[IARA - State Agency Records Managers] June 2023 Monthly Bulletin and Chat Invitation
Indiana Archives and Records Administration sent this bulletin at 06/26/2023 03:15 PM EDT
🦍🐟🏝️ Baboons in June Stay Mainly Near the Lagoon... 🏝️🐟🦍
Greetings, Records Managers! Why yes, I am going to wring every last drop of funny out of the only June-related joke I can think of, thank you for asking. I have to put that poetry major to work somehow. |
Last month on As The Record Turns...
Yup. Keeping that. Possibly forever. On MS Teams, we had our May State Records Managers Chat on the 25th. We met with 19 Records Managers from 17 agencies. Attending from IARA were Amy Robinson (State Records Analyst), Amy Christiansen (County/Local Records Liaison), Jeannine Roe (Electronic Records Archivist), Meaghan Fukunaga (Director of Records and Information Management) and Sam Putnam (Records Center Director). |
We discussed May's bulletin topics, which were:
I've posted a link to the YouTube video of the May chat in our RM Bulletins and Chat Archive, where you can also find all of the previous bulletins we've sent out. |
News You Can Use
This just in! Except not because I mentioned it in the May Records Manager Chat: there is no June meeting of the Oversight Committee on Public Records.
Instead, the July OCPR meeting will be earlier than usual, on July 12th, because (among other reasons) once again Amy (this Amy, not the other Amy) will be just getting back from vacation on the day when the meeting would normally fall.
News You Can't Use
Someone in our agency, I won't name names*, has just bought their second pair of bluetooth earbuds because they couldn't find the old ones, and for the second time, just found the old ones in the bag that they deliberately attached to their phone for the purpose of storing bluetooth earbuds.
These are the people who give you file storage advice, folks.
* "Me" is technically a pronoun, not a name.
RM Topic of the Month: IARA Website Update!
If you've visited our website in the last week or so, you've probably noticed that IARA's homepage has a new look; if you haven't, it does! We've removed or re-homed a few outdated or redundant articles and informational blurbs, added a row of QuickLinks for people who use the website a lot to get directly where they need to go, and created a set of Resources for Records Managers tabs, which you can see to the right.
Those cover Publications, Training, the Electronic Records Program, the Records Center, the Imaging and Microfilm Lab, Records Retention, and Records Disposition. Each tab has an overview, links to most recent or most frequently-needed publications and forms, and except for the last two (which are more informational), one or more Big Fat Buttons to send you to the dedicated page(s) for that service. We haven't made anything for Records Managers go away, and we haven't added any wildly new information that wasn't available before. What we hope is that this will make it easier for both new and experienced Records Managers to quickly find the things they need, as well as provide a central place for IARA to let you know about new publications and training opportunities. As part of this revamp, we've also streamlined our News and Events page, with the intent to limit it to just recent news and upcoming events, so that again, you can quickly find out what you need to know. (Our social media information has moved to the bottom of the homepage, and the State Archives' blog entries can all be found on the From the Vault blog page, which has its own brand new Big Fat Button on the homepage as well!) Many thanks to the State Archives staff for especially helpful feedback, and the IN.gov staff for figuring out what we needed to fix to make it actually work! |
June Records Managers Chat
Meeting Information
Date: 2023-06-29
Time: 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. EST
Place: Microsoft Teams
This 30-minute meetup is an informal setting in which to ask questions or talk about records management concerns; normally I'll begin by introducing any IARA colleagues attending, talk a bit about the topic of the monthly bulletin and make any announcements, then open things up for questions and discussion.
I've included an agenda to help keep me us all on topic, so there'll be plenty of time for your questions and records management discussion once Amy (the me one, not the other Amy) remembers to click Mute!
Adding Yourself to the Meeting Invite List
✉ Desktop Outlook
- Save the attached Monthly State Records Managers Chat.ics file to your desktop.
- Make sure Outlook is open.
- Double-click the .ics file.
- Outlook will open it up as a traditional meeting invitation.
- Click "Accept" to add it to your calendar.
- Because this meeting is recurring, you should never have to add yourself again.
✉ Outlook on the Web
- Save the attached Monthly State Records Managers Chat.ics file to your desktop.
- In your web version of Outlook, go to the Calendar page.
- Choose "Add Calendar," then in the left pane, "Upload from file."
- Click "Browse" and find the .ics file, then click "Open."
- Choose a preferred calendar from the dropdown list. (Even if you only have one.)
- Click "Import."
- Outlook will add the meeting to your calendar.
- Because this meeting is recurring, you should never have to add yourself again.
Are you new to using Microsoft Teams? No worries, IARA can help you navigate.
MS Teams is a collaboration app that many state agencies are now using to stay organized and have conversations with colleagues inside and outside of the agency.
But if your agency doesn't use Teams? No worries. You don't need to have the software installed on your computer to participate in a Teams call.
To Join the Meeting By Phone
Dial 1-317-552-1674 at the designated meeting time, then enter this PIN when prompted:
707 553 068#
- We'll let you into the meeting.
To Join the Meeting by Computer
- Click here at the designated meeting time.
A new tab or window will open in your default web browser. From there:
Choose the option to join on the web if you don't normally use Teams, then click "Join now."
Join through your desktop or mobile application if you're familiar with using Teams and would prefer that to the web version.
Choose the option to join on the web if you don't normally use Teams, then click "Join now."
If you have other questions about how to use Teams, or about the meetup, just contact me and we'll figure things out together!
. . .
Looking forward to seeing you,
Amy A. Robinson (CIP) | (she/her)
State Government Records Analyst
Indiana Archives and Records Administration
o: 317-232-3285 | f: 317-233-1713
e: arobinson@iara.in.gov w: www.in.gov/iara
a: 402 W. Washington St., Room W472, Indianapolis, IN 46204