Educational Examiners Newsletter - December 2024
In this issue:
- Common Reference Form
- Conditional Licensure - Coursework Required
- December Graduates
- Renewals - Plan Ahead
- Pathways to Teaching
- EO 10 Rule Revisions
- Recent Cases
Teachers or administrators may hold a conditional license while they complete the coursework required to add a new endorsement. If the educator does not complete enough coursework by the end of the summer when the conditional license expires, they cannot continue in the same position. The school is then faced with the challenge of having a late opening in a shortage area.
This is a great time to check in with any educators under your supervision who hold conditional licensure to ensure sufficient coursework progress is being made. Many schools have regular progress checks as part of the conditional licensure agreement.
School districts may have openings or substitute positions available now or starting next semester. Initial licenses will be issued once we have a complete application, including the fingerprint background check and the college recommendation. College recommendation timelines vary, as some will happen in December and others in January.
Plan Ahead: Submit your application 4-6 weeks in advance.
You can apply to renew as early as one year before your expiration date.
Renewal Credit Options
Mandatory Reporter Trainings: Many applicants are submitting the wrong trainings which can cause delays.
We can only accept the one-hour refresher trainings IF:
- you have previously taken the NEW, SEPARATE two-hour trainings EACH, completed after July 1, 2019,
- AND you did not let the new trainings expire,
- AND you upload ALL certificates completed after 2019 to show this.
Mandatory Reporter Trainings
Several new pathways to teaching in Iowa have been added in recent years. Please see the table below for information about new programs.
Executive Order 10 (EO 10) requires all state agencies to identify which administrative rule chapters will be retained or rescinded. The BoEE rules have been noticed and the public comment period will continue through December 2. Public comments may be emailed to or in person on December 2, 9:00 a.m. at 701 E. Court Ave, Suite A, Des Moines, IA 50309. See the following link for a summary of the rule changes starting on page 27.
Respondent was charged with falsifying or deliberately misrepresenting material information. He received a public reprimand and agreed to complete an ethics course and a professional consultation.
Respondent was charged with being on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity involving students while under the influence of alcohol. He received a public reprimand, a license suspension, and agreed to complete a substance abuse evaluation, a mental health evaluation, and an educator ethics course.
Respondent was charged with abandoning a written professional employment contract without prior unconditional release by an employer. She received a public reprimand.
Respondent was charged with being on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity involving students while under the influence of alcohol. He received a public reprimand, a deferred license suspension, and agreed to complete a substance abuse evaluation, and an educator ethics course.
Respondent was charged with being on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity involving students while under the influence of alcohol. He received a public reprimand.
Respondent was charged with being on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity involving students while under the influence of alcohol. He received a public reprimand.
Respondent was charged with being on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity involving students while under the influence of alcohol. He received a public reprimand, a license suspension, and agreed to complete a course in educator ethics, and in order for the suspension to become deferred, a negative PEth test, and during the deferred suspension, unscheduled BAC tests.
Respondent was charged with failing to make a reasonable effort to protect the health and safety of the students or creating conditions harmful to learning, failure to comply with federal, state, or local laws, and failure of an administrator to meet mandatory reporter obligations. She received a public reprimand and agreed to complete a course in recognizing and reporting child abuse.
Respondent was charged with abandoning a written professional employment contract without prior unconditional release by an employer. She received a public reprimand and agreed to complete a course in educator ethics.
Respondent was charged with abandoning a written professional employment contract without prior unconditional release by an employer. He received a public reprimand, a license suspension, and agreed to complete a course in educator ethics.
Respondent was charged with abandoning a written professional employment contract without prior unconditional release by an employer. She received a public reprimand.
Respondent was charged with furnishing unauthorized drugs to a student, failing to comply with federal, state, or local laws, willfully departing from the minimum standards of acceptable and prevailing educational practice, and willfully failing to practice with reasonable skill and safety. She received a public reprimand and a license suspension, and agreed to complete a mental health evaluation and a course in educator ethics.
Respondent was charged with failure to disclose to the school official a teaching assignment for which the practitioner is not properly licensed and willfully departing from the minimum standards of acceptable and prevailing educational practice. She received a public reprimand and agreed to complete a course in educator ethics and a professional consultation.
Respondent was charged with conducting business in such a way that the practitioner repeatedly exposes students or other practitioners to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. He received a public reprimand and agreed to complete coursework in educator ethics and connection and calming strategies, a mental health evaluation, and a professional consultation.
Respondent was charged with failing to make a reasonable effort to protect the health and safety of the students or creating conditions harmful to learning and conducting business in such a way that the practitioner repeatedly exposes students or other practitioners to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. She received a public reprimand and agreed to complete coursework in educator ethics and a professional consultation.
Respondent was charged with being on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity involving students while under the influence of alcohol and falsifying or deliberately misrepresenting material information. She received a public reprimand, a deferred suspension, agreed to complete coursework in educator ethics and special education law, and a substance abuse evaluation.
Respondent was charged with converting public property or funds to personal use, soliciting parents or students to purchase equipment, supplies, or services, from the practitioner, and failing to use time or funds for the purpose for which they were intended. He received a public reprimand and agreed to complete coursework in educator ethics and a professional consultation.
Respondent was charged with soliciting, encouraging, or consummating a romantic or otherwise inappropriate relationship with a student, willfully departing from the minimum standards of acceptable and prevailing educational practice, and willfully failing to practice with reasonable skill and safety. He received a public reprimand, a suspension, and agreed to complete a course in professional boundaries.
Respondent was charged with being on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity involving students while under the influence of alcohol. She received a public reprimand, a license suspension, and agreed to complete a substance abuse evaluation, a mental health evaluation, and an educator ethics course.
Respondent was charged with being on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity involving students while under the influence of alcohol. He received a public reprimand, a license suspension, and agreed to complete a substance abuse evaluation, a mental health evaluation, and an educator ethics course.
Respondent was charged with falsifying or deliberately misrepresenting or omitting material information regarding the evaluation of students or personnel, including improper administration of any standardized tests, including, but not limited to, changing test answers, providing test answers, copying or teaching identified test items, or using inappropriate accommodations or modifications for such tests. She received a public reprimand and agreed to complete a course in special education law.
Respondent was charged with falsifying or deliberately misrepresenting or omitting material information regarding the evaluation of students or personnel, including improper administration of any standardized tests, including, but not limited to, changing test answers, providing test answers, copying or teaching identified test items, or using inappropriate accommodations or modifications for such tests and willfully departing from the minimum standards of acceptable and prevailing educational practice. She received a public reprimand and agreed to complete a course in special education law.
Respondent was charged with abandoning a written professional employment contract without prior unconditional release by an employer. She received a public reprimand.
Respondent was charged with failing to make a reasonable effort to protect the health and safety of the students or creating conditions harmful to learning and conducting business in such a way that the practitioner repeatedly exposes students or other practitioners to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. She received a public reprimand and a license suspension.
Respondent was charged with willfully departing from the minimum standards of acceptable and prevailing educational practice. He received a public reprimand and a deferred suspension.
Voluntary Surrenders
24-171 &176
24-110 &24-172