IARA County/Local Records Management - Traveling Update and Surveys
Indiana Archives and Records Administration sent this bulletin at 03/21/2022 09:10 AM EDT
Good morning County/Local Agencies,
As the pandemic seems to be coming to an end, *fingers crossed*, I am feeling more comfortable with traveling the state and visiting your counties!
Would your agency benefit from a visit regarding your records management program?
There is a waitlist! I will be contacting those counties on the waitlist shortly but if you would like to be added, please contact me at achristiansen@iara.in.gov.
Why a visit would be beneficial:
Legal Responsibility - All government agencies have a legal responsibility to retain records properly according to Indiana Code and federal law. My job as liaison is to help you keep an efficient records management program which may prevent audit findings and damages in a lawsuit.
Storage costs - Your agency may be running low on physical or electronic records storage space and need a refresher on what records need to be retained and what records can be disposed of. We all know records can accumulate fast and as your liaison, I can help you begin the journey to organizing and reducing that footprint.
Accessibility - Public records are required to be made available and easily accessible to the public when needed. I can guide your agency towards better accessibility.
- Overall Compliance improves public perception, protects essential records, and increases efficiency!
Please fill out our surveys to help us help you better! Just a quick reminder about two feedback opportunities:
Records Manager Survey and NOD and PR-1 State Forms Feedback Survey
Did March come in like a lion and is it going out like a lamb?
Records Management Liaison
Indiana Archives and Records Administration
o: 812-929-3882
a: 402 W Washington St, Room W472, Indianapolis, IN 46204