IARA County/Local Records Management - Paper to Electronic
Indiana Archives and Records Administration sent this bulletin at 02/14/2022 09:20 AM EST
Hello County/Local Agencies,
I've had a lot of inquiries recently from county/local agencies wanting to scan their large scale accumulation of paper records into electronic files to clear up physical space in their offices or storerooms. Here is my advice on how to approach a project like that:
How do I start a project like this?
I'd suggest taking a records inventory of your office or storeroom so you can review the legal requirements of the correct record series on the retention schedules.
Do I know the retention periods for the records?
Knowing what the legal requirement and retention period for your records will help you determine which you need to keep and which you may destroy or potentially transfer. This understanding will help the scale of your digitization project and potentially minimize the cost and labor.
- To find the retention period, locate the record series on the retention schedule. Review your office-specific retention schedule, the County/Local General (GEN) retention schedule, and then contact the County/Local Records Management (me!) for help if you can't find the correct record series.
- To destroy scheduled records, fill out the Notice of Destruction/SF44905 form. Follow the instructions carefully.
- To destroy unscheduled records or transfer, fill out the PR-1/SF30505 form.
As long as you are following the retention schedule, the medium or format you keep your records in is up to you.
- Medium is the type of container used to store the information.
- Format is the way that information on that medium is arranged.
If the records are PERMANENT or PERMANENT & CRITICAL, can I digitize?
- Any records marked PERMANENT have to either remain in the original format, or be microfilmed. You can digitize in addition to microfilming or keeping the paper, but you can't only keep a digital copy.
- Any records marked PERMANENT AND CRITICAL must be microfilmed. You can digitize in addition to filming, but you can't not film (or stop filming) in favor of digitizing.
Are there guidelines for creating born-digital files or digitizing records? IARA's Electronic Records Program provides policies and procedures to guide you in creating electronic files. Specifically, before starting a digitization project, you should review OCPR Electronic Records Policy 20-01 and 20-02, the Electronic Records Guidelines, and Recommended Capabilities for Electronic Recordkeeping Systems SF56882 form.
Do you have a list of outside vendors that will digitize my records?
No, unfortunately IARA does not keep a list of vendors but we can offer the State Imaging and Microfilm Services Laboratory for your digitization projects.
Can I destroy the paper records once I create the electronic files?
As long as the records are not designated PERMANENT or PERMANENT & CRITICAL, you may destroy the original after you have verified the electronic files for completeness. After you've created an electronic version, the paper becomes a duplicate, and duplicates can be destroyed whenever – no permission needed from IARA. Of course if the paper contains confidential information, you will need to destroy it in a confidential manner. You can read more about duplicates and Copy of Record in the County/Local Records Custodian Handbook.
Always reach out to me if you have any questions!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Records Management Liaison
Indiana Archives and Records Administration
o: 812-929-3882
a: 402 W Washington St, Room W472, Indianapolis, IN 46204