August 2020
30th Anniversary!
Last month we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This legislation protects the rights of people with disabilities of all ages and has helped reshape our nation in ways that benefit all Americans. For more information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) click here.
Caregiver Wellness Webinar Series
The Caregiver Wellness Webinar Series is hosting a webinar on August 11th, 2020 Caregiver Fatigue & Self-Care with Dr. James Coyle and The Ins & Outs of In-Home Care with Karen Huber. The webinar will begin at 1:00pm. For more information on the Caregiver Wellness Series click here. To register for the webinar click here. To call in and listen, dial 833 548 0276 and use ID # 880 3856 5496.
Engage Virtually!
Stay in touch with family and friends during the uncertain and isolating times of COVID-19. EdX has more than 2,500 free courses available online. Subjects range from computer science to arts and humanities to foreign languages. There is something for everyone! Click here for more information and resources on engaging with family and friends and click here for information on edX.
United States Census Bureau
The United States Census Bureau has multiple short articles about various subject areas with recent data and information about COVID-19. Click here to see featured stories on various topics such as families, housing, employment, business, education, the economy, emergency preparedness, and population. An example of one of the articles is seen above "How Resilient Are Communities to Disasters". To read that article click here.
Feeding Iowans Task Force
The Iowa Department on Aging is a proud partner of Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg's Feeding Task Force. For more information please see below.
Iowa Able
Iowa Able assists individuals in achieving and maintaining financial stability to live as independently as the individual can. They offer financial empowerment programs with classes, coaching, and one on one meetings to build skills and understanding. Financial coaching is available as well for those who may need short-term support or situational advising. Their goal is to help provide education, to help build healthy financial habits, and individual skills.For more information click here.
Fresh Conversations Nutrition Education
Fresh Conversations Nutrition Education is going virtual! Check with ones local Area Agency on Aging about virtual nutrition education options this month. For more information click here.
Social Connectedness for the Homebound
Staying socially connected while physically distancing is extremely important. Social Isolation can contribute to depression and poor health outcomes. Check out these resources for weekly chat groups and crisis intervention hotlines. For more information click here.
Fighting Opioid Addiction
Iowa Department on Aging and Milestones, Heritage, NEI3A, and Aging Resources AAA are coordinating with the Rx Abuse Leadership Initiative (RALI) of Iowa and CHP community to distribute drug disposal kits and safety information to fight opioid addiction.
September 21st - 25th , 2020 is Falls Prevention Awareness Week!
National Center on Law and Elder Rights Legal Services and Disaster Assistance for Older Adults
Legal help during a disaster can be invaluable. With summer storms upon us, the National Center on Law and Elder Rights (NCLER) has put together a list of legal resources available. These resources can provide counseling and advice; preparedness toolkits; and even guides to receiving medical care during a disaster. Click here for more information.
August 11 - Caregiver Fatigue & Self-Care Webinar