Educational Examiners Newsletter - April 2024
In this issue:
- Hiring Tips for Administrators
- Work-Based Learning Supervision
- Renewals - Plan Ahead
- Mandatory Reporter Trainings
- Recent Cases
It is important to make sure applicants are eligible for licensure with the correct endorsement before finalizing the hiring process.
1. Make sure the applicant holds or is eligible to hold an Iowa teaching license.
- Iowa does not have a temporary, emergency, or conditional license for applicants who have not completed a teacher preparation program. There are some non-traditional pathways for limited areas only (see below).
2. Make sure the applicant holds the correct teaching endorsement for the assignment.
- Be sure to use the BEDS crosswalk. For courses that only require a valid teaching license with an endorsement at the grade level, this means a full teaching license, not an authorization.
3. For fully-licensed teachers, a conditional license may be an option.
- The Class B License is valid for two school years and may be issued under the following conditions:
- The person is the holder of a valid Iowa teaching license with one or more endorsements and is seeking to obtain some other endorsement
- The employer requests the Class B be issued due to an official position offer
- The individual seeking this endorsement has completed at least one-half of the requirements
The Executive Director Decision License is valid for one school year and may be issued under the following conditions:
- The person is the holder of a valid Iowa teaching license with one or more endorsement and is seeking to obtain some other endorsement
- The employer requests the Executive Director Decision license be issued
- The employer verifies a diligent search to find a fully licensed teacher for the position
- The individual seeking this endorsement is not eligible for the Class B license
5-12 Teaching License and 5-12 Career and Technical Authorization: Fully-licensed teachers with a 5-12 endorsement and CTE authorization holders may supervise work-based learning within their own endorsement area(s). For example, a business teacher may supervise students placed in a workplace to learn business operations.
5-12 Multioccupations endorsement: Fully-licensed teachers with a 5-12 endorsement and CTE authorization holders may complete the requirements for the multioccupations endorsement and supervise students in any workplace for work experience credit.
Work Based Learning Program Supervisor Authorization: Teachers, CTE authorization holders, other licensees, or employees of any area business many apply for a Work-Based Learning Program Authorization to supervise students in any workplace for work experience credit. Requirements: mandatory reporter for child and dependent adult abuse, background check, and online application and fee. During the term of the one year temporary authorization, a 15-contact hour online course in the basics of workplace supervision for education will be completed.
Submit your application 4-6 weeks in advance.
You can apply to renew as early as one year before your expiration date.
Initial license conversion applications should wait to be submitted until the end of the school year, since your application is based on experience.
Renewal Credit Options
Many applicants are submitting the wrong trainings which can cause delays.
- It is MUCH better to complete the trainings that are two hours each instead of the refresher trainings.
We can only accept the one-hour refresher trainings IF:
- you have previously taken the NEW, SEPARATE two-hour trainings EACH, completed after July 1, 2019,
- AND you did not let the new trainings expire,
- AND you upload ALL certificates completed after 2019 to show this.
Mandatory Reporter Trainings
If links are not working directly, you may try right-clicking and opening in a new tab.
22-165 Respondent was charged with being at school event or premises under the influence or under the possession of illegal or unauthorized drugs. She agreed to a public reprimand, a suspension of her license for three years and she will complete ethics training, undergo a substance abuse evaluation and a comprehensive mental health evaluation.
23-46 Respondent was charged with repeatedly exposing students or other practitioners to embarrassment and disparagement and failing to comply with a law applicable to professional obligations. He agreed a receive a written reprimand and undergo a mental health evaluation to establish and maintain appropriate teacher-student boundaries.
23-15 Respondent was charged with failing to protect the health and safety of students and creating conditions harmful to student learning. He agreed to a written reprimand and to take ethics for educators.
23-73 Respondent was charged with being under the influence at school or at a school activity. He agreed to a written reprimand.
23-72 Respondent was charged with being under the influence at school or at a school activity. She agreed to a written reprimand.
23-67 Respondent was charged with distorting subject matter for which educator bears responsibility, and willfully failing to conform to minimum standards of acceptable educational practice. He agreed to a written reprimand and not to assume responsibility for inputting sport scores.
23-32 Respondent was charged with vacating a contract. Her sanction was a letter of reprimand.
23-35 Respondent was charged with being on school premises or at a school sponsored event under the influence or possessing alcohol. She agreed to a written reprimand, a deferred suspension minimum twelve months, ethics class, and a comprehensive substance evaluation.
23-88 Respondent vacated a contract. He agreed to a written reprimand.
22-199 & 22-200 Respondent was charged with soliciting, encouraging an otherwise inappropriate relationship with a student. He agreed to voluntarily surrender his license.
23-24 & 23-33 Respondent emailed a screenplay he was writing to a student with sexual language and undertones and engaged in inappropriate communications with students. He agreed to a written Reprimand, suspension of license for a minimum of five (5) years, he can request deferred suspension after two (2) years, he must take ethics for educators, undergo a risk evaluation that includes assessment of ability to maintain appropriate boundaries. During the deferred suspension, after-hour events another licensee present or during all one on one the door must be open, quarterly log of persons present, removed if there is support, and active work-site monitor, quarterly reports from work-site monitor, and refrain from one on one communication with students via texting or email.
23-145 Respondent failed to protect the health and safety of students or created conditions harmful to students. He agreed to a written reprimand, to take ethics for educators, to take a course titled, “Teaching and Modeling Behavior” offered by NFHS, his coaching authorization is suspended until the course is completed, and he acknowledges the handbook requirements.
22-161 Respondent was convicted of a crime, simple assault. He agreed to a written reprimand, to undergo a mental health evaluation including assessment of ability to establish appropriate teacher-student boundaries.
23-94 Respondent was in possession or under the influence of alcohol at a school sponsored activity. She accepted a written reprimand, a suspension of her license for a minimum of one year, taking the ethics class, and a substance abuse evaluation.
23-08 Respondent was charged with not using time or funds granted for the purpose for which they were intended. He agreed to a written reprimand.
22-10 Respondent demonstrated poor boundaries with a student in communication via Snapchat. She agreed to a written reprimand, suspension of her license for a minimum of five years, deferred suspension after December 20, 2024 as long as all other requirements are met, mental health counseling, she will have an active work-site monitor, and an ethics class.
23-144 Respondent was charged with failing to make reasonable effort to protect the health and safety of the students and creating conditions harmful to student learning. He agreed to a written reprimand, to take the ethics class, and complete a course on teaching.
23-12 Respondent was charged with being under the influence at school at school or a school sponsored activity. She agreed to a written reprimand, a deferred suspension her license for one year, to take an ethics class, she agrees to continue treatment, and a substance abuse evaluation.
22-131 Respondent was found to have demonstrated poor boundaries with students. He agreed to a written reprimand, he will not seek renewal of Iowa license until July 1, 2026, he will actively participate in counseling for one year, and a restricted license may be possible after June 1, 2025 or later.
23-59 Respondent was charged with being on school premises or at a school sponsored activity involving students under the influence of, possessing, using, or consuming alcohol. He agreed to voluntarily surrender his license.
23-99 Respondent was charged with failing to account properly for funds collected, willfully and repeatedly departing from or failing to conform to the minimum standards of acceptable educational practice, and willfully or repeatedly failing to practice with reasonable skill and safety. She accepts a written reprimand, to take ethics for educators, to take a course on student assessment and evaluation, and will not be responsible for educational funds for five years.
23-98 Respondent was charged with willfully and repeatedly departing from or failing to conform to the minimum standards of acceptable educational practice, and willfully or repeatedly failing to practice with reasonable skill and safety. He agreed to a written reprimand, to take an ethics class, and to complete course in assessment and evaluation.
23-161 Respondent was charged with possession or under the influence of alcohol at school. She agreed to a written reprimand, deferred suspension of her license for a minimum of one year, to take an ethics class, and undergo a substance abuse evaluation.
23-106 Respondent was charged with failing to make reasonable effort to protect the health and safety of the student or creating conditions harmful to student learning, conducting professional business in such a way that the practitioner repeatedly exposes students to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement, willfully or repeatedly departing from the minimum standards of prevailing educational practice, and willfully or repeatedly failing to practices with reasonable skill and safety. He agreed to a written reprimand, a two-year suspension of athletic coach endorsement, deferred after sixty days, to take an ethics class and a teaching and modeling behavior class, and “Exploring sport coaching and psychology”.
23-93 Respondent admitted possessing alcohol while supervising at a school sponsored activity. He agreed to a written reprimand, a deferred suspension of license for a minimum of three months, any allegations under influence automatic two years suspension, and a substance abuse evaluation.
23-54 Respondent was charged with falsifying or deliberately mispresenting information regarding compliance reports submitted. He agrees to a written reprimand and to take special education law and ethics classes.
23-79 Respondent was charged with conducting professional business in such a way that the practitioners repeatedly exposes students or other practitioners to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. He agreed to a written reprimand, suspension minimum of three years that may become deferred after one year, a worksite monitor, to complete “Connection and Calming Strategies for Today’s Teachers”, work with an educator ethics expert on classroom management, and the terms of local settlement are incorporated.
23-170 & 171 Respondent was charged with a disqualifying crime. He agreed to surrender his license.
22-40 Respondent was charged with multiple violations that caused a student to feel uncomfortable, he failed to make an environment of mutual respect, with professional and positive interaction. He agreed to a written reprimand, suspension minimum of three years, deferred after one-year, ongoing therapy, progress on recommendations from risk evaluation, worksite monitor, complete “Professional Boundaries class from ISEA”.
Voluntary Surrenders
22-130, 23-157, 23-217, 23-90