An Update From the Indiana Department of Education for March 22, 2024

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A Message from Dr. Katie Jenner

Dr. Jenner

As I signaled last week, with the 2024 legislative session now in the books, I’d like to take a moment today to recap our priorities, and ultimately, outcomes. More information about each of these will be available in the coming weeks and months, and similar to last year, we will provide one comprehensive document where all guidance can be found. As you may remember, our priorities fell into the following areas:

  • Ensuring students are reading by the end of third grade;
  • Redesigning ILEARN;
  • Rethinking high school; and 
  • Helping students gain more digital literacy skills.

There were also other key topics important to schools and educators, such as increasing mathematics support for schools, overcoming chronic absenteeism challenges, and limiting student cell phone use in the classroom. I appreciate you for reaching out to us on all of the above topics and others to share your thoughts and opinions. Your voice always helps to ensure bills are in the best position possible to support students prior to becoming law. 

Building on the momentum of the last three years, which includes a historic investment in literacy ($170 million), an unprecedented commitment to supporting educators with training in science of reading and providing key literacy data publicly for the first time ever, Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 1 and SEA 6 represented our legislative solutions to Indiana’s literacy crisis. This includes:

  • More strategically utilizing the universal screener (assessing reading skills), which is currently required in kindergarten through second grade, to identify and provide interventions, as early as possible, for students who are at-risk of not being proficient readers.
  • Proactively administering IREAD to all second grade students as an early ‘On Track Indicator’ tool to notify families and educators of any need for additional reading support. The goal is to know at second grade if each student is reading proficiently, on-track, or at-risk. Nearly 1,100 schools opted-in to administer IREAD to second grade students this school year.
  • Ensuring parents and families receive detailed information regarding their students’ IREAD results, as well as any additional support or interventions being provided.
  • Supporting required, locally-designed summer school reading programs for second grade students identified as ‘at-risk’ by the On Track indicator and non-passing third grade students.
  • Codifying Indiana’s Good Cause Exemption (GCE) policy. Students must satisfy at least one qualification to be eligible for a GCE:
    • Special Education: a student with an intellectual disability and/or determined by an Individual Education Program (IEP) case conference committee.
    • English Learner (EL): an identified EL student who has been in the U.S. for under two years.
    • Math Exceptionality: a student who passes the ILEARN Math assessment.
    • Retained Twice & Received Intensive Intervention: a student who was retained twice in K-2 and has already received intensive intervention.
    • Schools must also establish a process for a parent/guardian to submit an appeal if they believe their student should have received a GCE but did not.
  • Ensuring significantly fewer third grade students are promoted to fourth grade without essential reading skills, by requiring students to be retained (as a last resort) if they do not pass IREAD after three attempts (second grade spring administration, third grade spring administration, and summer retest) unless:
    • The student has received a GCE or
    • The student has already been retained for one year.
  • In order to ensure students master foundational reading skills (including GCE students), requiring all non-passing students to retake IREAD until they pass or upon completion of sixth grade.
  • As a result of understanding IREAD and other data points, extending reading supports for at-risk students in grades four through eight.
  • Increasing targeted support for students by ensuring schools continue to monitor the progress of non-passing IREAD students and provide remediation aligned to science of reading.

The passage of House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1243, has also opened the door for flexibility on a variety of priorities including:

  • In order to provide families and educators with more actionable data throughout the school year, redesigning ILEARN as a through-year vs. summative assessment beginning in 2025-2026. Over 1,300 schools have already opted-in to pilot the through-year assessment.
  • In order to make the four years of high school as valuable as possible for students, current diplomas will sunset in 2028, allowing for the development of new diploma requirements by December 2024. Indiana is considered a national leader in rethinking high school.
  • Ensuring more students gain digital literacy skills by requiring a computer science course for high school graduation beginning in 2029.

Again, I want to thank everyone who reached out over the past few months to offer thoughtful suggestions and ideas for how we can keep making it better for kids. Your solution ideas were very helpful and your collaboration and partnership is appreciated. The topics shared above represent just a few of the new policies enacted this past session, and we will provide more comprehensive implementation guidance over the coming weeks and months. In doing so, we will continue to remain laser-focused on finding the solutions needed to make sure all Indiana students have the best possible opportunities in their future…and that our schools are best set up for success.

Thank you for all that you do for our students!

Reminders for the Class of 2024

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Graduation Pathway Requirements

Pursuant to Indiana Code (IC) 20-32-4-1.5, the Indiana State Board of Education (SBOE) established the use of the ASVAB to meet graduation pathway requirements. Beginning with the 2025 graduation cohort, HEA 1635 requires students electing to use the ASVAB as a means for meeting graduation pathway requirements to also fill out the Military Enlistment Intent Form. Students graduating in the 2023 and 2024 cohorts who have earned a qualifying ASVAB score, as determined by SBOE, prior to July 1, 2023, will be able to utilize previously earned ASVAB scores without a signed Military Enlistment Intent Form to fulfill their graduation pathway requirements. Learn more here. Contact IDOE's Student Pathways team with any questions.


Graduation Waiver Caps

As outlined in Indiana Code (IC) 20-26-13-10, for purposes of calculating the 2024 graduation rate, Indiana schools may not count more than 9% of their graduation cohort as graduating if utilizing postsecondary ready competency waivers. Schools exceeding the 9% cap will receive an adjusted state graduation rate. Postsecondary ready competency graduation waivers will be capped at 6% for the 2025 cohort and 3% for the 2026 cohort and beyond. In December, schools received a letter with their 2023 graduation rates along their post-secondary competency waiver rates. The letter provided a breakdown of how the 9% cap would impact their graduation rate, which should be considered when helping the class of 2024 meet their graduation requirements. Contact IDOE's Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities with questions regarding postsecondary ready competency qualifications, or Office of Accountability with questions regarding the calculation of the graduation rate or the cohort report.

Office of Accountability

NEW: 2024-2025 Corporation Amendments

The 2024-2025 school year corporation amendment window is Monday, April 1, through Friday, August 30. Corporations and schools with school profile changes should submit a corporation amendment request with supporting documentation via Jotform. Information regarding submission can be found here. Corporations and schools without any school profile changes do not need to submit a request. Contact IDOE’s Office of Accountability with any questions.

Office of Student Assessment

NEW: SAT School Day Makeup Testing Window Question and Answer (Q&A) Sessions

IDOE will hold two Q&A sessions in April to address any questions regarding the upcoming SAT School Day makeup testing window, which is Monday, April 8, through Friday, April 19.

Find additional resources and webinars here. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Assessment with questions. 


NEW: ILEARN Q&A Sessions

IDOE will hold two Q&A sessions in April to address any questions regarding the upcoming ILEARN 3-8, ILEARN Biology End-of-Course Assessment (ECA), and optional ILEARN U.S. Government ECA testing windows.

Additional resources and webinars can be found on IDOE’s ILEARN webpage. Contact IDOE’s Office of Student Assessment with questions. 


NEW: IREAD-3 Paper Materials Return Deadline Today, Friday, March 22

All paper test books must be shipped to Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) by today, Friday, March 22, for responses to be scored. Large print and braille test books must be transcribed into regular print books for scoring. Schools should also return all secure paper materials by today Friday, March 22. Contact the Indiana Assessment Help Desk with questions.

Office of Educator Licensing


Educators applying for initial licenses or renewals in the next few months should log in to the updated LVIS360 system soon to link their LVIS legacy licensure data to their LVIS360 account. The new system requires users to create an Access Indiana account prior to accessing LVIS360. The Office of Educator Licensing recommends getting acquainted with the new login process and linking your new LVIS360 login to your legacy account now before the busy season for licensing starts in May. Administrators, please encourage your teachers to log in soon. Access the user portal here. Contact IDOE's Office of Educator Licensing with any questions.

Office of Educator Talent

NEW: Literacy Endorsement Professional Development

Indiana educators with an existing pre-kindergarten through grade six or special education license are invited to register for a Keys to Literacy training cohort at no cost, to help them earn Indiana’s Literacy Endorsement. Eligible educators who participate in a Keys to Literacy training cohort can receive up to $1,200 in stipends for completion of the course. Additional information can be found in this memo and educators can register here. Contact the Literacy Center with any questions.


REMINDER: Nominate an Educator for Teacher of the Year

The Indiana Teacher of the Year Program works to inspire, rejuvenate, and celebrate the teaching profession by recognizing outstanding teachers from across the state. Local schools are encouraged to participate in an annual selection process and local Teacher(s) of the Year are encouraged to complete the state application process by Friday, July 5. More Information on the 2025 Indiana Teacher of the Year selection process can be found here. Contact with any questions.


REMINDER: Applications for Spanish Visiting Teacher Program

Details for the 2024-2025 school year Spanish Visiting Teacher Program can be found here, or to learn more about the responsibilities of being a host school please click here. Districts can express interest by completing the application form here. Priority will be given to applications completed by Sunday, March 31. Contact Anne Marie Milligan with any questions.


REMINDER: Nominations Open for the Indiana History Teacher of the Year Award

In partnership with IDOE, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History awards the Indiana History Teacher of the Year title each year in its effort to promote the study and love of American history. State winners are then considered for the National History Teacher of the Year award. For more information about the nomination process and to nominate an Indiana history teacher, click here. Nominations must be submitted by Tuesday, April 30. Contact Anne Marie Milligan with any questions.


REMINDER: Indiana STEM Educator Expansion Program (I-STEM) Registration Now Available

IDOE is partnering with Educational Service Centers (ESCs) of Indiana to strengthen Indiana’s STEM educator pipeline. The I-STEM partnership provides support for both currently licensed teachers in non-STEM areas and prospective teachers who are not licensed but hold a bachelor’s degree, to become licensed to teach in a STEM content area. Eligible STEM content areas are life science, chemistry, earth/space science, physics, physical science, computer science, technology education, and mathematics. Learn more and register here. Contact the Office of Educator Talent with any questions. 

Office of School Building Physical Security and Safety

NEW: School Staff Injury Reporting

Pursuant to IC 20-19-3-27.5 and IC 20-26-5-42, public schools are required to report certain employee injury information to IDOE if the employee is physically injured on the job by a direct action of a student. Additional information regarding reporting requirements and timeline can be found in this memo. Contact IDOE’s Office of School Building Physical Safety and Security with any questions.


REMINDER: 2024 Eclipse Guidance

As was shared in a memo on October 13, 2023, schools across Indiana will experience the eclipse differently, depending on their geographic location, with portions of central and southern Indiana in the path of totality. Any determinations regarding instruction on the day of the eclipse will be a local decision, and local planning should be occurring now. Some schools will be in-person and holding special events this day, others will have virtual learning, and others have already extended spring break so they are not in session on this day. As a reminder, per Indiana Code (IC) 20 -24.2-4-2, schools are required to meet a minimum instructional time threshold, and waivers will not be granted due to the eclipse. Contact IDOE’s Office of School Building Physical Safety and Security with any questions.

Office of School Finance

REMINDER: ESSER III Subrecipient Awards

In order to maximize Indiana’s federal relief dollars to best support student learning, IDOE will review all subrecipient awards funded using ESSER III beginning Friday, April 12. Subrecipients should ensure reimbursement requests are submitted as soon as possible to bring project reimbursements up to date and accurately reflect the work completed thus far. Any subrecipient that has not spent what would reasonably be expected by Friday, April 12, will be required to provide supporting documentation to ensure funds will be fully utilized during the contract or grant period. The subrecipient may have its award re-evaluated and could see a reduction in funding. IDOE will contact the subrecipients required to provide additional information. IDOE will perform additional rounds of evaluation in June and August. Please note that the ESSER III LEA formula grants will not be impacted. Contact Tracy Brown or Derek Deuth with any questions.


REMINDER: Fall 2024 Average Daily Membership (ADM) Estimate

School corporations and charter schools may submit a fall ADM through Friday, March 22. For more details, please read this memo. Contact IDOE's Office of School Finance with any questions.


REMINDER: Form 9 Financial Reporting for January to June 2024

Please read this memo regarding Form 9 accounting changes for January to June 2024. Contact IDOE's Office of School Finance with any questions.


REMINDER: Summer School Estimates

The window to submit the Estimated Cost Report for Summer School 2024 closes Monday, April 1. Please read this memo for information regarding eligible courses, important dates, and financial provisions. Detailed information about the summer school programs and how to report is included in this presentation. Contact Teresa Hemmerle or Alex Waite with any questions.

Office of School Support & Transformation

REMINDER: 2023 Federal Accountability Notification Memos

All notification memos for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI), and Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) schools have been sent to schools that were identified based on 2023 assessment data. Contact IDOE's Office of School Support and Transformation with any questions regarding status classification.


REMINDER: Next Generation School Improvement Grant (Next Gen SIG) 

Applications for the Next Gen SIG are open. This is a competitive multi-year, multi-million dollar grant, and must include a well-developed vision and intentional strategic plan to innovate or transform the educational experience for your students and their community. Eligibility for this grant extends to all schools currently identified as CSI and TSI under Indiana’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan. Interested school officials can read more about the grant program in this memo. A list of eligible schools can be found here. The NextGen SIG application will remain open through Friday, May 24. Please review the scoring rubric that will be used to evaluate the application before filling out the application. Contact IDOE's Office of School Support and Transformation with any questions.


REMINDER: Annual 1003 Flexibility Waivers

IDOE’s Office of School Support and Transformation is accepting applications for 1003 flexibility waivers. Flexibility through waivers is offered to help support schools in their design efforts to improve student performance and outcomes, help to improve efficiency of school operations, and to help promote innovative educational approaches to student learning. Interested officials can read more about the opportunity in this memo and Flexibility Guide for Indiana's K-12 Schools. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through Friday, April 5. Contact Georgia Watson with any questions.

Office of Student Pathways and Opportunities

REMINDER: 2024-2025 McKinney-Vento Subgrant Application Open

The 2024-2025 McKinney-Vento Subgrant Application is open through Friday, April 26. The McKinney-Vento subgrant provides funding to local educational agencies (LEAs) to support the unique needs and challenges that homeless children and youth face when enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. The McKinney-Vento subgrant contract runs from October 1 through September 30 each year. Contact IDOE's McKinney-Vento team with any questions.


REMINDER: 2024-2025 Locally Created Pathway (LCP) Application Open

The application for new LCPs is open for any LEAs who seek approval for a new LCP beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. Additional information about LCPs can be found on the Graduation Pathways webpage. Contact IDOE's Student Pathways team with any questions.

Office of Special Education, English Learning, and Migrant Education

NEW: Early Childhood Stakeholder Group Applications 

IDOE is seeking participants for an ongoing early childhood special education stakeholder group to build a large, diverse community of individuals involved, in various capacities, with children ages birth to five with and without disabilities who can provide input on early childhood initiatives. If interested, submit this form by Sunday, March 31. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education monitoring team with any questions.


NEW: Parent Involvement Survey (Indicator 8)

Corporations are reminded that the parent involvement survey should be offered to all families of students with individualized education programs (IEPs) at least once per school year, typically at the annual case review (ACR). Families can complete an online (English, Spanish, Burmese) or paper survey (English, Spanish, Burmese). Corporations can request parent survey results here. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions.


NEW: Indiana IIEP (IIEP) Virtual Office Hours

The statewide IEP contractor, Public Consulting Group (PCG), hosts monthly office hours webinars on the third Wednesday of each month. Session topics include IIEP system updates, potential issues, and frequently asked questions. Registration is required, and sessions are recorded for those unable to attend. Click below to attend:

Contact PCG’s Xelpha Profancik with any questions.


NEW: Strategies to Support Students with Disabilities Webinar

Join IDOE’s Office of Special Education for a 30-minute webinar about evidence-based strategies to support students with disabilities on Wednesday, March 27, at 4 p.m. ET. Participants will be provided with resources and practical tips to assist in implementation. Register here. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions.


NEW: Required Part B Proportionate Share Office Hours

IDOE’s Office of Special Education Part B fiscal team will be hosting mandatory office hours to assist LEAs that have proportionate share balances or are planning to complete a Proportionate Share Release (Waiver). The Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 611 and 619 grants will close on Monday, September 30. This forum will answer questions and provide support for LEAs to expend funds for students with disabilities parentally placed in a non-public or homeschool setting. 

Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions.


NEW: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B Annual State Application

All states applying for funding under IDEA Part B are required to allow public review and comment on the application and proposed budget. The application, developed by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) includes a summary of assurances, certifications, and fund usage descriptions that Indiana will use to fulfill IDEA Part B requirements. Access the application on IDOE’s Special Education webpage for review, and submit feedback here through Tuesday, April 23. Upon OSEP's approval of Indiana's Part B application, the state will receive a federal grant award to implement necessary services for students with disabilities from Friday, July 1, through September 30, 2026. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education Part B team with any questions. 


NEW: Certificate of Multilingual Proficiency (CoMP) Participation Deadline Extended Through Friday, April 5

CoMP, Indiana’s seal of biliteracy, is awarded to seniors who demonstrate high levels of proficiency in English and another language. School corporations or non-public schools intending on participating in Indiana’s CoMP must renew their registration annually. Those wishing to participate in the 2023-2024 school year must sign up here by Friday, April 5. This document lists the corporations or schools that have already registered. For more information, see IDOE’s Certificate of Multilingual Proficiency webpage. Contact IDOE’s Office of English Learning and Migrant Education with any questions.


NEW: Funding Available for CoMP Language Assessments

The Indiana Language Roadmap project offers funding assistance for language proficiency exams for high school students planning on obtaining Indiana’s CoMP. Students must be nominated by an educator, counselor, or parent. Individuals may nominate more than one student, but preference will be given to students from a variety of school districts taking proficiency exams for less commonly-taught languages and who demonstrate financial need. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through Friday, April 5. Complete the nomination form here. For more information, visit the IDOE Certificate of Multilingual Proficiency webpage. Contact IDOE’s Office of English Learning and Migrant Education with any questions.

Offices of Teaching and Learning, Digital Learning, and Kindergarten Readiness

NEW: 2024 Summer School Reading Support Memo

Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 1 (2024) requires schools to offer summer school courses for second graders identified as “At Risk” on IREAD-3 as well as non-passing third grade students beginning summer 2025. Please review this guidance for corporations and schools providing early summer school opportunities to support early literacy efforts. Please contact IDOE’s Office of Teaching and Learning or Office of Student Assessment with any questions. 


NEW: 2024-2025 Public and Accredited Non-Public School Reading Plan and Dyslexia Reporting Coming Soon

Indiana Administrative Code requires all public schools and state-accredited non-public schools with students enrolled in kindergarten through grade three to complete and submit an elementary reading plan to IDOE by close of business on Sunday, June 30. In addition to the reading plan, Indiana Code 20-35.5 requires all public and charter schools to report dyslexia screening data from the 2023-2024 school year. Accredited non-public schools are not required to submit data, but have the option to report. The submission window opens on Friday, April 5. Contact IDOE’s Literacy Center with additional questions.


NEW: Social Studies Frameworks for Grades 6-8 Now Available

IDOE developed frameworks aligned with the 2023 Indiana Academic Standards for grades six through eight. Frameworks are designed to support educators in standards implementation, providing key areas of focus such as academic vocabulary, clarification statements, and instructional resources. Access these resources from the 2023 Social Studies Frameworks collection in the Indiana Learning Lab. K-5 standards and the new middle school civics course are also available in the Learning Lab. Social studies frameworks for remaining courses will be available in the coming weeks. Contact IDOE’s Office of Teaching and Learning with any questions.


UPDATE: March PD with IDOE - User Request Edition

PD with IDOE sessions for the month of March are focused on Indiana Learning Lab user requests. Sessions conclude next week, on Wednesday, March 27, at 4 p.m. ET with Strategies to Support Secondary Students with Disabilities led by IDOE Technical Assistance Specialist, Maggie Hampton. View a full list of March sessions here. To register for workshops, or view on demand sessions, create a free Learning Lab account using your school email by visiting the LINK Portal or the Indiana Learning Lab directly. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions.


REMINDER: Designing for Impact Next Level Computer Science Grant Application Now Available

IDOE launched the Designing for Impact Next Level Computer Science Grant to eligible entities providing PreK-12 professional development in computer science. Review the grant guidelines and complete the online application by Friday, March 29, at noon ET. Contact IDOE’s Office of Teaching and Learning with any questions.


REMINDER: Future-Focused Indiana Academic Standards for Integrated STEM Course Now Available

The new 2023 Future-Focused Indiana Academic Standards for Integrated STEM Course is an asynchronous learning opportunity for educators that incorporates unpacking elementary and secondary 2023 Indiana Academic Standards (IAS) for Integrated STEM, progress monitoring, formative assessments, and leadership/coaching strategies. Strategies for classroom implementation while fostering a supportive culture are supported through high-quality resources to support a diverse range of learners. This course is free and available in the Indiana Learning Lab. Professional Growth Plan (PGP) points are available upon completion. Contact IDOE’s Office of Teaching and Learning with any questions.


REMINDER: Digital Learning Coach Grant Application Now Open

Applications for the 2024-2025 Digital Learning Coach Grant are open until Friday, April 19 at 5 p.m. ET. This competitive grant opportunity supports the professional development of individuals who spend at least half of their contracted time in a digital learning coaching role. See this memo for additional information. Contact IDOE’s Office of Digital Learning with any questions.


REMINDER: Imagination Library Guides Available

Imagination Library read aloud guides are available in the Learning Lab. For each book a child receives in 2024, you can find music and movement and related activities, vocabulary lists, read aloud tips, and connected book recommendations. Register for a free account to access the guides. Contact IDOE’s Office of Kindergarten Readiness with questions. 


REMINDER: Week of the Young Child® Activities and Resources

Week of the Young Child® (WOYC) is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) designed to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. WOYC serves as a time to reaffirm our commitment to the importance of child experience in all types of early environments and promote critical foundational learning. This resource and activity guide, designed for both educators and families, has been developed to support this commitment. Celebrate WOYC with children and families Saturday, April 6, through Friday, April 12. Educators and families can also register for daily sessions in the Indiana Learning Lab as part of this annual celebration. Contact IDOE’s Office of Kindergarten Readiness with questions. 


REMINDER: Foundational Literacy for Families Series

Join IDOE in the Indiana Learning Lab for a family session on how to support children’s development of skills related to early writing on Tuesday, March 26. The session will be held from 4 to 4:30 p.m. ET in the Indiana Learning Lab. Contact IDOE’s Office of Kindergarten Readiness with questions. 

Office of Title Grants and Support

NEW: Optional New eCivis Grants System Overview Training

Many of IDOE’s grants will be launched and managed in a new grants system called eCivis in the coming months. Register for training on Tuesday, April 9, for an overview of the new system. Both morning and afternoon sessions of the training will be identical. Contact Gabriela Escoto with any questions.


NEW: TitleCon 2024 Agenda and Session Schedule Available

The agenda for TitleCon 2024 along with the breakout session schedule are now posted in the conference app YAPP. The conference code for the app is “TC2024”. Information regarding the sessions and presenters is still being added. Session dates and times are subject to change as plans are finalized. Contact Gabriela Escoto with any questions.


NEW: March Coffee Chat 

Join IDOE’s Office of Title Grants and Support to discuss Title IV-B funding opportunities on Thursday, March 28, at 10 a.m. ET, for our March Coffee Chat on Microsoft Teams. Contact IDOE’s Title I team with questions or suggestions for future topics.


REMINDER: 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) RFP Open 

21st CCLC competitive grants are awarded to public and non-public schools and community based organizations to implement high quality out of school time programming. Learn more about 21st CCLC and access the RFP here. Contact IDOE’s Out of School Time team with questions.


REMINDER: Register for TitleCon 2024

TitleCon 2024 will be on Wednesday, April 10, and Thursday, April 11, in Plainfield. This year, there is an optional pre-conference on Tuesday, April 9, to provide an overview of the new eCivis grants management system. The pre-conference morning and afternoon sessions will be identical. Register here. Contact Gabriela Escoto with any questions.

News From Our Partners

NEW FROM NEWSELA AND KEEP INDIANA LEARNING: Free Adolescent Literacy Half-Day Workshop

Building literacy skills through language comprehension and background knowledge can be hard to do, especially in upper grade classrooms where students’ reading skills vary widely. In this free workshop from Newsela and Keep Indiana Learning, attendees will learn instructional strategies to put in place tomorrow to build your adolescent learners into skilled readers. Learn more and register. Contact Keep Indiana Learning with questions. 


NEW FROM ED: Federal Transition Planning Guidance & Resources

ED’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services published a new post about transition planning to prepare students for success, including a transition guide and information for promoting sustained engagement in state vocational rehabilitation services programs. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions.


NEW FROM ED: Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Resources and Data Snapshot

ED’s OCR has released four new resources with information for students, parents and families, and schools addressing civil rights of students with disabilities, as well as a data snapshot about education access for students with disabilities drawn from OCR’s 2020-2021 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). OCR issued these new resources to inform students with disabilities and their families and schools about their legal rights under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Contact IDOE’s Office of Special Education with any questions.



CELL’s Indiana Early College Summit is on Wednesday, June 5. Help more students pursue and succeed in college and learn from thought leaders on the subject of early college. Breakout sessions include discussions on rigor in dual credit classes, AI in the classroom, statewide updates from Indiana Commission for Higher Education (CHE) and IDOE, and more. Early bird registration ends Monday, April 15. Learn more and register here.


NEW FROM CHE: Career Discovery Meeting Resources

CHE has updated guidance and resources regarding Career Discovery Meetings, also called 30-Minute Meetings (IC 20-30-5.6):

CHE will be hosting an upcoming webinar to support career discovery meetings. 


NEW FROM CHE: Tell City Junior-Senior High School Named 2023 School of Excellence by ACT’s American College Application Campaign (ACAC)

Tell City Jr.-Sr. High School has been selected as Indiana’s ACAC School of Excellence Award winner. Indiana joins 26 other states in celebrating exemplary schools dedicated to increasing postsecondary success, specifically for students from low-income backgrounds. Awardees are selected based on their participation in their state’s college application campaign. With a graduating class of 86, Tell City Jr.-Sr. High School reported 100% of its graduating class participated in the campaign, with a total of 200 college applications submitted. College-related activities hosted by Tell City included career interest assessments, college/military logo dress up day, mascot day, local college fairs, and more. College Application Week is part of Indiana’s annual College GO! initiative. Learn more about Indiana’s College GO! program here.


NEW FROM THE INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR): Project Learning Tree (PLT) Professional Development

PLT is an award-winning, internationally recognized environmental education program that provides activities and resources to help engage students in learning about the environment through the lens of trees and forests. DNR is hosting PLT professional development opportunities this spring and summer for educators working with students from preschool through grade 12. Learn more here. Contact Lexi Eiler with any questions.


REMINDER FROM TEACH PLUS: Indiana Policy Fellowship Applications Open

Applications for the 2024-2025 Indiana Policy Fellowship are open through Sunday, April 21. This highly selective leadership opportunity is a paid fellowship for outstanding Indiana teachers looking to deepen their knowledge of education policy, learn more about the education landscape, and advocate for their students and the teaching profession. Nominate a teacher here and apply here. To learn more please register to attend an information session: 

Contact Kimberly Nguyen with any questions.



Senator Todd Young will host a virtual Academy Day on Monday, April 15, at 6:30 p.m ET. This event is for high school students who are interested in learning more about attending one of our nation’s service academies. This meeting is an opportunity for students to learn more about the admissions process and what life is like at the U.S. Military Academy, the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Additional information is available here. Students interested in attending the virtual Academy Day should RSVP here



Registration for the AP-TIP Mock Exams for Math and Computer Science A remains open until Monday, April 1. The Mock Exam is AP-TIP’s highest-rated professional event. The Mock Exam provides full-length practice exams (using previously released AP Exams from the College Board) to implement training on scoring in a format similar to an AP Reading. Learn more about the Mock Exam, review the dates and logistics by subject, and register here



The 2024 AP Summer Institute sponsored by AP-TIP will be from Tuesday, July 9, through Friday, July 12, in Indianapolis. Training in a wide array of subjects across disciplines will be offered. AP Capstone sessions, Research, Seminar, and Seminar ELA, will be available at this location as well. Learn more about this College Board-endorsed event and register here.


REMINDER FROM WARREN ARTS & EDUCATION FOUNDATION: 2024 Attendance and Trauma Informed Care Conference 

The 2024 Warren Arts & Education Foundation, Attendance and Trauma Informed Care Conference, titled Building Hope: Finding Solutions for the Future of Attendance. A Journey Through Adversity and Trauma Informed Care will be on Tuesday, May 14, and Wednesday, May 15, at the Marriott North in Indianapolis. Learn more here.

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The Weekly Update from the Indiana Department of Education is created by the Office of Communications, and is distributed every Friday morning.