Educational Examiners Newsletter - August 2024
In this issue:
- Licensure Tips for Administrators
- Renewals
- Conditional Licensure
- Career and Technical Updates
- Student Teachers as Substitutes
- EO 10 Rule Revisions
- Recent Cases
Administrators - please bookmark Licensure Tips for Administrators to easily find important information about filing complaints, licensure, BEDS, substitute teachers, coaching, and teacher pathways.
Plan Ahead: Submit your application 4-6 weeks in advance.
You can apply to renew as early as one year before your expiration date.
Renewal Credit Options
Mandatory Reporter Trainings: Many applicants are submitting the wrong trainings which can cause delays.
We can only accept the one-hour refresher trainings IF:
- you have previously taken the NEW, SEPARATE two-hour trainings EACH, completed after July 1, 2019,
- AND you did not let the new trainings expire,
- AND you upload ALL certificates completed after 2019 to show this.
Mandatory Reporter Trainings
Conditional licensure is for licensed educators seeking a new endorsement area.
The Class B conditional license requires that at least 1/2 of the endorsement coursework has already been completed.
The Executive Director Decision conditional license allows one year for 1/2 of the endorsement coursework to be obtained, and the employer must show that no licensed candidates were available.
Tips for conditional licensure:
- Your main license must also be valid.
- The executive director decision conditional license is valid for one academic year and cannot be renewed or extended. You must complete enough coursework to be eligible for the Class B conditional license for the following year.
- The Class B conditional license is valid for two academic years. A final one-year extension is only allowed is coursework progress has been made during the term of the Class B license.
Administrators who have teachers working under conditional licenses should schedule regular check-ins to make sure coursework progress is being made.
 Who Can Teach Career and Technical Courses?
5-12 Teaching License: Fully-licensed teachers may hold 5-12 career and technical endorsements in agriculture, family consumer sciences, industrial technology, 5-12 business, or CTE information technology to teach career and technical courses.
5-12 Career and Technical Authorization: Individuals with work experience outside of education may hold a career and technical authorization. Pedagogy coursework is completed during the three-year initial authorization. Options include:
(1) 6,000 hours of recent and relevant experience;
(2) 4,000 hours of recent and relevant experience if the applicant holds a baccalaureate degree;
(3) 3,000 hours of recent and relevant experience if the applicant holds an associate’s degree in the teaching endorsement area sought, if such a degree is considered terminal for that field of instruction;
(4) Hold a baccalaureate or graduate degree or closely related degree in the teaching endorsement area sought; or
(5) Hold a baccalaureate degree in any area of study if at least 18 of the credit hours were completed in the teaching endorsement area sought.
NEW (6) For a career and technical cluster endorsement, meet one of the above qualifications, and at least 2000 hours of recent and relevant experience or 9 semester hours each in two additional areas within the cluster endorsement. Combinations of experience and education may be approved by the executive director. Cluster areas include: Agriculture, Industrial Technology, Business, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Sciences, and Information Solutions.
Community College Instructors: BoEE licensure is not required if the high school course is offered for college credit.
Who Can Serve as a Work-Based Learning Program Supervisor?
5-12 Teaching License and 5-12 Career and Technical Authorization: Fully-licensed teachers with a 5-12 endorsement and CTE authorization holders may supervise work-based learning within their own endorsement area(s). For example, a business teacher may supervise students placed in a workplace to learn business operations.
5-12 Multioccupations endorsement: Fully-licensed teachers with a 5-12 endorsement and CTE authorization holders may complete the requirements for the multioccupations endorsement and supervise students in any workplace for work experience credit. Requirements: Coursework in foundations of career and technical education and coordination of cooperative programs, and work experience which meets one of the following: (1) Four thousand hours of career and technical experience in two or more careers; or (2) Two hundred forty hours of work experience or externships in two or more careers and two or more years of teaching experience at the PK-12 level.
Work Based Learning Authorization: Teachers, CTE authorization holders, other licensees, or employees of any area business many apply for a Work-Based Learning Program Authorization to supervise students in any workplace for work experience credit. Requirements: mandatory reporter for child and dependent adult abuse, background check, and online application and fee. During the term of the one year temporary authorization, complete a 15-contact hour online course in the basics of workplace supervision.
Student teachers with a substitute authorization can substitute only for their assigned cooperating teacher, in their assigned classroom. Substitution must be on a short term, emergency basis. College/university programs, using Department guidance, have established their policies on expectations and limits to substitute teaching. If a student teacher serves as the teacher of record, he/she is no longer student teaching, but is serving as a substitute. In this case, the person must be paid as a substitute. This payment guidance also applies if the cooperating teacher is pulled to substitute in another classroom requiring the student teacher to substitute for the cooperating teacher. The student teacher will have to make up for missed days of student teaching.
Executive Order 10 (EO10) requires all state agencies to identify which administrative rule chapters will be retained or rescinded. The BoEE rules are being reviewed now. Opportunities for public input and information for public review during the implementation of EO10 will be posted to the Iowa Department of Education - EO10 website.
Voluntary Surrenders: 24-68, 23-17, 24-115, 24-55
23-66 Respondent was charged with being at school event or premises under the influence of, or under the possession of alcohol. She agreed to a public reprimand.
23-115 Respondent was charged with conducting professional business in such a way that the practitioner repeatedly exposes students or other practitioners to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. He agreed to a written reprimand, deferred suspension for 12 months, ethics class, complete “Teaching and Modeling Behavior”.
22-174 Respondent was charged with failure of an administrator to protect the health and safety of staff and students. He agreed to a written reprimand, ethics class, complete course in bullying and harassment investigation, review circumstances with W. Scott Dryer at DE.
23-195 Respondent was charged with being at school event or premises under the influence of, or under the possession of alcohol and illegal or unauthorized drugs or abusing legal drugs. He agreed to a written reprimand, suspension of his license for four years, ethics class, substance abuse evaluation, and mental health evaluation.
21-158 Respondent was found guilty of sexual exploitation by a counselor in August 2023. He will voluntarily surrender his license.
23-118 Respondent was charged with taking funds from the money boxes and leaving the school. The Respondent agreed to a written reprimand, ethics class, will not be solely responsible for funds for five years.
23-95 Respondent was charged with conducing professional business in such a way that the practitioner repeatedly exposes students or other practitioner to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. Respondent agreed to a written reprimand, suspension of his license for two years, becoming deferred after 60 days, take “Teaching and Modeling Behavior” class, CEB571 coaching methodology, during the deferred suspension he will have a work site monitor, file quarterly reports, refrain from one on one communications with students.
23-136 Respondent abandoned a professional contract. Respondent agreed to a reprimand, and will not seek employment in the district again.
23-172 Respondent abandoned a professional contract. Respondent was reprimanded.
24-07 Respondent abandoned a professional contract. Respondent agreed to a reprimanded.
24-29 Respondent was charged with failing to make reasonable effort to protect the health and safety of the student or creating conditions harmful to student learning, and conducting professional business in such a way that the practitioner repeatedly exposes students or other practitioners to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement, and willfully or repeatedly departing from or failing to conform to the minimum standards of acceptable prevailing educational practice in the state of Iowa. Respondent agreed to a public reprimand, suspension for a minimum of one year, can file to become deferred after 90 days if undergo mental health evaluation including maintaining appropriate boundaries with students, and takes a course “Maintaining Appropriate Teacher-Student Boundaries”, during the deferred suspension, he must have a work site monitor, and submit quarterly reports.
23-230 Respondent was charged with being at school event or premises under the influence of, or under the possession of alcohol. Respondent agreed to a public reprimand, two-year suspension, deferred if he provides a negative Peth test, quarterly tests sent to Executive Director, unscheduled BAC tests conducted by a police officer, ethics class.
24-38 Respondent was charged with being at school event or premises under the influence of, or under the possession of alcohol. Respondent agreed to a written reprimand, two-year suspension, deferred after one year if she provides a negative Peth test, quarterly tests sent to Executive Director, unscheduled BAC tests conducted by a police officer, ethics class.
23-175 Respondent is charged with falsifying or deliberately misrepresenting or omitting material information regarding the evaluation of students or personnel, including proper administration of any standardized tests, including but not limited to changing test answers, providing test answers, copying or teaching identified test items or using inappropriate accommodation or modification for such tests. dates and data for progress monitoring. Proposed sanction: Written reprimand, and Special Education Law from ISEA. Respondent agreed to a written reprimand, and Special Education Law from ISEA.
23-235 Respondent abandoned a professional contract. Respondent agreed to a reprimanded. Respondent agreed to a 30 day suspension.
23-147 & 185 Respondent is charged with soliciting, encouraging or consummating a romantic or otherwise inappropriate relationship with a student, and with failing to make reasonable effort to protect the health and safety of the student or creating conditions harmful to student learning, and conducting professional business in such a way that the practitioner repeatedly exposes students or other practitioners to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. Respondent agreed to a written reprimand, 2 year suspension, complete a course in professional boundaries, and attend individual counseling.
23-215 Respondent is charged with soliciting, encouraging or consummating a romantic or otherwise inappropriate relationship with a student. Respondent agreed to a public reprimand, deferred suspension for a minimum of two years, can file to become deferred after November 17, 2024, if he takes an ethics class.
23-140 Respondent is charged with converting public property or funds to the personal use of the practitioner. Respondent agreed to a public reprimand, and to take an ethics class.
24-19 Respondent abandoned a professional contract. Respondent agreed to a reprimanded.
24-35 Respondent agreed to allegations of a violation of failing to make reasonable effort to protect the health and safety of the student or creating conditions harmful to student learning. demonstrated poor boundaries with former student athletes. Respondent agreed to a public reprimand, ethics class, and “Maintaining Appropriate Teacher-Student Boundaries”.
23-57 Respondent is charged failing to use time or funds granted for the purpose for which they were intended, with failing to make reasonable effort to protect the health and safety of the student or creating conditions harmful to student learning sue time or funds granted for the purpose for which they were intended, conducting professional business in such a way that the practitioner repeatedly exposes students or other practitioners to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. Respondent agreed to a written reprimand, suspension for a minimum of 30 days from August 7, 2024, an ethics class, participate in consultation with Dr. Jeff Haverland, and acknowledges limits of using district property.