Human Services/FCS Update August 2017

Division of Community Colleges & Workforce Preparation

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Welcome back to school

Message from Lisa

It was great to see many of you at the joint IFCSE/IAFCS conference in Ames this past June!  It is always a pleasure to see the amazing things that you all do for our students and the networking and camaraderie for all things FCS is exhiliarating! The bonus having it in Ames this year was that we had a record number of undergraduate FCEDS teacher preparation students in attendance that were just as excited to learn and network with all of you!  Here's a few highlights!

 IFCSE Conference Kuhse session IFCSE Conference session

IFCSE Conference pictures Dean Jolly & Barbara Woods 

It was also wonderful to travel with a large number of Iowa CTE professionals to the Association for Career and Technical Education's (ACTE) Region III conference in Indianapolis.  We had several FCS educators in the group and we learned a lot as we "Geared up & Took Off" with other CTE professionals from all six states in our Region! Several schools used their Regional Planning Partnership (RPP) dollars for this excellent professional development opportunity. Of course, we also managed to have a little fun too!  

   Region III ACTE Iowa group

FCS National Standards 3.0

For those of you in attendance at the IFCSE conference the first day, you were able to get a draft hard copy of the new FCS standards.  For the final version, please click here.  Please note that the CTE Legislation (HF 2392) directed the CTE Bureau to adopt standards.  Our FCS Program Management Committee adopted these standards for our use in June of 2017.  They are the ones that you will use as you prepare for the next part of the Bill - Mandatory Program Approval (more on that at a future date!).  

Gayla Randall helped us look at how our standards meet overall program goals in Human Services.  It is tough to set aside the courses we teach and first look at overall program goals, but that is the best way for us to understand how Programs of Study work. Rather than a collection of courses, Programs of Study utilize a set of standards that lead toward specific competencies in an area of study. As I shared in my closing Keynote - the bulk of our 376 FCS programs at the secondary level in Iowa are designated as comprehensive "FCS" programs. These programs must have a minimum of 3 Carnegie units of coursework (A Carnegie unit is one full year of a course - so many of our programs have 6 courses since most electives are semester-long courses.) within a career cluster.  The classification of instructional program (CIP) number that our comprehensive programs lead to are careers in the Family & Community Services field (the reason we focused only on Human Services standards on day one of the conference).

 CIPs in Iowa related to FCS

Following the conference, we had a small group of MS and HS educators meet to work with the standards as a first step to developing a model program of study for comprehensive programs and the middle school. The CTE Bureau is working on documents to help you with the pieces of program approval at the HS level. If you have any questions, or wish for me to come for a visit with your district, region, or consortium please let me know as I would be happy to work with you as you work to meet the requirements for the self study and program approval process.  MORE on this in next month's newsletter!

FCS Requirements in Iowa Code

Speaking of HF 2392, there are still questions about what is required for FCS teaching content related to Iowa Code. You will find the updated code excerpt on the Human Services/FCS page found here.  This is the most recent update from December of 2016.  For middle school in particular, this is what you should follow as you determine what to cover -- foundational AND career concepts in the CTE service area of Human Services in addition to financial literacy, family life and consumer sciences and employability skills (what I would term "life literacy" skills).

 Family, Career and Community Leaders of America

FCCLA logo                                                                      

The Iowa State Executive Council (SEC) for the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America met over the 2017 summer to prepare for the upcoming school year. Our meetings kept us busy as we prepared scripts and wrote skits for the National Leadership Conference (NLC) in Nashville, Tennessee. We also chose the theme “Blast to the Past” for the 2017-2018 conference that will present a great opportunity for us to move forward into the future, while embracing our past.

Iowa FCCLA attendees competed in STAR events, networked, and collected pins from all over the nation at NLC. Leadership Academies were included in each officer's schedule to help them gain more leadership skills for their roles in Iowa FCCLA.  SEC announced the theme in a fun way, told members about upcoming events at the conference, and helped the group vote for National Officers. Although NLC attendees and the officers had a lot on their plates, they also had time to explore a few of the tourist attractions Nashville has to offer. They went to “the nation's best fireworks”, enjoyed a musical dinner cruise aboard a river showboat, and went to a country music concert, along with the many other activities Nashville provided. 

The SEC Fall Leadership training will help to prepare the officers for their duties this school year. There will be group bonding, a community service project, and time to work on programming. The officers are excited for the year to come and are working hard to keep the Iowa Family Career Community Leaders of America thriving and growing! 

Want to learn more about FCCLA?  Thinking of starting a chapter?  We’d love you see YOU and your students at Fall Leadership Rally at Airport Holiday Inn in Des Moines on October 2nd!  Just contact our Executive Director, Timothy Marx or  State Adviser, Lisa Stange.  For more information on our program of work, and calendar of events, visit our state website!

Yours in Red,

Anna Olson

Vice President of Public Relations

 Anna Olson picture

Culinary Arts Opportunity with the Iowa Restaurant Association  Iowa ProStart Logo 

The Iowa Restaurant Association is hosting a Prostart Awareness and Iowa Restaurant Association Education Foundation (IRAEF) Fundraiser on Tuesday, October 17 from 9 to 2.  IRAEF Executive Director and Iowa ProStart Coordinator, May Schaben is looking for 4 - 6 students from 6 different high schools to work with top Quad City area chefs to prepare 6 different items for a luncheon buffet to be served to community leaders, the general public, restauranteurs, education leaders and the like.  The event will be held at the Quad Cities Waterfront Convention Center in Bettendorf.  Students and educators will have the opportunity to eat what they've prepared and learn a little more about the Iwoa ProStart Program in addition to experiencing a fabulous learning/mentoring opportunity.  

May has room for 3 more schools to participate in the mentoring experience and will accept your calls on a first-come, first-served basis to get your students this excellent experience!  Contact her at 515-419-1863 or you may email her.  For those of you interested in attending (with or without students), cost for the buffet is $15/perons and you can make your reservations by calling the Iowa Restaurant Association office at 515-276-1454.  Hope to see you there!


Check out these resources I rean across this summer for you!  

Tips for first year teachers

Iowa Safe Schools Alliance (ISSA) video contest

Free Lessons for your CTE Classroom from iCEV

Iowa Biotech Educator resources

Wednesday Wonders Early Access Iowa

Early EdU Alliance teaching practices modules/videos

Budget Challenge Personal Finance Simulation

The ten-item wardrobe TEDx

FoodSpan food system curriculum

ASCD Educational Leadership Free Summer digital edition

My Classroom Economy

FONA International Lesson Plans and Activites for Flavor

Getting it Right For Our Babies YouTube Clip

Practical Money Skills online activities


Cutthroat Kitchen picture   Colton Austin Photo 

Colton Austin, former student of Jessie Palmer at Fort Dodge High School won the Food Network's Cutthroat Kitchen in the episode that first aired at 8pm on July 5th!  CONGRATULATIONS Colton (and Jessie!).  Way to do Iowa proud!!!!

Marjorie Lane Picture    IFCSE picture of award winner  FCCLA winners picture

Congratulations to the following 2017 Iowa Family and Consumer Sciences (IFCSE) award recipients!  They will go on to the respective awards at the state Iowa ACTE level:

Educator of the Year - Marjorie Lane

Lifetime Achievement Award - Debb Kent

Student of the Year - Cady (Wendel) Mead

The following FCCLA advisers were recognized at the National Leadership Conference in Nashville this summer:

Spirit of Advising:  Janice Halupnik

Master Adviser:  Lisa Konecne and Courtney Teghtmeyer

Adviser Mentor:  Mary Sents


FY18 Professional Development Opportunities and Conferences


AND one last thought.....I am a follower of Jennifer Gonzales (a.k.a. Cult of Pedagogy).  She has some excellent posts that get me thinking and is spot on when it comes to helping people make sense of this thing called education.  I'm sure many of you have seen this post before, but it is definitely worth the look prior to starting this new year for all of us - from the 1st year teacher, to the experienced teacher that is in their final semester of educating young minds!  Please check it out, and I wish you all the very best start to the new school year!   


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Lisa G. Stange, NBCT, MA Ed
Education Program Consultant
Family and Consumer Sciences
Bureau of Career and Technical Education
Division of Community College & Workforce Preparation
Iowa Department of Education
Grimes State Office Building
400 East 14th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
515-242-5032 (O)
515-414-0864 (C)
Twitter: LGStange
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