[IARA - State Agency Records Managers] December 2023 Monthly Bulletin and Chat Invitation

Indiana Archives and Records Administration logo  

Records and Information Management
402 W. Washington St. Rm W472
Indianapolis, IN 46204
e-mail: rmd@iara.in.gov
phone: 317-232-3285


🚫⛄🛷 Dashing through the Complete Lack of Snow... 🛷⛄🚫


Welcome, Records Managers (if you're not from around here) to Indiana, where it's entirely possible you'll be able to go out in just a sweater December 25th and we'll get snow on Memorial Day.

I, personally, like to be warm and am not dreaming of a white Christmas; I'm happy that Indiana saves its glacial wrath for February in most years. I still enjoy the family and friendship-filled spirit of the season, though, and hope that you're enjoying it as well, whatever your holidays (and weather) of choice might be.

Your humble Records Analyst, age four, just after the Great Blizzard of 1978Your humble Records Analyst, age four, just after the Great Blizzard of 1978, enjoying the weather much more because she wasn't yet required to drive in it.  Also the non-identifying portion of her mother. That's not cut for privacy; I was just so tiny that my uncle couldn't get me and my five foot two mom in the shot at the same time.

Last Month on As The Record Turns... 

On MS Teams, we had our November State Records Managers Chat on the 30th. 

We met with 25 Records Managers from 22 agencies.  Attending from IARA were Amy Robinson (State Records Analyst),  Anna Lucas (Electronic Records Archivist), and Sam Putnam (Records Center Director). 

Spinning record on a turntable. They're like big CDs but you read them with a needle instead of a laser.
We discussed November's bulletin topics, which were
  • Electronic Records staff changes and best contact information
  • The Critical Records Program webinar is now available on the IARA website
  • Danger: mermen tacos
  • Destroying records converted to another format
  • Halloween

I've posted a link to the YouTube video of the November chat in our RM Bulletins and Chat Archive, where you can also find all of the previous bulletins we've sent out.

News You Can Use: 2024 Monthly Chat Schedule

  • January 25
  • February 29 (Leap Year Day!)
  • March 28
  • April 25
  • May 30
  • June 27
  • No July chat; I'm scheduled to be out of town for the last part of the month. Hopefully I'll have interesting things to tell you in August, since half of that time period is the 2024 NAGARA (National Association of Government Records Administrators) Conference.
  • August 29
  • September 26
  • 🎃🎃🎃 October 31 ðŸŽƒðŸŽƒðŸŽƒ!
  • November 21 (Early because the 28th is a state holiday.)
  • December 19 (Early because the 26th is a state holiday.)

News You Can't Use

I put this up in IGCS W472 on October 29th. It floated until sometime this weekend, when it finally burst.

Red helium balloon with

RIM Topic of the Month: Take Our Critical Records Program Survey!

In November, IARA's RIM staff hosted a webinar to tell both state agencies and county/local offices about our brand new Critical Records Program - which also provides new information about formats, digitization and destruction options for all records.

Y'all know that already because I haven't shut up about it for a month.

We also sent out a follow-up survey link to those who attended, and that survey is still open. We'd love for you to fill it out.

You: But I already filled it out!

We've added a few additional questions this week, so it's worth checking back so you can tell us:

  • whether you're from a state or county/local office

  • whether you'd be interested in a follow-up Q & A on the critical records program due to the abundance of questions at the end of the webinar.

    We know we weren't able to get to everyone's questions, and that some of you weren't able to attend the live webinar, so this Q & A would be an opportunity specifically for state agency folks to ask! 

You: But I didn't attend the live webinar!

The survey is for anybody who's watched it, whether you were there in (virtual) person), or watch the recording later.

If you haven't seen either yet, it's riiiight there. Right where somebody who wants to know if it's okay to destroy paper records after imaging might just trip over it and accidentally land on the PLAY button.

Just saying!


Related publications:



December Records Managers Chat

Meeting Information

Date: 2023-12-28
Time: 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. EST
Place: Microsoft Teams

This 30-minute meetup is an informal setting in which to ask questions or talk about records management concerns; normally I'll begin by introducing any IARA colleagues attending, talk a bit about the topic of the monthly bulletin and make any announcements, then open things up for questions and discussion.

I've included an agenda to help keep me us all on topic, so there'll be plenty of time for your questions and records management discussion once Amy (the me one, not the other Amy) remembers to click Mute!

Adding Yourself to the Meeting Invite List

✉ Desktop Outlook

Save the attached Monthly State Records Managers Chat.ics file to your desktop.

Make sure Outlook is open.

Double-click the .ics file.

Outlook will open it up as a traditional meeting invitation.

Click "Accept" to add it to your calendar.

Because this meeting is recurring, you should never have to add yourself again.

✉ Outlook on the Web

Save the attached Monthly State Records Managers Chat.ics file to your desktop.

In your web version of Outlook, go to the Calendar page.

Choose "Add Calendar," then in the left pane, "Upload from file."

Click "Browse" and find the .ics file, then click "Open."

Choose a preferred calendar from the dropdown list. (Even if you only have one.)

Click "Import."

Outlook will add the meeting to your calendar.

Because this meeting is recurring, you should never have to add yourself again.

Are you new to using Microsoft Teams? No worries, IARA can help you navigate.

MS Teams is a collaboration app that many state agencies are now using to stay organized and have conversations with colleagues inside and outside of the agency.

But if your agency doesn't use Teams? No worries. You don't need to have the software installed on your computer to participate in a Teams call.


To Join the Meeting By Phone

  1. Dial 1-317-552-1674 at the designated meeting time, then enter this PIN when prompted:
    707 553 068#

  2. We'll let you into the meeting.


To Join the Meeting by Computer

  1. Click here at the designated meeting time.

  2. A new tab or window will open in your default web browser. From there:

    • Choose the option to join on the web if you don't normally use Teams, then click "Join now."

    • Join through your desktop or mobile application if you're familiar with using Teams and would prefer that to the web version.


If you have other questions about how to use Teams, or about the meetup, just contact me and we'll figure things out together!

. . .

Looking forward to seeing you,

Amy A. Robinson (CIP) | (she/her)
State Government Records Analyst
Indiana Archives and Records Administration

o: 317-232-3285 | f: 317-233-1713
e: arobinson@iara.in.gov w: www.in.gov/iara
a: 402 W. Washington St., Room W472, Indianapolis, IN 46204