 July 2024
Inside this issue:
Department of Education Resources
Upcoming Deadlines
Due Date
What's Due
July 1
Vehicle Information System (VIS) Updates Due
July 15
Foster Care Transportation Claim
July 15
Last Day to Bill for Second Semester Regular and Special Education Tuition
July 31
Annual and Quarterly Medicaid Exclusion/Suspension Verification Report
August 1
Foster Care Claim Certification Deadline (certification required for acceptance of funds)
August 1
Progress Report Toward Reorganization Due to Department/SBRC
August 1
Special Education Claims Due – Foster Care, District Court Placed, Nonpublic, High Cost
August 1
Juvenile Home Program Claim Due (AEAs only)
Staff Contact Information
HF2612 established a mechanism to supplement compensation of education support personnel (i.e., hourly staff) employed by school districts. The Department issued warrants on July 5, 2024 for each district's entire allocation of the education support personnel salary supplement (ESPSS). Please see anticipated questions and answers below regarding account coding and the use of funds.
- How is the ESPSS funding coded?
ESPSS funding is receipted to Source 3111, same as other state aid funds. A project code is not required to use the funds.
- Is every support personnel required to receive an equal amount or percent of the district’s ESPSS funding?
No. Districts determine how to use the funds to supplement support personnel wages.
- How should the use of ESPSS funds be coded?
The district has flexibility to code the expenditure where appropriate.
- Regular wages (i.e., IPERS-covered wages) - Use the employee’s normal salary account code combination.
- Additional wages (e.g., recruitment payment, retention payment, or other incentive) - Required dimensions include Fund XX, Function XXXX, and Object 1X9.
- Do districts have to spend the money received for ESPSS in FY 2025 or can it be used in a subsequent fiscal year?
It is expected the funds will be fully expended in FY 2025.
The Bureau of School Business Operations will be offering virtual office hours during the upcoming FY24 application submission period for the Certified Annual Report (CAR), Special Education Supplement (SES), and the Annual Transportation Report (ATR). Members of the Department’s team as well as other School Business Officials will be available to answer questions related to the applications. Mark your calendars and bring any questions related to the CAR, SES, or ATR. The schedule below and a list of topics are also available on the Department’s Certified Annual Report web page.
Virtual office hours dates and times:
Monday, August 26
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Thursday, August 29
9:30am – 11:00am
Wednesday, September 4
9:30am – 11:00am
Friday, September 6
9:30am – 11:00am
Wednesday, September 11
9:30am – 11:00am
Thursday, September 12
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Join the webinar
The CAR 2024 COA test records application is available for district and area education agency (AEA) use. Changes and updates to edits and warnings will be ongoing. Stages one and two validate the composition of the account code. Stages three and four will be available but may change as updates are made. A district may test an individual account code or an entire file. The COA test records application mirrors the CAR upload and reports application. Many of the COA test records edits are programmed to check tables for information. These tables may not be completely loaded during the testing period. This information is entered as it becomes available. Also, districts may get stage four reconciliation messages, as all revenue, receivables, or restricted fund balances would not be entered prior to the end of the fiscal year in the district’s accounting system.
Districts are strongly urged to test files early and often for account coding accuracy. Please be sure to update the district’s accounting software to the most current version before creating an upload file. The COA test records application is available on the Iowa Education Portal. Once logged in, go to EdInfo, then Finance Applications.
If you need access to the CAR 2024 COA test records application, the portal security officer at your district or AEA will be able to grant access. Any other login questions or issues may be directed to ed.portal@iowa.gov.
Questions regarding coding, issues with the upload, or edits and/or warning messages can be directed to Jina Brincks at jina.brincks@iowa.gov or 515-313-5942 or Song Luong at song.luong1@iowa.gov or 515-205-0259.
It is important to maintain at least two portal security officers in each district since a portal security officer cannot give access to himself or herself. To inquire about upcoming fall portal security officer training sessions, email ed.portal@iowa.gov.
The fiscal year end closeout period is here again. Please submit all FY24 requests for payments by July 15. As in prior years, the Department is required to pay FY24 expenses by the end of August. We need your help to accomplish this important effort. Please review all FY24 grants and contracts, complete any final reports, and prepare requests for payment by July 15. We will be issuing final payments for Title I, Title II, Title IV, nonpublic transportation, Perkins, and Regional Planning Partnership (RPP) within the month, with your help and cooperation.
Further questions can be directed to Angie James at angela.james2@iowa.gov or 515-281-3646.
Superintendents and business managers who are new to the state or new to the position may find the following resources located on the Department's website (https://educate.iowa.gov) beneficial:
- The Department’s calendar can be filtered to show all events or categories such as deadlines, Department-sponsored meetings and technical assistance, and SBRC deadlines and hearings.
Special Education Finance provides links to topics such as the SEB application directions, appropriate uses of special education funding, school-based Medicaid, and sample contracts for special education services.
School Facilities provides information on construction, school safety, disaster recovery, and facilities planning.
Pupil Transportation provides links to bus inspection schedules, driver trainings and conferences, open enrollment transportation assistance, nonpublic reimbursement claim, and instructions to and results from prior year’s Annual Transportation Report (ATR).
School Finance Resources provides links to the Department of Management (Aid and Levy worksheet), the Uniform Financial Accounting manual, Uniform Administrative Procedures manual, and The Iowa Legislature (Iowa Code and Administrative Code lookups).
For more information on a specific topic listed above, inquiries can be directed to the contact listed on each web page. If you have further questions on available resources, please contact Kassandra Cline at kassandra.cline@iowa.gov or 515-326-2242.
Question: Can the district purchase a vehicle from the Nutrition Fund?
Answer: No. Purchasing vehicles using school nutrition funds is not an appropriate use in Iowa due to the Federal Indirect Cost Rate plan for Iowa LEAs and AEAs.
Members from both the Bureau of School Business Operations and Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services collaborated to investigate whether the Department should propose a change to the Federal Indirect Cost Rate plan to allow vehicle purchases from the Nutrition Fund. Any plan change would require all districts to purchase vehicles used for nutrition program purposes from the Nutrition Fund. At this time, it was determined that it would not be in the best interest of most districts to make this change due to current fund balances. Vehicle purchases will continue to be an inappropriate use of the Nutrition Fund.
Question: Is the district required to allow a booster club to print and sell activity passes?
Answer: No. The decision to authorize a booster club to print and sell activity passes is a determination of the local school board.
A similar question, reflected below, is answered on page 33 of the Student Activity Handbook of Frequently Asked Questions, available on the Department’s Levies and Funds web page.
- Question: May a district give athletic passes to outside organizations or booster clubs to sell or otherwise use in a fundraiser of that organization or club?
Answer: That is a local determination. The board should evaluate and document the public purpose for which it is potentially forgoing revenue by waiving or discounting admission charges when it otherwise charges admission. The board should also ensure the district is treating students equitably in accordance with Title IX equity requirements if, for example, the benefits or fundraising opportunities are only for gender-specific teams. The board should exercise its authority under Iowa Code section 279.8 and responsibility under Iowa Code section 280.14 to establish policies for its activity program. These policies and related procedures may address fundraisers, including the necessity to establish a public purpose for this type of action.
If no public purpose is established for discounting or giving athletic passes for fundraisers not sponsored by the district, the outside organization or booster club may purchase a block of athletic passes from the district at the same cost as any other community member and then use those purchased passes in some outside fundraiser to generate profit or donations. The district should also consider the potential appearance of impropriety if the district forgoes revenue to donate passes to another entity who then engages in the reselling of the tickets for a profit.
The Iowa Chart of Account Coding found on the Department's Uniform Financial Accounting web page, is regularly updated to reflect changes necessary to meet fiscal reporting needs. The most recent update is provided below.
June 2024
Account Code
Project 3160
Intrafund Transfers from Other General Fund Sources (June24)
Project 3161
Restricted Special Education Account Originating from Other General Fund Sources (to reduce the Special Education Deficit) (June24)
Project 3180
Flexibility Fund Accounts from Other Discontinued General Fund Grant and/or Categorical Funds; or Other Discontinued Funds (IC 298A.2 (2)) (Expenditures Effective FY19) (Dec17) (Name change June24)
Project 3189
District-Defined Flexibility Fund Accounts from Other Discontinued Funds (Name change June24)
Source/Project 4047
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER III) (Teacher and Paraeducator Registered Apprenticeship Grant Program (IWD) (FAL/CFDA 84.425U) (Jan22) (If district signed Addendum 3 to be a beneficiary and not a subrecipient, then funding is not subject to 2 CFR 200.501) (Jan22) (Name change June24)
Source/Project 4078
Education Stabilization Fund (Summer Reading Camp Grant) (FAL/CFDA 84.425) (June24)
Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI) codes are being added to SRI for students that are sent from their resident district to another district (tuition out) pursuant to a 28E agreement for a Home School Assistance Program (HSAP), while also dual-enrolling in their resident district. The district sending the students will keep the students actively enrolled in their student information system using one of the codes below.
Option 1
- 30: 28E Out for HSAP
- Service Description: The student is attending a HSAP program in another district using a 28E agreement.
Option 2
- 31: 28E Out for HSAP and CPI Dual Enrolled
- Service Description: The student is attending a HSAP program in another district using a 28E agreement and is CPI dual enrolled in the resident district.
The district will also enter the four-digit number of the district hosting the HSAP program +7777 into the Service Provider/Facility field. For example, districts sending students to Mid-Prairie would enter ‘42717777’ in the Service Provider/Facility field.
Questions regarding SIS coding can be directed to Rachel Kruse at rachel.kruse@iowa.gov or 515-281-4153 or Margaret Hanson at margaret.hanson@iowa.gov or 515-281-3214.
Iowa Department of Revenue (IDR)
It is anticipated that the annual SAVE estimates will be posted mid-August to the website of the Iowa Department of Revenue (IDR). An email notification will be sent to the SAVE email distribution list.
IDR's Local Government Services Division is maintaining a record of SAVE contact emails for the distribution list. If you have not done so already, contact Barbara Lewison at barbara.lewison@iowa.gov to add your name and email address to the SAVE email distribution list.
The July payment districts will receive for SAVE Statewide Sales and Services Tax (Source/Project 3361) is related to June taxes collected. Accordingly, districts should record this receipt as an intergovernmental receivable (Fund 33, Account 141) and include this in the SAVE revenue reported in the FY24 Certified Annual Report (CAR).
- Recording the July SAVE payment as a receivable in FY24
- Debit Account 141, Project 3361
- Credit Project 3361, Source 3361
- Clearing the SAVE receivable when payment is received in FY25
- Debit Account 10X
- Credit Account 141, Project 3361
Property tax receipts are not all related to the prior year. Districts need to evaluate which receipts should be accrued to FY24 revenues as taxes receivable versus FY25 revenues. Delinquent property taxes received in August are accrued to FY24. Current mobile home (unless noted as delinquent) and ag land taxes received in August are FY25 revenues.
Further questions can be directed to Jina Brincks at jina.brincks@iowa.gov or 515-313-5942 or Song Luong at song.luong1@iowa.gov or 515-205-0259.
Local auditors are encouraged to access the “Department Warrants” application within the Iowa Education Portal. Payments to all districts, AEAs, and charter schools are available to the user from the dropdown list. This application also includes the grant identifying number and the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number.
The Department will issue warrants for nonpublic transportation claims by August 15. Accounting for various scenarios a district could encounter may be referenced in the UFA Journal Entries spreadsheet found on the Department’s Uniform Financial Accounting web page. All revenues will equal expenditures for this project.
Further questions can be directed to Jina Brincks at jina.brincks@iowa.gov or 515-313-5942 or Song Luong at song.luong1@iowa.gov or 515-205-0259.
Districts and auditors will continue to work through the GASB 68 entries relating to the Iowa Public Employees Retirement System (IPERS). Districts will only include entries in Fund 09 and Proprietary Funds (6X, 7X) on the FY24 CAR. Since pension expenses may be positive or negative after the GASB 68 entries have been made in the enterprise funds, districts will continue to use Object 233, GASB 68 pension expense for GASB 68 entries related to pension expenses. Negative amounts are allowed in this object code.
Fund 09 will report the governmental funds’ share of the net pension liability or net pension asset.
- Recording a net pension liability
- Debit Account 304, amount to be provided for retirement of governmental long-term debt
- Credit Account 593, net pension liability
- Recording a net pension asset
- Debit Account 293, net pension asset
- Credit Account 304, amount to be provided for retirement of governmental long-term debt
The FY24 CAR includes an edit in Fund 09 and a warning in Proprietary Funds related to GASB 68 Net Pension Liability reporting. Refer to the Auditor of State’s GASB 68 Pensions web page for information regarding GASB 68.
Further questions can be directed to Jina Brincks at jina.brincks@iowa.gov or 515-313-5942 or Song Luong at song.luong1@iowa.gov or 515-205-0259.
Districts and auditors will continue to work through GASB 75 entries relating to OPEB based on valuations received from the actuary. Districts will only include entries in Fund 09 and Proprietary Funds on the FY24 CAR.
Since insurance expenses may be positive or negative after GASB 75 entries have been made, districts will use Object 278, GASB 75 insurance expense, for entries related to insurance expenses. Negative amounts are allowed in this object code. The various deferred inflows of resources, Accounts 64X, and deferred outflows of resources, Accounts 33X, have been assigned.
Fund 09 will report the governmental funds’ share of the total OPEB liability. Districts may continue to use Accounts 59X for the net OPEB liability.
- Recording a net OPEB liability
- Debit Account 304, amount to be provided for retirement of governmental long-term debt
- Credit Account 59X, other long-term liabilities
Further questions can be directed to Jina Brincks at jina.brincks@iowa.gov or 515-313-5942 or Song Luong at song.luong1@iowa.gov or 515-205-0259.
Scholarship Funds are accounted for based on the characteristics of each individual scholarship. Districts may follow the GASB 84 Flowchart (GASB 84, pages 36-38) for each scholarship to help determine how it should be reported and review this with the district’s auditor. Most scholarships will either remain in Fund 81, Scholarship Trust Funds or Fund 19, Non-Fiduciary Scholarship Funds. The guidelines for each are provided below.
- If the Scholarship Fund meets the criteria for a trust and the district does not have administrative involvement, scholarships will remain in Fund 81, Fiduciary Scholarship Trust Funds.
- If the Scholarship Fund does not meet the criteria for a trust and the district does not have administrative involvement, and the funds are held for a separate legal entity, scholarships will be accounted for in Fund 99, Custodial Scholarship Funds. Districts will move balances using upward and downward adjustments.
- If the district does have administrative involvement, regardless of whether or not the scholarship meets the criteria for a trust or custodial fund, scholarships will be accounted for in Fund 19, Non-Fiduciary Scholarship Funds. Districts will move balances using upward and downward adjustments.
GASB 84 defines administrative involvement. For purposes of this provision, a government has administrative involvement with the assets if, for example, it (a) monitors compliance with the requirements of the activity that are established by the government or by a resource provider that does not receive the direct benefits of the activity, (b) determines eligible expenditures that are established by the government or by a resource provider that does not receive the direct benefits of the activity, or (c) has the ability to exercise discretion over how assets are allocated. A government has direct financial involvement with the assets if, for example, it provides matching resources for the activities.
GASB 84 (Paragraph 11c (1)) states the criteria for a trust as: the assets are (1) administered through a trust agreement or equivalent arrangement (hereafter jointly referred to as a trust) in which the government itself is not a beneficiary, (2) dedicated to providing benefits to recipients in accordance with the benefit terms, and (3) legally protected from the creditors of the government.
Further questions can be directed to Jina Brincks at jina.brincks@iowa.gov or 515-313-5942 or Song Luong at song.luong1@iowa.gov or 515-205-0259.
All districts and AEAs should have implemented GASB 87 relating to leases which was effective for reporting periods beginning after June 15, 2021. This Statement established a single model for lease accounting for lessees and lessors based on the principle that leases are financings of the right-to-use an underlying asset and eliminated the classification of leases into operating or capital leases.
Lessees will recognize a lease liability and an intangible right-to-use lease asset which should be amortized over the shorter of useful life or lease term. The lease liability will be reduced by the non-interest expense portion of each lease payment. Lessors will recognize a lease receivable and a deferred inflow of resources. The lease receivable will be reduced by the non-interest revenue portion of each lease payment.
For lessees, the initial lease liability will be recorded in Fund 09, the intangible lease asset will be recorded in Fund 08, and the capital outlay and lease proceeds will be recorded in Fund 3X. To record subsequent lease payments, an interfund transfer will be made from Fund 3X to Fund 40 and the redemption of principal and interest will be recorded in Fund 40 along with the cash outlay. The principal amount of each payment will also be recorded in Fund 09 as a reduction to the lease liability.
For lessors, the initial lease receivable will be recorded in Fund 10 along with a deferred inflow of resources. To record subsequent lease payment receipts, rental and interest revenue will be recorded in Fund 10 along with the cash receipt. The lease receivable and deferred inflow of resources accounts will also be reduced by the principal amount of each payment.
Please refer to the UFA Journal Entries spreadsheet on the Department’s Uniform Financial Accounting web page for sample journal entries related to GASB 87.
Further questions can be directed to Jina Brincks at jina.brincks@iowa.gov or 515-313-5942 or Song Luong at song.luong1@iowa.gov or 515-205-0259.
All districts and AEAs should have implemented GASB 96 relating to SBITAs which was effective for reporting periods beginning after June 15, 2022. This Statement addresses accounting and financial reporting for SBITAs, a type of information technology (IT) arrangement (e.g., software licensing). The standards for SBITAs are based on the standards established in GASB Statement 87, Leases.
Districts will recognize a right-to-use subscription asset (intangible asset) which should be amortized over the subscription term and a corresponding subscription liability. The subscription liability will be reduced by the non-interest expense portion of each subscription payment.
The initial subscription liability will be recorded in Fund 09, the subscription asset will be recorded in Fund 08, and the subscription asset outlay and subscription agreement proceeds will be recorded in the appropriate fund. To record subsequent subscription payments, an interfund transfer will be made from Fund XX to Fund 40 and the redemption of principal and interest will be recorded in Fund 40 along with the cash outlay. The principal amount of each payment will also be recorded in Fund 09 as a reduction to the subscription liability.
Please refer to the UFA Journal Entries spreadsheet on the Department’s Uniform Financial Accounting webpage for sample journal entries related to GASB 96.
Further questions can be directed to Jina Brincks at jina.brincks@iowa.gov or 515-313-5942 or Song Luong at song.luong1@iowa.gov or 515-205-0259.
District cost per pupil amounts (maximum tuition rates) for the new school year are posted on the Tuition and Fees page of the Department’s website.
Further questions can be directed to Ted Bauer at ted.bauer@iowa.gov or 515-979-5468.
Throughout the school year, districts enter students into the Special Education Billing (SEB) application. Students who are entered by a serving district into the SEB application will appear on the Tuition Payable tab at the top of the SEB application. Districts are asked to verify the accuracy of the Tuition Payable between June 15 and June 30. If errors are noted, the resident district should contact the serving district to resolve any discrepancy. The overall goal of the SEB application is to ensure the correct district was billed and no students were overlooked and omitted. All students should now be entered and any necessary corrections and adjustments completed. If there are remaining students who are not entered into the SEB application, please do so immediately.
After all students are entered and student information is verified as accurate, upload a CSV CAR file. Districts should click on the "Bulk Update" button on screen 3 to ensure the calculations are correct for the final billing. Once Screen 9 is determined to be accurate, click the “Certify” button on Screen 9. Then print or email the final bills.
The Department will begin processing Foster Care claims, Termination of Rights claims (also called District Court Placed), Nonpublic claims, and High Cost claims after August 1. It is critical that all claims be accurately entered prior to this date.
Further questions can be directed to Luke Markway at luke.markway@iowa.gov or 515-393-8349.
The Regular Education Foster Care Claim opened on July 15, 2024 and is due August 1, 2024. Claims are generated from the fall 2023 and spring 2024 Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI) submissions. The application includes:
- Regular education students who were in foster care (under the responsibility and care of the Department of Human Services) and living in a district only because of the foster care placement.
- Resident students who were in a psychiatric medical institute for children (PMIC) placement or placed in a juvenile psychiatric unit of a hospital and NOT included in the district’s fall 2023 certified enrollment count, regardless of who placed the student in the facility.
The only tasks required from a district are to verify the students and certify. Certification is required only if a district is eligible for a claim. Claims are based on the excess days a district served regular education students in foster care above days funded for regular education foster care students in the fall 2023 certified enrollment count. Calculations are based on the number of school days during the 2023-2024 school year, as reported in the spring 2024 SRI.
Questions regarding the application can be directed to Ted Bauer at ted.bauer@iowa.gov or 515-979-5468. Questions regarding student enrollment counts can be directed to Rachel Kruse at rachel.kruse@iowa.gov or 515-281-4153.
The Juvenile Home application is open to AEAs for completion of the claims and certification by August 1. The application can be found on the Iowa Education Portal. The instructions are posted on the Department’s Budgets, Area Education Agencies web page. Please remember this claim is for regular education students only. Funds due to serving out-of-state students or students served pursuant to an Individualized Education Program (IEP) are billed to the student’s district of residence. Also, do not include the average daily membership (ADM) of students for whom the AEA is paid tuition.
Further questions can be directed to Jina Brincks at jina.brincks@iowa.gov or 515-313-5942.
Questions relating to Medicaid or other topics in this section can be directed to Jim Donoghue at jim.donoghue@iowa.gov or 515-281-8505.
During FY24, Iowa’s Local Education Agencies (LEAs) were paid $101,631,459 and, following payback of the state share, retained $67,510,652, down 9.7 percent from FY23. Iowa’s AEAs were paid $743,618 and retained $481,284 for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B services, down 5.3 percent from FY23. Iowa’s Infant Toddler IDEA Part C providers were paid $332,750, retaining $215,503, up 7.84 percent.
In total, Iowa’s IDEA Medicaid programs retained $68,207,440, down 9.7 percent from FY23.
For claims paid July 1, 2024 through September 2024, the federal share (i.e., the amount retained by a district) is 64.13 percent and the state share is 35.87 percent. For claims paid October 1, 2024 through June 2025, the federal share is 63.25 percent and the state share is 36.75 percent.
The Department is required to submit an annual report identifying the year’s Medicaid Exclusion/Suspension Verifications that were reported, including listing non-compliant providers.
Iowa Medicaid school-based providers are required to check two sources each month to capture employee exclusions and reinstatements: the federal list available on the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG) web page and the state’s list, available on the Iowa Medicaid Program Integrity web page.
A search of these sources is to occur monthly to confirm individuals whose services are billed to Medicaid are not excluded. It is important that a district does not bill for services provided by an excluded or suspended individual.
In July, please send a report listing each staff member whose services were billed during FY24. Only list each individual once and include the individual’s date of birth and the last 4 digits of their Social Security number.
The fall 2024 school bus inspection schedules are available on the Department’s Bus Inspection Schedules web page. Please help ensure that the inspection date for your district is communicated to the transportation staff and added to the district’s calendar.
Further questions can be directed to the inspector for your region as listed below.
Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals for school bus drivers must be performed by a certified medical examiner. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires this for anyone obtaining a DOT physical. The National Registry for Certified Medical Examiners website includes a search engine showing the location of all certified medical examiners within the state of Iowa and across the nation. It offers a number of options to search for medical examiners in your area. School bus drivers in Iowa must present a copy of their Medical Examiner’s Certificate to their employer every year. Also, remember that all school bus driver authorizations must be reviewed, updated, and renewed by August 15 each year. Access to the Driver Authorization System (DAS) is gained through the Iowa Education Portal. Once each driver’s authorization is reviewed and updated, be sure to print off the new authorizations for your drivers to carry with them.
Further questions can be directed to Holli Marolf at holli.marolf@iowa.gov or 515-336-3965.
It is the policy of the Iowa Department of Education not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, political party affiliation, or actual or potential parental, family or marital status in its programs, activities, or employment practices as required by the Iowa Code sections 216.9 and 256.10(2), Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d and 2000e), the Equal Pay Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 206, et seq.), Title IX (Educational Amendments, 20 U.S.C.§§ 1681 – 1688), Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq.). If you have questions or complaints related to compliance with this policy by the Iowa Department of Education, please contact the legal counsel for the Iowa Department of Education, Grimes State Office Building, 400 E. 14th Street, Des Moines, IA 50319-0146, telephone number: 515-281-5295, or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Citigroup Center, 500 W. Madison Street, Suite 1475, Chicago, IL 60661-4544, telephone number: 312-730-1560, FAX number: 312-730-1576, TDD number: 877-521-2172, email: OCR.Chicago@ed.gov.