IARA County/Local Records Management - County/Local General (GEN) retention schedule

Indiana Archives and Records Administration logo   County/Local Records Management
402 W. Washington St. Rm W472
Indianapolis, IN 46204
e: cty@iara.in.gov | ph: 317-232-3380

Greetings County/Local Agencies,

For our last March bulletin of 2022 I'd like to talk about the County/Local General (GEN) retention schedule

The GEN retention schedule is applicable to ALL county/local offices!

Some county/local offices have their own office-specific retention schedule though.

Always review your office-specific first, the GEN schedule second, and then lastly reach out to the Records Management section for guidance.

The GEN schedule contains broad and common record series that can apply to all units of county or local government. Those record series should only be used, however, if there isn't an applicable record series on the specific retention schedule for your type of government office. Check your own retention schedule first, then the GEN schedule. 

The GEN retention schedule is divided up into five broad and common categories:

1. Administrative (minutes, recordings, policies, files, legislative papers, disaster plans, etc.)

2. Accounting & Finance (revenue, expenditure, payroll, insurance, contracts, grants, etc.)

3. Personnel (employee files, medical records, hazardous exposure papers, injuries, etc.)

4. Publications & Reports (data sheets, annual reports, local publications, etc.)

5. Audio, Visual, & General Media (microfilm files, photos, surveillance, infrastructure, etc.)

So, if you can't find your record in your office-specific retention schedule, look at the GEN schedule to see if its listed there. And if you still can't find it, reach out to me for help!

All county/local retention schedules can be found on the IARA website here

Reminder: The Monthly RM Chat for County/Local Agencies will be Wednesday, March 30th at 11 a.m.

Below is the Microsoft Teams information:

Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Join with a video conferencing device
Video Conference ID: 117 182 588 6
Or call in (audio only)
+1 317-552-1674,,842775572#   United States, Indianapolis

Phone Conference ID: 842 775 572#


I hope you are ready for April because I am!


Records Management Liaison

Indiana Archives and Records Administration

o: 812-929-3882

e: achristiansen@iara.in.gov

w: www.in.gov/iara

a: 402 W Washington St, Room W472, Indianapolis, IN 46204