[IARA - County/Local Records Custodians] Monthly Bulletin and Chat Invitation for June 29, 2022

Indiana Archives and Records Administration logo   County/Local Records Management
402 W. Washington St. Rm W472
Indianapolis, IN 46204
e: cty@iara.in.gov | ph: 317-232-3380

 Happy June, Records Custodians!

The month of June brings the last days of school before summer, the longest day/most daylight hours of the year today, and the midpoint of growing season between planting and harvesting. Much like the life cycle of records, some are being disposed of while others are just in the creation phase!

Last Month's Chat

On Microsoft Teams, we had our May Monthly Chat for County/Local Agencies on May 25th at 11 a.m. We met with 6 records custodians from various offices within the counties. Attending from IARA was Amy Christiansen.

We discussed May's bulletin topics, which were explaining how to fill out and submit microform transmittals and that IARA will be moving from weekly to monthly email bulletins.

Amy Robinson, state records analyst, posted a link to the YouTube video of the May's chat to the RM Bulletins and Chat Archive, where you can also find all of the previous bulletins.

News You Can Use

All County/Local and State RM Chats have been uploaded to YouTube so that you can see those you've missed or review any you'd like to revisit.

You can find them in the RM Bulletins and Chat Archive, added in date order between the bulletins, or you can go straight to a playlist of all County/Local RM Chats! (As new chats are added to the IARA website and the Records Management YouTube Channel, the playlist will also be updated.)

There is no way to make the videos viewable only to government staff, but in order to provide a modicum of privacy, each video can only be accessed by a direct link to the video or to the playlist, not searchable on YouTube. Those links will be provided in our bulletins, and on the IARA website in the Bulletins and Chat Archive.


YouTube Channel

RM Topic of the Month: Notice of Destruction Updates!

As part of our ongoing mission to streamline and improve Indiana Archives & Records Administration processes and services, SF 44905: Notice of Destruction for County/Local Government Records in Accordance With an Approved Retention Schedule (NOD) will no longer be sent to IARA for a 30-day review period prior to destruction. This change is effective immediately. 

After examining current practices, Indiana Code, and the history of IARA reviewing NODs, we determined that our review was not required by Indiana Code, and it is an unnecessary step which delays the ability of county offices to efficiently follow already-approved Records Retention Schedules. Going forward, we ask that you use the new, simpler procedures outlined below.  

If you have questions about this change in procedure, please reach out to cty@iara.in.gov. The County/Local Records Custodian Handbook has also been updated to reflect these changes. 

New SF 44905: Notice of Destruction (NOD) Procedures as of 6/20/2022: 

1. Complete ALL Contact and Record Series Information fields. Record Series Number is REQUIRED for all records listed.

a. If you do not know the Record Series Number, contact IARA's County/Local Records Management section for more information.

b. If the records do not have a Record Series Number, use State Form 30505: Request for Exception to County/Local Retention Schedule or Permission to Dispose of Nonscheduled County/Local Public Records (PR-1).

2. Destroy records in accordance with the listed Record Series Number and complete the Destruction Information fields on the SF 44905

3. Send one (1) copy of the completed form to the secretary of your County Commission of Public Records for inclusion in the minutes of the next meeting and retain one (1) for your records. 

Questions and Answers: 

  • Will IARA review an NOD upon request? 
  • Yes. We will be happy to answer questions about NODs post 6/20/2022, but will no longer require you to submit them, or to wait 30 days before destruction. 


  • Will you still review State Form 30505: Request for Exception to County/Local Retention Schedule or Permission to Dispose of Nonscheduled County/Public Records (PR-1)? 
  • Yes, IARA will still be involved in the review of State Form 30505. 


  • I am with a county agency - do I have to send IARA a copy of my NODs going forward? 
  • No, you no longer are required to send IARA a copy of your NODs as of 6/20/2022. The NODs will be sent to IARA as part of the County Commission of Public Records minutes, which are sent by the secretary of the County Commission. 


  • If I have questions about the NOD, who should I ask? 


  • Will IARA still keep a copy of my NOD on record? 
  • Yes. As part of the minutes of your County Commission of Public records, IARA will still maintain a copy of your NOD in our downtown Indianapolis office for three years.  


  • Who is responsible for retaining NODs? 
  • NODs are on the County/Local General Retention Schedule under GEN 20-01 and must be retained permanently in your office. NODs are also sent to IARA as part of the minutes for your County Commission of Public Records, which are maintained in our downtown Indianapolis office for 3 years before being transferred to the State Archives for weeding and sampling. 


  • What will happen to NODs that were sent to IARA prior to 6/20/2022? 
  • NODs that were sent to IARA prior to 6/20/2022 will be reviewed by IARA, will follow the 30 day wait period, and we will contact you if there is a correction or question. We will be happy to answer questions about NODs post 6/20/2022, but will no longer require you to submit them, or to wait 30 days before destruction. 

Staffing updates

Kara Chinn, who held the Records Management Coordinator position, is no longer with IARA. Please send your forms or any questions to cty@iara.in.gov. 

June Monthly Chat for County/Local Agencies

Our next Monthly Chat for County/Local Agencies will be happening on the June 29th at 11 a.m. 

Meeting Information 

Date: June 29th
Time: 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. EST
Place: Microsoft Teams

About the Meeting

This 30-minute meetup is an informal setting in which to ask questions or talk about records management concerns; normally I'll begin by introducing any IARA colleagues attending, talk a bit about the topic of the monthly bulletin and make any announcements, then open things up for questions and discussion

If you have other questions about how to use Teams, or about the meetup, just contact me and we'll figure things out together!

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Records Management Liaison

Indiana Archives and Records Administration

o: 812-929-3882

e: achristiansen@iara.in.gov

w: www.in.gov/iara

a: 402 W Washington St, Room W472, Indianapolis, IN 46204