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Iowa Board of Nursing - News You Can Use

December 20, 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 12


News & Updates

Holiday closure hours announcement

A Note from the Executive Director

Happy Holidays,

I am hoping this message finds you all safe and healthy as we look forward to the New Year. I reflect on 2021 and think about all the sacrifices nurses have endured, the tremendous hard work completed, the kindness shown to patients and families, and the will to get up every day and do it all over. As the Pandemic continues I hope that you will continue to take care of your profession and peers, your patients, and most of all yourself and family. If you or one of your peers are struggling please reach out to one of the resources we have provided in this publication.

I would also like to encourage you to get to know your legislator. The Legislative session begins on January 10, 2022 and it is important that nurses be informed of legislation which could impact the nursing profession.

As we enter into 2022 remember to:

  • Renew your license on time.
  • Make sure you are up to date on your continuing education hours; 36 hours per renewal cycle.
  • Practice within your scope using sound nursing judgment and accepted standards of care.
  • Review Iowa Code, Chapter 152, Nursing, the law.
  • Review Iowa Administrative Code, 655, the rules which govern the nursing profession.
  • If you know someone who is experiencing substance abuse or mental illness reach out to an appropriate resource.
  • Again take care of yourself, your peers, your friends and family.

With my sincere regards, I wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday,


Kathy Weinberg, Executive Director

The Topic of Abandonment

The Board understands that many nursing settings are experiencing staffing shortages, resulting in difficulties across all areas of nursing. We encourage all nurses to abide by their facility polices, raise any concerns about personal and professional safety with their facilities, and exercise professional judgment.  Above all, licensees must notify the appropriate individuals prior to leaving a shift early or not reporting for a shift, which allows the facility to make arrangements to ensure all patient needs can be adequately met. 

With respect to whether leaving a shift early or failing to report for a shift constitutes abandonment under rule 4.6(4)(g), the Board reviews each complaint it receives on a case-by-case basis.  Accordingly, the Board cannot state unequivocally what conduct constitutes improper abandonment and what does not.  Rather, when considering whether a nurse improperly abandoned his or her nursing assignment, the Board will consider all of the circumstances surrounding the event, including the specifics of the shift; whether the licensee gave adequate notice; available PPE; any relevant guidance from the Iowa Department of Public Health, the CDC, or other entities; whether actions short of abandonment could have been taken; whether patients were harmed or could have been harmed as a result; and any other relevant factors that weigh on whether the alleged abandonment rises to the level of violating rule 4.6(4)(g).  

Nurses who are experiencing hardships are encouraged to utilize the many resources available through state and national entities who are offering support and services during this difficult time. 

See the American Nurses Association COVID-19 Resource Center for assistance with mental health self-care tools. 

ANA's COVID-19 Self-Care Package for Nurses (Free)

Iowa Nurses Association - COVID-19 Resources page. Scroll down to the self care and mental health tools heading. 

COVID Recovery Iowa offers free virtual counseling and assistance for all Iowans affected by COVID-19. 

American Psychiatric Nurses Association - Self Care Tips for NursesWhole Health begins with mental health.

89th Iowa General Assembly

The 2022 Iowa Legislative Session Timetable has been released by the Iowa Legislative Services Agency (LSA). The first day of the session begins January 10th and runs through April 19th, but the schedule is subject to change. 

Nurses are encouraged to review the Iowa Legislature website to find and contact their legislators and to search for legislation of interest. There is streaming audio and video of House and Senate proceedings when they are in session and it's a great way to see the legislative process in action. 

As of this writing the Iowa Board of Nursing does not have any legislation that will be introduced in this 89th General Assembly. The Board's executive director and other board staff closely monitor bills of interest and attend committee meetings, as applicable. The Board has established a Legislative Committee, consisting of Mark Odden, Amy Beltz, and Gordon Goettsch who will review legislation throughout the session. 

NLC tip of the week logo

What are some key characteristics/benefits of licensure compacts?


 Licensure compacts:

  • Enable mobility by removing barriers to cross-border practice;
  • Authorize sharing of information between member states
  • Are binding in nature -- member states are accountable to comply;
  • Utilize public protection models of licensure;
  • Enable telehealth practice; and
  • Fix the problem of single state licensure

See the graph of the progression of healthcare licensure compacts by clicking HERE.

For additional information about the NLC, See these links:

Safe House Project

Nurses are uniquely positioned to help eradicate human trafficking. See this announcement from the Safe House Project about training available to healthcare workers.

H.O.P.E. (Healthcare Observations for the Prevention & Eradication of Human Trafficking) Training. This training was created  by the Academy of Forensic Nursing, human trafficking survivors, healthcare leaders, and Safe House Project. It is a survivor-informed, trauma-informed, and patient-centered video-based training that equips all healthcare workers to identify potential human trafficking victims, give support, and offer resources. This training offers nurses 2.5 hours of CE credits, approved by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Iowa nurses may use these credits towards license renewal. 


The Board of Nursing office will be closed December 23rd and 24th, in observance of the Christmas Day state holidays. Regular office hours will resume on Monday, December 27th. The office will be closed on Friday, December 31st for the New Year's Day state holiday.

Nursing Sound Report Podcast Logo

The latest podcast episode about the topic of enforcement is posted! Check out Nursing Sound Reports at the following links:

Enforcement - The Discipline Arm of the Board

News to Know

Click on the underlined headings for more information. 

Upcoming Board Meetings are listed on the Board's website

The next regularly scheduled board meeting is January 19 - 21, 2022. 

Agendas (posted no later than 24 hours before a meeting) and approved minutes can be found at Board Meeting Records


The latest proclamation of disaster emergency was signed by Governor Kim Reynolds on December 10, 2021, and now runs through January 9, 2022. For ongoing guidance and information please refer to the Board's COVID-19 website page, or the State's Iowa COVID-19 information page, where a more comprehensive overview can be viewed.  

Future Ready Iowa - Last Dollar Scholarship Information

Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses - Take a look at these scholarship opportunities:

The Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program (LRP) is open for applications. Special funding has been set aside for nurses and nurse faculty who specialize in women's and behavioral health. The application cycle ends on January 13, 2022. 

The Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) application cycle is open. The application cycle ends on January 13, 2022.

HHS Announces Record Health Care Workforce Awards in Rural and Underserved Communities - 

See the HHS press release dated 11/22/2021

The Iowa Nurse Assistance Program is offered by the Iowa Board of Nursing as a resource for individuals who are impaired due to substance use or by any mental or physical condition. Contact staff at for assistance. 

News You Can Use is the official means of communication from the IBON to Iowa Nurses

News archives may be found at this LINK

two women dressed in scrubs looking at a computer