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Medicaid news for members, providers and stakeholders.
Gov. Reynolds announces Glenwood Resource Center to close in 2024, stresses commitment to residents and staff during transition
On April 7, Gov. Kim Reynolds along with Senate Majority leader Jack Whitver and House Speak Pat Grassley announced that the state intends to close the Glenwood Resource Center (GRC) in 2024. The center, located in Glenwood, currently provides residential care and other services for Iowans with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Here's the why: In Nov. 2019, the Department of Justice (DOJ) launched a two-part investigation into GRC after reports focusing on serious allegations involving GRC and the state's over-reliance on institutional settings for serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Now what: Over the next two years, GRC will continue care for its residents, while working with them and their families to transition them to placements in the community or the Woodward Resource Center. The GRC team are critical during this transition, and will be offered retention incentives to continue working at GRC through the transition. The state will also provide resources for the staff to find new career opportunities as 2024 approaches.
For more information, visit the DOJ webpage.
Federal Public Health Emergency Extended: What it means for you
On April 13, 2022, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) extended the federal public health emergency (PHE) for up to another 90 days.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will provide Iowa Medicaid with a 60-day notice prior to the official end of the PHE, and at that time, further clarification on the ending of Medicaid flexibilities will be communicated by Iowa Medicaid to stakeholders.
What this means for you: Waiver for co-pays, premiums and other Covid-related contributions will continue up until 90 days, assuming the deadline is not extended again.
April 2022 Registration Open for Upcoming Virtual Medicaid Provider and Member Town Halls
Registration is now open for virtual town hall meetings for Medicaid providers and members for April 2022.
Upcoming virtual town hall schedule:
Thursday, April 28, 2022 4 to 5 PM: Providers | 5 to 6 PM: Members
Thursday, May 26, 2022 4 to 5 PM: Providers | 5 to 6 PM: Members
Thursday, June 23, 2022 4 to 5 PM: Providers | 5 to 6 PM: Members
Thursday, July 28, 2022 4 to 5 PM: Providers | 5 to 6 PM: Members
Providers interested in attending any session may register online. Advance registration is encouraged but not required. Login credentials for the virtual meeting will be shared via email on the day of the event with those who have registered. Credentials will also be posted on the DHS website.
Members interested in attending any session may also register online . Advance registration is encouraged but not required. Login credentials for the virtual meeting will be shared on the day of the event with those who have registered and will be posted on the DHS website. Members who need assistance in registering may contact IME Member Services at 1-800-338-8366.
Providers should share this information with members that may be interested in attending a town hall meeting.
Attention Medicaid and Hawki Members! Have you moved recently?
Make sure Iowa DHS has your current mailing address, phone number, and other contact information. We need to be able to contact you so you won’t miss important mailings that may affect your Medicaid or Hawki coverage.
Call the DHS Income Maintenance Customer Service Center at 1-877-347-5678 to update your address or report other changes. Representatives are available to take address updates or other changes Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can visit the DHS website Contact Us page for additional contact information.
Job Opportunities with Iowa Medicaid
DHS-Iowa Medicaid is seeking applicants for the following positions:
Dental Wellness Plan (DWP) and DWP Kids Contacts |
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