[IARA - County/Local Records Custodians] Monthly Bulletin, November 2023

Indiana Archives and Records Administration logo   County/Local Records Management
402 W. Washington St. Rm W472
Indianapolis, IN 46204
e: cty@iara.in.gov | ph: 317-232-3380

🍂🦃🥧 Nostalgic November, Records Custodians! 🥧🦃🍂

November crept up quickly like I knew it would! And soon, the end of the year will be upon us. 😳 Please enjoy November and its nostalgia like I know I am so far. My November entails voting, a wedding, and a honeymoon. We are skipping Thanksgiving this year to go to Spain and visit 3 cities: Barcelona, Madrid, and Valencia for our honeymoon trip. I'll miss the green bean casserole and harvest pie but I know I will experience some awesome history, culture, along with delicious paella and chocolate dipped churros while in Spain! 

Last Month's Chat

On MS Teams, we had our October Records Custodians Chat. We met with 49 Records Custodians from various county/local offices.

Attending from IARA were Amy Christiansen, Anna Lucas, and Madison Young.

We discussed October's bulletin topics, including the No Chat in November, Welcome to Madison Young, the Lunch & Learn about the Critical Records Program on 11/3, and the brand new Critical Records Program.

I've posted a link to the YouTube video of October's chat to our RM Bulletins and Chat Archive, where you can also find all of the previous bulletins I've sent out. 

News You Can Use:  *No November 29th Monthly Chat*

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday and the fact that I will be out of the country on my honeymoon to Spain, the November monthly chat which was scheduled on the 29th will be cancelled entirely. The December monthly chat is still scheduled for Wednesday, December 27th at 11 a.m. eastern. Talk to you then, hopefully with fun pictures from Spain!

News You Can Definitely Use: Approved CL, PSA, & RE Retention Schedules!

On October 25th, the Oversight Committee on Public Records (OCPR) approved the updated changes to 3 county/local retention schedules: the Non-Judicial County Clerk (CL), the Public Safety Agencies (PSA), and the County Recorder (RE). All 3 schedules have Record Series Update Overview pages included for your reference. 

You can find the 3 retention schedules on the County/Local Retention Schedules page on the IARA website and attached to this email bulletin. If you have any issues with the schedules, please email cty@iara.in.gov. 

All retention schedule packets include: the County/Local Retention Schedule Instructions (2 pages), the SF 39443 Transmittal of Approved Schedule (1 page), the retention schedule, and if recently updated, there will be a Record Series Update Overview at the back for your reference. 




RM Topic of the Month: 2024 Virtual Trainings for Updated Schedules.

With the approval of updates to the County Clerk, Public Safety Agencies, and the County Recorder retention schedules, IARA scheduled virtual trainings in 2024 to help you all understand those updates and changes to the schedules. The trainings are free and will be recorded. Please see dates and times below:

January 26th, 2024 at 10 a.m.: County Recorder (RE)

February 23rd, 2024 at 10 a.m.: Non-Judicial County Clerk (CL)

March 22nd, 2024 at 10 a.m.: Public Safety Agencies (PSA)

If you would like to register for any of these trainings, please email the phrase, "Register me for the {insert name of schedule here} training." to cty@iara.in.gov.

*IARA highly recommends those 3 county/local offices attend their office-specific retention schedule training. CCPR secretaries, please forward this email bulletin to your clerk, recorder, and any public safety agencies in your county accordingly.*

December Records Custodians Chat

Our next Records Custodians Chat will be happening on December 27th. 

Meeting Information 

Date: December 27, 2023
Time: 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  EST
Place: Microsoft Teams

About the Meeting

This 30-minute meetup is an informal setting in which to ask questions or talk about records management concerns; normally I'll begin by introducing any IARA colleagues attending, talk a bit about the topic of the monthly bulletin and make any announcements, then open things up for questions and discussion.

I've included an agenda to help keep me us all on topic, so there'll be plenty of time for your questions and records management discussion once Amy remembers to click Mute!

Adding Yourself to the Meeting Invite List

✉ Desktop Outlook

  • Save the attached file to your desktop.
  • Make sure Outlook is open.
  • Double-click the .ics file.
  • Outlook will open it up as a traditional meeting invitation.
  • Click "Accept" to add it to your calendar.
  • Because this meeting is recurring, you should never have to add yourself again.

✉ Outlook on the Web

  • Save the attached file to your desktop.
  • In your web version of Outlook, go to the Calendar page.
  • Choose "Add Calendar," then in the left pane, "Upload from file."
  • Click "Browse" and find the .ics file, then click "Open."
  • Choose a preferred calendar from the dropdown list. (Even if you only have one.)
  • Click "Import."
  • Outlook will add the meeting to your calendar.
  • Because this meeting is recurring, you should never have to add yourself again.

Meeting-Up in MS Teams

Are you new to using Microsoft Teams? No worries, IARA can help you navigate.

MS Teams is a collaboration app that many state agencies are now using to stay organized and have conversations with colleagues inside and outside of the agency.

But if your agency doesn't use Teams? No worries. You don't need to have the software installed on your computer to participate in a Teams call. 

To Join the Meeting By Phone

    1. Dial 317-552-1674 at the designated meeting time, then enter this PIN when prompted: 
      614 865 189#

    2. We'll let you into the meeting.

To Join the Meeting by Computer

    1. Click meeting link here at the designated meeting time. 

    2. A new tab or window will open in your default web browser. From there:

      • Choose the option to join on the web if you don't normally use Teams, then click "Join now."

      • Join through your desktop or mobile application if you're familiar with using Teams and would prefer that to the web version. 

If you have other questions about how to use Teams, or about the meetup, just contact me and we'll figure things out together!

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Records Management Liaison

Indiana Archives and Records Administration

o: 812-929-3882

e: achristiansen@iara.in.gov

w: www.in.gov/iara

a: 402 W Washington St, Room W472, Indianapolis, IN 46204