July 6, 2022
As of June 28, 2022, 305 U.S. monkeypox cases have been reported across 28 jurisdictions including one case identified in Lake County, IL. Current evidence suggests community transmission is contributing to the outbreak across multiple jurisdictions. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced an enhanced nationwide vaccination strategy that will vaccinate and protect those most at risk for monkeypox. The Lake County Health Department (LCHD) will be providing the Jynneos vaccine to Lake County residents who meet the eligibility criteria set by the CDC for post-exposure prophylaxis after known exposure (PEP) AND expanded post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP++).
PEP refers to post-exposure prophylaxis and the vaccination of named contacts of identified cases in occupational and community settings.
PEP++ refers to expanded post-exposure prophylaxis and the vaccination of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (cisgender or transgender) ages 18 and older, and who have had multiple or anonymous sex partners or engaged in high-risk sexual activities in the past 14 days. Examples of high-risk activities include attending venues for sexual contact such as bathhouses, sex clubs, parties, using online dating/hookup apps, engaging in sex work, and/or exchanging sex for money or drugs. The PEP++ approach aims to reach these people for post-exposure prophylaxis, even if they have not had documented exposure to someone with confirmed monkeypox.
We need your help to make sure those most at risk for monkeypox are vaccinated. Please use the LCHD monkeypox vaccination screening tool to determine if your patient is eligible for monkeypox vaccination. Please call the LCHD Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Program at (847) 377-8450 to schedule a vaccine appointment at our clinic. Vaccine appointments will start the week of July 10, 2022.
What to expect during the visit:
- Patient check-in
- Consent and screening questionnaire
- Providing the Vaccine Information Statement and answering questions about the vaccine
- Vaccine administration
- 15- or 30-minute observation period
- Patient check-out, including scheduling a second dose vaccine appointment
Please note the vaccine will be administered at no cost to the patient. A form of identification will be required at time of visit. All vaccines administered will be entered into I-CARE.
For more information related to Monkeypox, please visit the LCHD Monkeypox webpage.
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