Impact of NEA funding to Indiana featured in Washington Post article

IAC-Press Release

April 18, 2017


Rex Van Zant

Director of Marketing and Communications


Impact of NEA funding to Indiana featured in Washington Post article

(Indianapolis, Indiana) - Earlier this month, a writer, photographer, and videographer for the the Washington Post toured Indiana to document the impact of public funding from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).

During a whirlwind three days traversing nearly the full length of the state, the journalists found Hoosiers not only making art, but changing lives - in some cases their own - through publicly-funded art programs and projects.

Their story and accompanying video were featured in the April 14 edition of the Washington Post, and can be found here:

Where do your NEA dollars really go? What we learned on an Indiana road trip

"Often there is a misconception that public arts funding goes to the large organizations in major cities, but the reality is the majority of public investment in the arts in Indiana is to organizations and individuals in rural, often under-served areas," said Lewis C. Ricci, Executive Director of the Indiana Arts Commission.

The NEA is a programming and funding partner of the Indiana Arts Commission.

The Indiana Arts Commission is dedicated to the vision of the arts everywhere, every day, for everyone in Indiana.
