IARA County/Local Records Management - NOD/PR-1 Refresher

Indiana Archives and Records Administration logo   County/Local Records Management
402 W. Washington St. Rm W472
Indianapolis, IN 46204
e: cty@iara.in.gov | ph: 317-232-3380

Hello County/Local Agencies,

I've received minutes from several of the County Commissions of Public Records recently and I'd like to do a small refresher on the NODs and PR-1s. This information can be used by the Commission Secretary or any county/local government agency filling out these forms. 

SF44905 Notice of Destruction or "NOD"

1. Make sure you are using the most updated version of the form. Under the form title, the current version as of now should say, "State Form 44905 (R8/4-20)." This means it's the 8th revision and was published in April 2020. If the form is updated in the future, I'll notify you in my bulletin and let you know the new revision numbers, but you can also always find the most current version here.

2. Verify the NOD for completeness. NODs should be submitted to IARA first and then after destruction the completed form is sent to the Secretary of the Commission. The "Date submitted to IARA" and the "Destruction Information" sections need to be completed. If the sections aren't complete, the form will be sent back to the agency.

3. Record series are required. Use your office-specific and the County/Local General (GEN) retention schedules to find the correct record series for the records you wish to destroy. 

SF30505 Request for Exception or "PR-1"

1. Make sure you are using the most updated version of the form. Under the form title, the current version as of now should say, "State Form 30505 (R8/6-20)." This means it's the 8th revision and was published in June 2020. If the form is updated in the future, I'll notify you in my bulletin and let you know the new revision numbers, but you can also always find the most current version here.

2. Verify the PR-1 for completeness. PR-1s should be submitted to the Secretary of the Commission first and then grouped together in the minutes and sent to IARA. If the "Type of request" section isn't completed, the form will be sent back to the agency. 

3. Double check that your records aren't scheduled. In some cases, agencies will submit PR-1 forms with records that are actually scheduled on a retention schedule. Make sure you look at the office-specific and the County/Local General (GEN) before filling out the PR-1 form. If the records are scheduled, fill out the NOD instead.  

If you have questions regarding the retention schedules, forms, or Commission, reach out to me!

Save the date: The Monthly RM Chat for County/Local Agencies is on October 27th at 11 a.m. 


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Records Management Liaison

Indiana Archives and Records Administration

o: 812-929-3882

e: achristiansenjanicki@iara.in.gov |

w: www.in.gov/iara

a: 402 W Washington St, Room W472, Indianapolis, IN 46204