Nicor Gas plans to replace nearly 12,000 feet of gas main and 232 gas services with new meters and regulators. The project began in April with actual construction work expected to last from June to October.
The project boundaries are: the lakefront on the east; South Blvd. on the south and Chicago Ave. on the east. The north boundary is Greenleaf St. (between Chicago Ave. and Hinman Ave.); Kedzie Ave. (between Hinman Ave. and Michigan Ave.); and Main St. (between Michigan Ave. and the lakefront).
Beginning in April, Nicor Gas, along with United Meters Inc., will begin meeting with customers to locate their current gas meters and services and potentially identify a new location for their gas service, meter and regulator. This will require access to a customer’s home, business or residential complex. Residents or businesses should always ask for proper identification from contractors performing work for any utility company.
Construction will be performed by NPL Construction, in conjunction with Nicor Gas. The first construction phase will consist of new gas main installations, followed by new gas service installations and gas meter relocations if they are currently located inside of a home, business or residential complex. Once all construction is complete, workers will make every effort to restore the area to its original condition or better.
Questions regarding this project can be directed to Dan Kellogg at 708/318-5021 or dkellog@aglresources.com or the City of Evanston’s Utility Department at 3-1-1.
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