IARA County/Local Records Management - 30505 Process

Indiana Archives and Records Administration logo   County/Local Records Management
402 W. Washington St. Rm W472
Indianapolis, IN 46204
e: cty@iara.in.gov | ph: 317-232-3380

Good morning Clerks and staff,

State Form 30505 - Request for Exception to County/Local Retentions Schedule or Permission to Dispose of Non-Scheduled County/Local Public Records (PR-1) 

To dispose of nonscheduled records or transfer a public record, you'll fill out SF 30505. Always confirm with County/Local Records Management that it's necessary before you start filling out a PR-1. It's not for records whose record series you need help identifying, only for those that you know for sure are not covered by a retention schedule.


1. Fill out all of the information on Page 1 of the SF 30505/PR-1.

a. Under "Type of request," check "Destroy unscheduled records" unless the Indiana Archives or a local historical entity has already requested them, in which case you can check the appropriate "Transfer unscheduled records to…" box instead.

b. In the "Name or description of records" box, describe the scheduled records you want to destroy. In the "Name or description of records" box, the note about including record series numbers doesn't apply in this situation. There shouldn't be a record series number.

c. The date span of the records must show that they are all eligible for destruction under their existing record series if you have one. 

2. Send both pages of the form to the Secretary of your County Commission of Public Records.

a. If you don't know who that is, it's either your County Clerk or your County Recorder; you can contact their office(s) to confirm.

b. If you are the Secretary for your County Commission, see the county/local records custodian handbook for how to handle your duties as the Secretary.

3. The Secretary will place the request on the agenda for the next meeting of your County Commission for Public Records.

a. If it's not approved there, the request will be returned to you. (This rarely happens.) Follow any instructions from the Commission that have been added on the second page.

b. If it's approved by the Commission:

i. The Secretary will have the Chairperson sign it, then sign it themselves, then they will send a copy to IARA and to any relevant local historical entity.

ii. Both IARA and the historical entity/entities have 60 days to respond if they have any objections to the requested exception.

iii. If no reply has been received after 60 days (or if affirmative replies are received from all parties before the 60 days are up), the Secretary will sign the final part of the SF 30505 on page 2 and send back to you.

4. You now have permission to transfer or destroy the records depending on what was requested, following any modifications to the request that the Commission may have made on page 2 of your State Form 30505/PR-1.

a. Use SF 48883 if transferring the records to the Indiana Archives.

b. If transferring to a historical entity, use their preferred transfer form.

c. If destroying, there is no further paperwork to fill out; you are free destroy the records (as modified by any additional instructions from the Committee which have been added to the SF 30505/PR-1).

5. After transfer, retain your copies of the related forms (SF 30505/PR-1, and SF 48883 or the historical entity's transfer form) permanently in your office under Record Series GEN 20-01 on the County/Local General Retention Schedule.

Local historical entity transfer

If the records are scheduled, only those whose description does not include PERMANENT or CRITICAL may be transferred to a local historical entity.

By law (IC 5-15-6-7), public records transferred to a local historical entity remain public records, subject to the Indiana Access to Public Records Act and IARA records disposition processes.

If a local historical entity that has obtained public records from you later wishes to destroy those records, transfer them to the Indiana Archives, or transfer them back to you, they must submit their own PR-1 to your County Commission of Public Records.

When filling out SF 30505, the local historical entity should either check "Destroy records" or the appropriate Transfer box for the type of records (scheduled or unscheduled) and the transfer location. If the transfer is back to you, then your office would be considered the "local historical entity" for the purposes of the form, and listed in the box above the signature line on page 1.

Next week's email will be on the State Form 44905. 


Records Management Liaison

Indiana Archives and Records Administration

o: 812-929-3882

e: achristiansenjanicki@iara.in.gov |

w: www.in.gov/iara

a: 402 W Washington St, Room W472, Indianapolis, IN 46204