 August 2018
 When my oldest son was born in 2005, before the full bloom of social media, I created a blog (“A Little Wiser”) so that my wife and I could share pictures with friends and family. As Facebook rose in popularity, our blog posts waned in frequency. All we wanted to do was quickly share slices of our life with the occasional witty quip, and we found an easier way to do it.
Today, though, I’m returning to the world of blogging, albeit in a professional capacity. This new blog will allow me to share my monthly School Leader Update columns, pictures of school visits, and my Twitter feed all in one conveniently located place. It will also provide another opportunity for me to engage directly with Iowans who are passionate about improving education in our state. I hope you’ll give it a look!
As I was preparing to launch the blog, I looked back at the articles I’ve written over the last three years as director. While I have covered a range of themes, my posts have consistently focused on a few key priorities: creating the nation’s most robust system of teacher leadership; supporting schools’ early literacy efforts; developing and implementing rigorous academic standards; crafting a system of accountability, support and continuous improvement through Differentiated Accountability and the Every Student Succeeds Act; and ensuring Iowa’s students are Future Ready by having access to high-quality career and technical education and work-based learning experiences.
I have also used my column to share insight into the Department’s mission (“Creating excellence in education through leadership and service”) and vision (“Iowa learners experience high levels of success and develop the capacity to continually grow as successful, healthy, and productive citizens in a global community”). While my writing tends to focus often on kindergarten through 12th grade, I was reminded several times in the past month of the critical importance of supporting both our youngest (birth to five) and oldest learners (adults).
 Over the past couple of years, the Iowa Department of Education has moved much of its regular email correspondence to a web-based service called GovDelivery. On your end, the only thing that changed was the “from” email address, which can come from one of three different email addresses: IADeptofEd@public.govdelivery.com, StateOfIowa@public.govdelivery.com, or IowaBOEE@public.govdelivery.com. Be sure to check your spam/junk folders for emails from these addresses to make sure our emails aren't getting caught in your filters. You are also encouraged to ask your IT support team to whitelist the three email addresses as well. If you have any questions, contact Lisa Albers at lisa.albers@iowa.gov.
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School administrators are
invited to register for the Future Ready Iowa Regional Summits
this fall to collaborate with local partners on workforce solutions.
The summits are
scheduled for late September and early October in nine communities: Atlantic, Burlington, Davenport, Denison, Fort Dodge, Muscatine, Pella, Sheffield and Spencer. The events will bring together partners in education, business,
economic development and community to create local strategies that ensure
Iowans are future ready.
The summits will
provide a platform for strategies outlined in the Future Ready Iowa Act. Each summit will provide tailored discussions on how
to find, use and talk about a community’s occupation, income, education and
demographic data. Partners will also discuss underrepresented populations,
business/education partnerships and preparation for the changing workforce.
Future Ready Iowa’s
goal is for 70 percent of the state’s workforce to have education or training
beyond high school by 2025. Register to attend a summit at FutureReadyIowa.gov/Summits.
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Iowa’s Regent
universities offer the Transfer in
Iowa website to assist students navigate the college transfer process and
plan for their academic future.
Each year, thousands
of students, including high school students taking college-level courses,
transfer from Iowa’s community colleges to state public universities. This is a
big step, so the website was designed to provide information to answer the
question - How will my credits transfer?
Students will discover
how their community college courses transfer to the Regents by following links
on the website. They can also learn about individual program articulation
agreements between various institutions.
In addition to using this
online resource, students should discuss their plans with both community college
and university advisors. The website provides contact information for transfer
advisors at each institution.
School districts should encourage the use of Transfer in Iowa by
all students interested in attending college, as well as academic counselors.
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 Registration is under way for an all-day workshop designed to help schools create high-quality emergency plans that cover active shooter and natural disaster events.
Passed into law by the Legislature (Senate File 2364), it requires all k-12 schools in Iowa to write plans that prepare for these events.
The workshops are being held throughout the state at each Area Education Agency,
As opposed to district-wide emergency plans, each school must have a high-quality emergency plan that is unique to each building.
The workshop will focus on specific planning required. Attendees will also learn how to form a planning team. All schools in Iowa must have their plans completed by June 30, 2019.
The workshops are held in September and October. Register for the workshop nearest you. To view trainings by region, visit the training schedule.
For questions, contact David Johnston with Homeland Security and Emergency Management at 515-725-3295 or David.Johnston@iowa.gov or Nicole Proesch at nicole.proesch@iowa.gov.
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 Iowa Learning Online (ILO) is currently
accepting enrollments for the Fall 2018 and
Spring 2019
terms. ILO offers high school learning opportunities for Iowa students
through high quality, rigorous courses delivered online. All courses are taught
by Iowa licensed and appropriately endorsed teachers. ILO is also offering Branch Out,
a service designed to help schools take the first step to offering their own
online service. ILO provides the infrastructure and courses, and the local
school provides the teacher.
View our website to see our course offerings or sign up.
To better meet student needs and diverse schedules of Iowa schools, ILO will
provide two separate cohorts offset by two weeks.
Fall 2018 Cohort A: Aug. 23 – Dec. 19
Fall 2018 Cohort B: Sept. 6 – Jan. 11
Spring 2019 Cohort A: Jan. 2 - May 7
Spring 2019 Cohort B: Jan. 16 - May 17
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 The Iowa Department of Education Title III staff are planning a two-day staff development event with no registration fee for educators across Iowa.
Trainings will be limited at this point, but will include training for general educators and content teachers who teach English Learners. One hundred and fifty people will be selected to attend one day on Oct. 4 or 5, and one day on Dec. 6 or 7. To apply to attend, submit this EL Professional Development form by Sept. 15.
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 Beginning Aug. 1, all Iowa schools must use the
new English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21)
Dynamic Screening Assessment for decisions regarding possible student placement
in English language instructional programs, and the Tennessee English Language Placement
Assessment (TELPA) is no longer accepted. A webinar posted on the ELPA21
page of the Iowa Department of Education website provides an
overview of the screener and the process for online administration. More details, including administration
certification, are available in online training courses found at AEA Learning Online.
Dynamic Screener Training – Required for all school district staff
members who will administer the screening assessment (consists of two modules).
up for ELPA21 Assessment – Highly recommended for any school district staff
member new to the online ELPA21 Assessment System.
For assistance, contact
Jennifer Riedemann at 515-661-7066 or jennifer.riedemann@iowa.gov.
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Iowa College Aid has enhanced the Course to
College program to include five initiatives; College Application Campaign,
FAFSA Completion, College Decision Day, Summer Transition and Early Awareness.
Registration opens Aug. 1 for schools to participate.
Schools that register will receive free marketing materials,
incentives and program support from Iowa College Aid. New this year is level of
participation. Schools can choose between being a partner or participant
school. Partner schools sign into an agreement to provide data back to Iowa
College Aid around each initiative. This is in an effort to further develop
Course to College programming and promote a college-going culture in school
buildings, school districts, communities and the state.
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 The Student
Reporting in Iowa (SRI) team is excited to host its second annual new user
training for all new administrators, counselors, business managers, and
administrative staff that are new to the Student Reporting and Certified
Enrollment, and/or Supplementary Weighting. This training will be on Wednesday,
Sept. 5 from 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. in the
Grimes Building, Room B100 (basement) in Des Moines. Registration is required.
The training
will be geared specifically to those new to these processes and will walk
through detailed steps of getting data to the state from the Student
Information System, understanding the validation process, approving data to the
next step, and reviewing reports on SRI and Certified Enrollment.
Schimelfenig, from the Iowa Department of Education, will discuss the larger
picture and how various pieces of SRI data can be used in billing other
districts, and how these data are used in other Department applications.
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Does your
district have new staff people working with Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI)
this fall? If yes, log into spring SRI
and update the district contact information so the correct people receive emails
regarding SRI updates, deadlines, documentation, etc. Hint:
If you want more than one person listed as a contact, just use a semi-colon
to separate the email addresses.
If a school district
has new staff working with the Student State ID system or Student Locator
Framework, contact Becca Wemhoff at (515) 281-5471, or David Canaday at (515)
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Mark your
calendars for training opportunities related to Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI)
Aug. 13, 2 p.m.: State ID webinar overview
of the State ID application, including best practices. Primary focus on
resolving near matches.
Aug. 14, 9 a.m. or Aug. 15 at 1 p.m.: Student Locator
Framework (SLF) Refresher webinar will re-familiarize and guide participants
through the process of the SLF - Student Locator application.
Aug. 14, 10 a.m. or Aug. 16, 2 p.m.: SRI Updates, 2018-19
webinar will provide an overview of new, deleted and changed data elements.
Open to public and nonpublic school staff.
Aug. 15, 1:30 p.m.: Graduate Verification
webinar covers how to report summer graduates for inclusion in the 2018 cohort.
The application provides a complete list of district reported graduates, and
all accountable graduates to district schools. Certification deadline is Aug.
Visit the SRI website for a pre-recorded webinar about guidance for Non-Fall Supplementary Weighting application. Certification
deadline is Aug. 24.
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 This year the Iowa
Legislature appropriated 7.8 million dollars for public school districts to
implement Early Literacy Progression (Iowa Code Section 279.68) during the
2018-19 school year. The application is now available on the IowaGrants website. Districts are encouraged to complete this application as soon
as possible, but no later than Oct. 31. Implementation guidance and
instructions for accessing the application are found on the Iowa Department of Education’s website.
For questions, contact
Meredith MacQuigg at (515) 490-5610 or meredith.macquigg@iowa.gov.
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 Per Iowa Administrative Code 16.9(5), districts with an
appropriately licensed and endorsed teacher available by Oct. 1, may accept SWVPP
funding for classrooms.
All SWVPP teachers, including community partners, must have a valid
teaching license and one of the following endorsements: #100 (Prekindergarten –
Grade 3, including special education); #103 (Prekindergarten - kindergarten); #106
(Prekindergarten – Grade 3); #1001 (Birth – Grade 3, inclusive settings); or Class
B conditional license in one of the listed endorsements. Endorsements #100 and
#1001 are acceptable for SWVPP teachers who are responsible for early childhood
special education instruction; otherwise, endorsements #262 and #103 or #106 are
If licensure requirements are not met prior to Oct. 1,
districts may not be able to include the current year's children for certified
enrollment, thereby affecting future funding.
Contact the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners for specific endorsement requirements.
For information on SWVPP requirements, visit the Statewide Voluntary Preschool
Program web page or contact Jennifer
Adkins at (515) 954-5652 or jennifer.adkins@iowa.gov.
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 A school wellness policy guides efforts to establish an environment that promotes students’ health, well-being, and ability to learn (Sec.204 of Public Law 108-265). Policies are required to include standards for foods and beverages provided to students during the school day, including rewards. Using food as a reward can have negative consequences:
- Encourages consumption of foods high in sugar.
- Contradicts classroom lessons on nutrition.
- Teaches youth to eat as a way to reward themselves.
Effective student rewards fit naturally into the context of the school community and can support a healthy environment. How can you get started?
- Find a teacher to be a healthy rewards champion.
- Provide small prizes with donations or PTA/ PTO funds.
- Generate a list of rewards involving recognition, privileges, and opportunities.
- Seek input from students.
For ideas and resources, visit the School Wellness Policy webpage or contact Carrie Scheidel at (515) 281-4758 or carrie.scheidel@iowa.gov.
Van Allen PBIS Rewards Menu courtesy of Van Allen Elementary, Chariton Community School District.
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 When considering strategies to reduce waste in school meal programs,
first focus on ways to increase consumption (i.e. offer vs. serve, adequate
time to eat, variety of foods, etc.). If food waste is still a concern,
consider a Sharing Table - a station where students may place items they choose
not to eat and are made available for other students or utilized in the nurse’s
office, afterschool activities, etc.
What can be placed on a Sharing Table? Packaged shelf-stable foods (crackers, cereal packs, etc.) or whole
What about milk, string cheese, or yogurt? A variance needs to be submitted to the Iowa Department of
Inspections and Appeals that includes a food safety plan.
For more information and access to resources, visit the Food
Waste Reduction in School Meals webpage or contact Carrie Scheidel
at (515) 281-4758 or carrie.scheidel@iowa.gov.
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The sounds of summer days and
summer nights are about to come to an end. One of my favorite things to do is
sit on the porch as the sun goes down and the air starts to cool off from a hot
summer day. I love to watch the sun set and feel the summer night air. The kids
also enjoy playing outside on summer nights when it is cooler out. I am not
quite ready for this to end and for school to start. Soon we will be back to
homework and early bedtimes. For now I will savor the moment and enjoy what
little bit of summer we have left.
As we wind down our summer days and
summer nights, it’s time to get ready for another school year. School safety will be a big priority this
year, so make sure to sign up your school safety personnel for the Emergency Operations
Planning Workshop. Training dates are set in each AEA, and space is limited.
Now, in this final summer edition
of Legal Lessons, I bring
to you yearly reminders on Top Five Registration Issues, Fee Reminders, Fee Waivers, and FERPA Notices.
Contact Nicole Proesch for all Legal Lessons items at nicole.proesch@iowa.gov or 515-281-8661.
For questions regarding students with disabilities please contact Thomas Mayes at 515-242-5614 or thomas.mayes@iowa.gov.
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Iowa Department of Education 400 E 14th Street Grimes State Office Building Des Moines, Iowa 50319 Ph: 515-281-5294 www.educateiowa.gov