March is Poison Prevention Month and it’s a good reminder on how to protect your pet (or foster pet) from ingesting anything toxic. Let’s go over a few common and serious toxins. First, please share with friends and family that LILIES ARE EXTREMELY TOXIC TO CATS! Often the flowers are in bouquets and floral arrangements, and the plants are especially popular at Eastertime or commonly grown in landscaping. Everything about lilies is toxic - from the petals to the leaves to the pollen and even the water from its vase! Cats often die within days to a week after ingestion, including licking pollen off of their fur. I’d like to share my experience with you when a foster who, knowing lilies are toxic to cats, received a floral arrangement and kept the flowers high on a shelf away from the cat. After several days, the plant began to drop some leaves and they observed the cat chewing on a fallen leaf. Within days the cat was critically ill and in acute renal failure. All lilies should come with a warning on how extremely toxic they are to cats!
Second, with the legalization of marijuana and the increase in medical uses for THC there have been more accidental intoxications in both cats and dogs. Exposure can be in the form of ingesting edibles to breathing second-hand smoke. Fatalities were very rare until the development of medical grade THC. If you notice abnormal behavior in your pet after exposure, it’s best to call your veterinarian or a veterinary emergency hospital.
Lastly, a somewhat newer toxin is xylitol, a sugar substitute commonly found in sugar-free foods (gum, candy, ice cream, baked goods, toothpaste, some peanut butters, etc). If the label reads “sugar-free” it’s best to not give it to your dog. For example, always check the label on peanut butter before using it as a treat. If you think your dog (and even cat or ferret) ingested anything containing xylitol, call a veterinarian immediately. Xylitol is absorbed quickly and can cause a life-threatening low blood sugar.
If you’d like to learn more about how to prevent your pet from a toxicity, check out the ASPCA website. Also consider posting the following phone numbers for all of your pet’s caretakers to see - your veterinarian, nearest 24 hour veterinary emergency hospital, and ASPCA’s 24 hour Emergency Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.
Hoping you and your pet always stay safe,
 Dr. Barbara Hanek,
Veterinarian Administrator
Poison is Never the Answer
Sometimes we forget wildlife were here first. It can be challenging to find that happy middle ground with our neighborhood wildlife. We want to enjoy wildlife from a distance but sometimes they cause heartache by damaging property or stealing garden produce. Individuals struggling with wildlife issues may consider inappropriate responses to handle them such as poisoning. It is illegal to poison any wildlife and is considered an inhumane way to manage wildlife on your property. Poisoning can cause great suffering and may inadvertently harm other animals, pets, or children. There are much better ways we can manage wildlife and live in harmony.
First, try removing any attractants from your property. All wildlife will be attracted to food, water, and shelter. Removing access to these items can help deter them from coming onto your property. Secure garbage cans, food, bird feeders, litter, or gardens on your property. Reduce access to shelter by removing dead trees, tall grass, firewood stacks, and blocking entry points underneath decks, window wells, vents, and chimneys. Welded wire or hardware cloth are effective ways to block access.
Another method of managing wildlife is deterrents such as safe repellents and frightening devices. Repellents can help keep wildlife away from specific plants or areas of your yard. Read the labels on repellents carefully to make sure they are not pesticides. Pesticides can be harmful and may require a special license. Frightening devices help keep wildlife away from your property by using sight or sound to scare the animals away. An example of this would be the “ScareCrow” – a motion activated device that sprays water.
The last method would be to hire a licensed trapper to remove the animal from your property and should be considered a last resort. Even when you remove one animal from your property, it leaves space for another one to move in if you do not remove the attractive elements. Please be advised that trapping an animal on your property and removing it without a license is illegal.
Click the image for further help and resources on managing wildlife!
Today marks Abby's 200th day with us. 4,800 hours waiting for a new family to love after her last owner moved into assisted living. 288,000 minutes showing us her amazing personality hoping someone special will see just how special she is.
Abby is looking for a rare kind of household: a cat savvy household without any cats. You won't need other pets with Abby around, she has it all. She loves to play but also can cuddle up for a good snuggle session. Click her picture to apply today and fall in love with this heart-nosed lover girl!
 $100 per participant, 16 years old and up.
Follow the link below to register. Slots are available first come, first served.
This course teaches first aid techniques to address the most common emergencies pet owners may experience with dogs and cats in the household. This course will train you to notice abnormalities and detect early warning signs in pets. You will also learn essential pre-vet care and life-saving techniques for those times when immediate action can make all the difference.
Please remember, your slot is not secured until payment is received.
April 1, 2023 9am-3pm
April 29, 2023 9am-3pm
May 13, 2023 9am-3pm