Hopefully the dust is beginning to settle from the start of another school year! Summers always seem to fly by too fast. I am very excited for the year ahead with many new or updated work-based learning plans, programs and initiatives.
This month's newsletter offers some updates, news and other resources to consider as we continue to navigate through some recent changes in various aspects of work-based learning here in Iowa. Many of our websites, guides and other resources are also in the process of being updated to reflect these and other related changes, so we appreciate your patience.
Please don't hesitate to reach out though with any questions, concerns, ideas or other feedback for how we can better serve you and your amazing work.
The passage of Senate File 2411 in May 2024 clarified a consistent definition of work-based learning here in Iowa as the following experiences that will primarily take place in a physical work environment, but some may be provided in a simulated or virtual work environment within a classroom setting:
“sustained project-based learning in partnership with an employer, simulated work experiences aligned with industry-recognized credentials, high-quality pre-apprenticeships aligned to an apprenticeship, student learner programs, internships and apprenticeships.”
Some activities or experiences that had previously been considered work-based learning, such as career fairs, business tours, job shadows and employability skills courses, will now be referred to as "career exploration". These activities will primarily occur in the classroom, but could include some offsite locations or worksites and are designed to assist with exploring and building awareness of the available careers in in-demand, high-wage and public good college and career pathways.
"Career-connected learning" is the new umbrella term that incorporates both career exploration and work-based learning. While career exploration activities empower students in learning about work, work-based learning supports students working to learn the necessary knowledge and skills to be successful in the workplace and what comes next.
These changes are noted in a resource that was recently posted to the Department's WBL site at All applicable guides, websites and other resources are being updated to reflect this and related changes.
The U.S. Department of Education recently approved Iowa’s updated state plan for school accountability and support under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). One specific change that involves work-based learning is a new and innovative postsecondary readiness indicator focused on student outcomes in attaining:
- College credit;
- Work-based learning experiences; and
- Industry-recognized credentials.
Beginning with the 2024-25 academic year, this and other work-based learning reporting will reflect the new state definition. Schools will leverage existing SCED codes and new embedded work-based learning codes to report these activities to the Iowa Department of Education. Refer to the Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI) Data Dictionary, recorded trainings and other resources available at for more information.
The interactive work-based learning dashboard available on the Iowa Student Outcomes website is also being updated to be reflective of the new state definition for work-based learning. The Department intends to use this update as a way for districts to review how they are currently coding and reporting work-based learning courses prior to the rollout of the new ESSA School Accountability System measures.
District or school staff will be able to review information regarding their work-based learning courses, enrollment counts and other aspects and provide feedback through a form on the site to request corrections, clarifications or other information. This is being done to help ensure courses are being adequately coded within district student information systems before the transmittal and analysis of winter Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI) data files.
A separate notice will go out once the updated information is posted to the site for district review. Your assistance is greatly appreciated to ensure the Department has the most accurate and updated information available for your work-based learning courses and experiences.
Over the summer, the Iowa Office of Apprenticeship (IOA) at Iowa Workforce Development was officially recognized as a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). This development, and the enhanced flexibility that comes with it, will better position our state to create the workforce pipeline it needs for the future. The IOA will encourage new innovation and focus on expanding available programs to help apprentices start successful careers across Iowa.
The IOA has also recently kicked off a new opportunity to support and expand Quality Pre-Apprenticeship (QPA) programs. Schools are able to register their QPA programs with the IOA, which would allow their students to earn certificates of completion, as well as sign up for a voluntary data sharing agreement to appear on a new interactive program dashboard.
Please consider taking a minute to ROAR for WBL - Recognize the great work of new or existing work-based learning programs or initiatives; Offer exciting news, updates or plans; Acknowledge others with notes of appreciation or kudos; and brag a little about Rewards or awards earned for Iowa's amazing work-based learning programs, coordinators, educators, counselors, employers and other partners or support staff.
Submit your ROARs anonymously through the basic Google Form at the link below. Submissions may also be sent directly to me at
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Joe Collins Work-Based Learning Consultant Bureau of Community Colleges and Postsecondary Readiness Division of Higher Education Iowa Department of Education 515-419-5190