News From the City of Treasure Island • Nov. 2, 2022 |
At last night's (Nov.1) City Commission Meeting, Florida State Representative Linda Chaney presented the city of Treasure Island with a check in the amount of $1.5 million for the city’s reconstruction and elevation of their wastewater master pump station. This project will in turn increase hardening and resiliency for the barrier island's most critical asset to protect against storm surge associated with a Category 3 hurricane.
On Oct. 28, City officials gave a tour of the future sight of the Treasure Bay Living Shoreline Project to:
- Wes Brooks, Chief Resilience Officer, FLSOR
- Melissa Corbett, Community Resilience Planner, DEO
- Jennifer Green, State Drainage Engineer, FDOT
- Mary Jane Hayden, State Pavement Engineer, FDOT
- Tom Ries, Consultant Project Manager for the Treasure Bay Living Shoreline Project Southeast Biological Services and Restoration Director for Environmental Science Associates
Information about the project:
- Resilient, nature-based adaptation. Replacement of 2340 feet of failing seawall with a living shoreline or enhanced seawall and adding a perimeter berm to absorb wave energy and provide protection against Sea Level Rise.
- Habitat creation. Oyster domes and native vegetation will provide essential fish habitat.
- Education & Recreation. Project signage will explain the various shoreline designs. A walking trail, boardwalk, and kayak launch will provide public waterfront interaction opportunities.
- Water Quality Enhancement will be achieved by restoring the ecological function of two on-site ponds that currently drain to Boca Ciega Bay Aquatic Preserve via dredging nutrient-laden sediments, adding littoral shelves and aeration.
- Construction plans are 70% complete. Permit pre-application meetings held; applications are nearly finalized.
Join us as we celebrate the 37th Annual Treasure Island Lighted Boat Parade on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2022. The Treasure Island Boat Parade is a dazzling nautical spectacle featuring a variety of boats, and one of the largest lighted boat parades in the Tampa Bay area!
A Holiday Celebration will be held at Treasure Bay from 5-7:30 pm to get the excitement started. There will be a DJ, a visit by Santa and Mrs. Claus, interactive entertainers, and food/beverage concessions with a spectacular location to view the boat parade.
The parade will begin promptly at 6:20 p.m. just south of the Treasure Island Bridge. The route travels south of Paradise Island, back through the Treasure Island Causeway Bridge at 7 p.m., around Isles of Palms and Capri, and finishes at John’s Pass at approximately 8:15 p.m.
For additional information, please call the Treasure Island Parks and Recreation Department at 727-547-4575, ext. 221.
On Oct. 27, the Treasure Island Police Department was recognized at the FDOT West Central - District 7 Enhanced Law Enforcement Engagement 2022 Awards as a top performing agency working toward zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries. Because of the efforts of our officers, TIPD was awarded a new traffic speed trailer.
Treasure Island Residents and visitors will have an opportunity to sit down or stop by and enjoy a tasty ice cream treat with Treasure Island Fire Rescue personnel. Whether you have questions about the department or simply just want to get to know the crew a bit better, stop by to say hello.
Additionally, there will be some giveaways and some TIFA (Treasure Island Fire Association) items available for purchase.
Event will be at Super Scoops, 11025 Gulf Blvd.
* You may even encounter TIFR's newest member “Captain” enjoying a pup cup.
CLICK HERE to check out the Facebook Event and set a reminder for when the event is approaching.
See what referendum questions will appear on the Nov. 8 General Election Ballot and get more information about the general election.