriting, and family engagement). View this flier and memo for more information and apply using the educator Jotform or community member Jotform. Contact IDOE’s Office of Kindergarten Readiness with any questions.


NEW: Meaningful Early Math Experiences Series for Early Childhood Educators

Join Ryan Flessner, Professor of Teacher Education at Butler University, for a professional development series on meaningful early math experiences. Gain deeper knowledge about Indiana’s early learning mathematics standards and walk away with easy-to-implement ideas you can use in your learning environment the following day. Session topics include: 

All sessions will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. ET in the Indiana Learning Lab. Contact IDOE’s Office of Kindergarten Readiness with additional questions. 


REMINDER: Fall 2024 Opt-In Early Learning Assessment System - Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA)

As part of Indiana’s new system to measure and support kindergarten readiness, Indiana’s KRA for children in kindergarten will be available to all public, charter, and non-public schools as an opt-in assessment for fall of 2024. Schools may opt in beginning in early May; details will be provided in Dr. Jenner’s Weekly Update. The opportunity for early child care providers to opt in to administration of ISPROUT to children in ages five and under will be forthcoming later this year. Join IDOE for several informational sessions in the Indiana Learning Lab in the coming weeks, and contact IDOE’s Office of Kindergarten Readiness with any questions.


REMINDER: 2024-2025 Public and State-Accredited Non-Public School Reading Plan and Dyslexia Reporting Submissions Due Sunday, June 30 

IDOE’s Literacy Center released the new 2024 Reading Plan and dyslexia reporting guidance. Indiana Administrative Code requires all public schools and state-accredited non-public schools with students enrolled in kindergarten through grade three to submit an elementary reading plan to IDOE by close of business on Sunday, June 30. Schools will complete the applicable form:

In addition to the reading plan, Indiana Code 20-35.5 requires all public schools to report dyslexia screening data from the current 2023-2024 school year. State-accredited non-public schools are not required to submit data but have the option to report. The submission window is open Friday, April 5, through Sunday, June 30. Contact IDOE’s Literacy Center with additional questions.


REMINDER: 2023-2024 Charter School Dyslexia Reporting Submissions Due Sunday, June 30 

The Literacy Center released the new 2024 Reading Plan and dyslexia reporting guidance. Indiana Code 20-35.5 requires all charter schools with students enrolled in kindergarten through grade two to submit a dyslexia data report to IDOE by close of business on Sunday, June 30. Charter schools will use this form for dyslexia reporting. Schools will complete the submission using data from the 2023-2024 school year. The submission window is open Friday, April 5, through Sunday, June 30. Contact IDOE’s Literacy Center with additional questions.


REMINDER: Indiana Course Access Portal (iCAP) Reimbursement 

IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning is offering an opportunity for schools to apply to receive up to $50,000 in reimbursement for students enrolling in Indiana Course Access Portal (iCAP) courses for the 2024-2025 school year. iCAP currently offers over 200 course options to help high schools meet students’ individual needs and expand learning opportunities. iCAP is intended to be supplementary with students remaining enrolled in their main school. Please see this memo for more information on the opportunity. Applications close on Friday, April 26. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions.


REMINDER: 2024 Summer of Learning Conferences

IDOE’s Summer of Learning Conferences offer educators opportunities to connect with technology-enhanced pedagogy related to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and accessibility, science of reading, integrated STEM standards, academic recovery, designing virtual and blended learning experiences, and more. Eleven conference host sites were selected through the Summer of Learning Grant process. View the conference schedule on IDOE’s Digital Learning and Professional Development webpage


REMINDER: Virtual Learning Professional Development Series

Virtual Learning Essentials, a series of presentations from experts, researchers, and authors, featuring deep dives into essential elements of virtual learning, continues Tuesday, April 30, at 4 p.m. ET with “Planning for Inclusive, Online, Distance, and Digital Education that Serves Learners” by Dr. Mary Rice from the University of New Mexico. Register here. Previous sessions are available on the Indiana Learning Lab. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions.

Office of Title Grants and Support

UPDATE: Timing of Grant Solicitations in New Grants Management System 

IDOE and the State Budget Agency are working to implement the state’s new grants management system, eCivis, but when will you begin using eCivis to apply for and manage your grant? A couple quick rules of thumb will answer this question. 

  • First, generally, you will begin using eCivis to apply for and manage your grants whenever that program’s funding cycle begins. 
  • Second, programs that have already been awarded will not be uploaded to eCivis. These “in flight” programs will be added to eCivis at the beginning of their next funding cycle. 
  • Finally, grant programs that begin in the next couple of months might not be in eCivis this year. These decisions are being made on a case-by-case basis. At the appropriate time, IDOE will share specifics on which programs will be in eCivis and which will be managed under the old system. 

For training materials, technical support, and other information about eCivis, please visit the Indiana State Budget Agency website. 


REMINDER: April Coffee Chat 

Join IDOE’s Office of Title Grants and Support to discuss the pre-application on Thursday, April 25, at 10 a.m. ET, at the April Coffee Chat on Microsoft Teams. Contact IDOE’s Title I team with questions or suggestions for future topics.


REMINDER: Budget Agency Presents Grants Management Workshop 

Members of the Budget Agency’s Grants Management Team conducted two grants management workshops on Tuesday, April 9. The workshops introduced participants to eCivis, Indiana’s new grants management system. Participants set up their eCivis accounts and got acquainted with the system by submitting an application to a sample grant solicitation. The workshop slide deck is available here. For training materials, technical support, and other information about eCivis, please visit the Indiana State Budget Agency website

News From Our Partners


CHE is currently using NCAN’s FAFSA Tracker to monitor FAFSA data. As of Friday, April 5, 28.0% of the class of 2024 had completed the FAFSA, and of the total 31,624 students who have submitted the FAFSA, 6,710 will need updates and/or corrections. While this represents a 27.9% decrease compared to last year, Indiana ranks first in the nation for closing the gap compared to last year. While CHE will not extend the Monday, April 15, priority deadline, state aid will be awarded to all Hoosiers who filed by Monday, April 15, and qualify based on their FAFSA. After that, CHE will award state aid on a first-come, first-serve basis if funds remain. Schools should continue to encourage students and families to file after Monday, April 15. See this announcement for additional FAFSA updates. CHE’s Outreach Coordinators are available to assist students, families, and school or community partners with FSA ID creation, FAFSA filing/corrections, and appeals. Hoosier families can also access free FAFSA help through INvestEd by email at or phone at 317-715-9007. 



School boards and administrators throughout Indiana obligated ESSER funds in a variety of ways. Those who budgeted a portion of ESSER dollars to increased operating costs will experience greater challenges once the temporary funding runs out. It is imperative that school officials evaluate this situation. To assist with this evaluation, additional information and a forecasting tool can be found in this memo (re-issued from September 2023). While voluntary, school corporations and charter schools are encouraged to develop financial forecasts to project revenues, expenditures, and cash balances beyond the life of ESSER in order to measure your school or district’s ESSER cliff and inform current management decisions. Once complete, if the exercise forecasts fiscal problems on the horizon, please contact so that we might assist you in navigating through this challenging period.


NEW FROM THE LILLY ENDOWMENT: Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program 2025

Lilly Endowment is pleased to announce the 2025 Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program (TCFP). This program supports educators throughout Indiana by providing resources for them to take time for meaningful renewal. Endowment staff will host four virtual informational sessions on Thursday, May 16, Thursday, May 30, Thursday, August 8, and Tuesday, August 13, to review the TCFP application process and answer questions from interested educators. Click here to learn more and register for one of the virtual informational sessions.  


NEW FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT (DWD): Early Childhood Education Next Level Jobs Employer Training Grant Webinar

Join DWD on Wednesday, May 8, at noon ET for an informative session about the Next Level Jobs Employer Training Grant designed to enhance educator training within your organization. This presentation aims to equip participants with essential knowledge on accessing the funding to elevate the skills and expertise of educators. Register here. If you have any issues registering, please contact Holly Meyer.



The Indiana Connected Educators Conference is on Thursday, October 10, at Franklin Central Jr. High. Jon Corippo will be the keynote speaker as participants take a journey through the Crossroads of Connected Learning. Participants will have a map of breakout sessions to choose from, a delicious picnic lunch from Trax BBQ, pit stops with vendors, and fun prizes to be given away. Be sure to claim your ticket before Wednesday, May 1, to get early bird special pricing of $80. If you are a coach, attend Coach Con for free on Wednesday, October 9. Learn more here.



On Tuesday, June 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET, at Indiana University Bloomington, NCWIT and Nextech will host the Connected Counseling Workshop, focused on the critical role of counselors to empower students in this transformative era of digital education. Computer science skills are no longer optional. This workshop offers an overview of the latest in technology education, strategies for seamless integration of computing into counseling, and strategies to engage historically underrepresented students in the evolving digital workforce. Participants receive a $200 stipend for participation. More information regarding the workshop and registration is here. Contact with any questions. 



Nextech, in partnership with IDOE, and CSTA, is proud to announce the application window for Indiana CSPDWeek is open with limited space available. All Indiana kindergarten through grade 12 educators teaching computer science content during the 2023-2024 school year are invited to apply for this intensive professional development from Monday, June 10, through Friday, June 14. Professional development spans all stages of computer science teachers from beginning to advanced. Don’t pass up this opportunity to engage in high-quality professional development from a variety of national providers. There are still openings in both the AP Computer Science Principles and AP CS A tracks. These professional learning experiences count as the summer institute for your AP course as well as providing you with an endorsed curriculum and syllabus. Apply here and contact with any questions. 


NEW FROM CODEHS: Spring Computer Science (CS) Professional Development Opportunities

CodeHS released their spring/summer 2024 menu of high quality professional learning opportunities to promote best practices in CS instruction. With options ranging from developing computational thinking skills in a workshop to learning new programming languages in a bootcamp to preparing for teacher licensure exams in CS, there are opportunities for all grade and experience levels. Register here and reach out to with any questions.



  • For providers or educators in Indiana’s early care and education (ECE) system: You are invited to participate in the Preschool Development Grant Needs Assessment Data Collection (IRB-2023-1076) conducted by researchers at Purdue University. The aim of this project is to learn more about the availability, affordability, and quality of ECE programs in Indiana serving children from birth to age five. Your unique experiences in Indiana’s birth-to-five programs are extremely important to help us better understand the needs of educators/providers when it comes to working in the ECE field. Participants will receive a $20 Amazon gift card. To begin, please complete the consent form, and you’ll be directed to the survey immediately afterwards. All information shared about your experiences and perspectives will be kept confidential. Contact Jennifer Finders with any questions. 
  • For parents or caregivers to a child aged five or younger: You are invited to participate in the Preschool Development Grant Needs Assessment Data Collection (IRB-2023-1076) conducted by researchers at Purdue University. The aim of this project is to learn more about the availability, affordability, and quality of child care programs in Indiana serving children from birth to age five. Your unique experiences in Indiana’s ECE programs are extremely important to help us understand how to improve access and quality of child care for children ages birth to five. Participants will receive a $20 Amazon gift card. To begin, please complete the consent form, and you’ll be directed to the survey immediately afterwards. All information share about your experiences and perspectives will be kept confidential. Contact Jennifer Finders with any questions.


REMINDER FROM PILOT LIGHT: 2024-2025 Food Education Fellowship

Pilot Light created the Food Education Fellowship to invest in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 teacher leaders who are committed to bringing food education to their students. In addition to integrated food education lessons, fellows will partner with an individual or organization in the food space to support student-led advocacy work within their classrooms. Learn more about the fellowship here. Pilot Light will hold a virtual office hour about the fellowship on Wednesday, May 1, at 5 p.m. ET. Register here to learn more. Contact Caitlin Arens at Pilot Light with any questions. 


REMINDER FROM THE WARREN ARTS AND EDUCATION FOUNDATION: 2024 Warren Arts and Education Foundation Conference

You are invited to attend the 2024 Warren Arts & Education Foundation, Attendance and Trauma Informed Care Conference, titled "Building Hope: Finding Solutions for the Future of Attendance. A Journey Through Adversity and Trauma Informed Care". The conference will be held from Tuesday, May 14, through Wednesday, May 15, at the Marriott North in Indianapolis. Learn more here.



The two-day High Ability Boot Camp with Dr. Ginny Burney and Dr. Kristie Speirs-Neumeister will share practical ideas for serving high ability students. Contact Consultants for High Ability with any questions.


REMINDER FROM GET YOUR TEACH ON: Register now to attend the Indiana Educator Celebration

Get Your Teach On is hosting an Indiana Educator Celebration in partnership with IDOE on Friday, May 31 at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown. Attendees can expect giveaways, food, keynote speakers, special guests, and much more. Register here. Contact Anne Marie Milligan with any questions. 



ISBA is hosting a series of four live webinars free of charge for anyone considering running for school board. ISBA will provide resources to support individuals who decide to run for a school board seat, including an election procedures legal memo, a school board candidate resource guide, and a FAQ resource. The first webinar, focused on understanding school board roles and responsibilities, is scheduled for Thursday, May 9. As a reminder, this year’s window to file as a candidate for school board is Tuesday, May 21, through Thursday, June 20. Learn more and register here.


REMINDER FROM KEEP INDIANA LEARNING: College and Career Counseling at the Elementary Level

Keep Indiana Learning is hosting a virtual professional development focused on college and career counseling at the elementary-level on Wednesday, April 24, at 11:30 a.m. ET. Learn more and register here.  


REMINDER FROM TEACH PLUS: Indiana Policy Fellowship Applications Open

Applications for the 2024-2025 Indiana Policy Fellowship are open through Sunday, April 21. This highly selective leadership opportunity is a paid fellowship for outstanding Indiana teachers looking to deepen their knowledge of education policy, learn more about the education landscape, and advocate for their students and the teaching profession. Nominate a teacher here and apply here. Contact Kimberly Nguyen with any questions.



The 2024 AP Summer Institute sponsored by AP-TIP will be from Tuesday, July 9, through Friday, July 12, in Indianapolis. Training in a wide array of subjects across disciplines will be offered. AP Capstone sessions, Research, Seminar, and Seminar ELA, will be available at this location as well. Learn more about this College Board-endorsed event and register here.

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